Modi, whose expression became more and more calm, said with a smile.

"In advance? Change the location? Why?" Wuhe Qinli asked subconsciously, then immediately woke up and frowned, "This kind of thing happened just after the people from [DEM Club] arrived in Tiangong City. , Is it the handwriting of [DEM Club]? Do they want to do something in this early school trip?"

" shouldn't be." Modi glanced at the girls in the living room quietly watching him and Wuhe Qinli talking, "It's because another famous high school in Tiangong City wants to join forces with Laichan Middle School. Report this school trip, so when you come to Zen Middle School, this study trip will be held in advance."

"Oh~?" Wuhe Qinli raised his eyebrows.

"It's Rindoji Women's College!" Shiori Wukawa said happily, she was the happiest among the people present.The original location for the school trip was Tokyo, but now it has been changed to Biei Town in Furano City.

And Biei Town in Furano City is a place that Shiori Gokawa has always wanted to visit. Why?

Because of Furano's lavender!

Hinode Park in Kamifurano is the birthplace of Furano lavender and the earliest and most extensive lavender field in Japan.Although the lavender and other things should have been almost thanked when I went this time, Shiori Wukawa still wanted to go to that place.

She has been thinking about this idea for a long time. She wants to lie on the grass with lavender everywhere with her brother, and she wants to have a romantic relationship with her brother in the lavender under the blue sky! !

Because she thought about it for a long time, she even wrote this idea into her profile at school, hoping that her brother would find out one day and take her to Furano!

Unexpectedly, my brother hadn't discovered it yet, so I had the opportunity to go to Furano with my brother on a school trip.Although it is not the best time for the lavender to bloom in midsummer, Shiori Gokawa is still very satisfied and happy!

"Ryndan Temple Women's College??" Wuhe Qinli moved his eyes when he heard her sister's words and turned to her brother, as if asking, and continued: "Ryndan Temple Women's College?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the school, is it very famous?" Tohka was originally indispensable for school trips, but now seeing Shiori's excited look, she thought it was a good where, he asked curiously, "Is that Furano pretty? Shiori?"

"Hehe... Rindan Temple Women's College..." Wuhe Kotori didn't care about Tohka, and looked at Shiori with a very strange expression on his face, and then glared at Modi.

The meaning in that look is that she understands why Modi said that it should not be the ghost of [DEM Club].

Rindoji Women's College... is a full-time girls' school, and the teachers, principals and students in it are all women and girls.It is said that the girls who study in that school are either the daughters of government officials, or the daughters of celebrities, or their fathers must be very rich and rich.

Simply put, it's a school where aristocratic daughters go to school!

And the reason why Kotori Wuhe and Modi showed such expressions is because there is a very famous student in Rindoji Women's College...Yu Xiao Miku!

The super popular superstar and famous girl idol Yu Xiao Miku is studying at Rindo Temple Women's College eagerly to come to Zen Middle School for friendship. They want to hold a school trip together in advance, and it is also the place that Shiori Wukawa wants to go most.

Think about it, there is really no ghost here without Yu Xiaomeijiu doing ghosts!

But that's all about a week from now. Modi doesn't care about this matter now. Anyway, he has the attitude of using soldiers to block water and cover up with Yu Xiaomeijiu.

What he wants to do now is related to [DME Company].

"Come on... Let's ignore the school trip, let's discuss how to deal with Jessica and the others. It's not that simple to turn the arrogant [DEM Club] elite into a well-behaved family pet."

Modi laughed wickedly again.


[PS: People are in Shenzhen, looking for a rental house, yesterday too.Now go out to find it, if it goes well, it should be done today, and you can continue to update it at night! 】

Chapter 169 Modi's Pet Capture Strategy ([-])

The next day, the weekend, is the last day off of the week.

The residents of the Five Rivers and the members attack together.Before the operation, Modi briefly explained his plan.But in one day, Modi didn't have time to make any conspiracies, and Jessica was really not a worthy enemy, and he didn't need to make any conspiracies.

The station of [AST] in Tiangong City is not far from Wuhe’s house, so even the dormitory with [AST] is very close to Wuhe’s house. If you take a bus, it will only be three or four platforms. look.

Jessica and those newcomers from [DME Club] are just new arrivals. Naturally, they don't have their own houses in Tengu City like the locals like Ryoko Hibakata and Origami Tobiichi.According to Origami and Liaozi's understanding, they were all assigned to the collective dormitory of [AST] together.

Although [DME Club] is rich and powerful, there are companies and properties they control everywhere, even in Tiangong City, it is estimated that there are a lot of their properties.But after all, it is only from [DEM], not Jessica. Fighters like Jessica do not have a particularly high status in the huge company, so she can only honestly go to the dormitory instead of the hotel and villa.

Maybe it's because of her low status in the company that Jessica's utilitarianism and jealousy are so important.

Even so, the security of the [AST] collective dormitory is still strictly guarded, with dark posts everywhere, and there are more than two cameras monitoring every corner.Maybe it's because [AST] opposes the elves every day, and they are also afraid that one day the elves will take the initiative to find trouble for them, so they put such strict monitoring and vigilance in the collective dormitory.

At the beginning, Modi and others had been helpless, and it was very difficult to find Jessica inside without disturbing the monitoring of [AST].As a result, Wuhe Qinli, who was desperately thinking about changes, came up with a strategy of curved attack.

"Since you can't directly attack Jessica herself, then first attack the people around Jessica." She looked at her brother like this, "You, yes, it's you. My dear Oni-chan, how did you control it? Tokisaki Kurumi, the murderer? So let's use the same method to deal with these [DEM Club] people!"

"[Servant Contract] can seamlessly control a person, but it must be a woman, and it must be a virgin. In addition, if it is because of the defects of appearance and body that no one is cultivated, I also refuse to accept it." Modi solemnly Said, and then spread out his hands, "Now, choose your target."

Ryoko Hibakata has settled on a beautiful and generous girl. She is Jessica's deputy. If there is information worth exploring somewhere, she will go to investigate first, and then feed back the results to Jessica.With the strength of Modi and his party, they can easily ambush her on her business trip.

Wuhe Qinli objected, on the grounds that 'foreigners are very open, this woman is so old, it is very likely that she has been raped, if she can't control her, she will be shocked by the grass'.

Liaozi under the sun has finalized another girl with a fit body.According to Liaozi's observation, she is the strongest fighter in Jessica's team other than Jessica.And it seems that he has a very hard-working and self-disciplined personality. After coming to Tiangong City, he went to the training ground for training every day except for attending work, but did not go out for shopping and play like other women. The probability of not being cultivated exceeds [-]%.It's just that every evening, she would go for a walk in the park by herself for half an hour, and within that half hour, as long as Modi made a move, it would not be difficult to subdue her.

Modi objected, on the grounds that 'the information shows that this woman is not liked by Jessica because of her outstanding strength, and it is difficult to get close to Jessica in a short period of time, and then complete his goal. '

By the way, although this well-built girl is indeed very good, her face is full of freckles, and she is probably the ugliest of Jessica's subordinates.

The punctual target didn't please Wuhe Qinli and the other girls, and on the contrary, it would offend Modi, so Liaozi under the sun was silent, and ran to the side to observe the enemy's situation quietly.

At this time, Liaozi of the lower part of the day was dumb, Modi and Kotori Wuhe were staring at each other in a cold war, and Origami and Tohka were not good at strategy.In desperation, Shiori Wuhe, who had no fighting strength at all, had to step forward.After a light cough, she said softly, "Brother, since there is nothing we can do here, why not start from the [AST] side?"

Modi and Wuhe Qinli are both extremely intelligent people. Previously, they only focused on playing and confrontation, so their brains did not work.At this time, Shiori Wukawa mentioned it, and the two of them immediately understood that since Jessica and the others lived in [AST]'s dormitory, it meant that [AST] was very easy to approach them.Therefore, if you want to enter the dormitory where the [AST] is stationed without being discovered, as long as there are Liaozi and Origami, it is actually very simple.

As for surveillance and cameras, as long as Origami and Liaozi go to the control room, they can be done temporarily without knowing it.

As a reward, Modi hugged Wuhe Shiori and made a deep mouth, almost making Wuhe Qinli's teeth tickled again with anger.

Action is worse than heartbeat, Modi and his party quickly acted.

First of all, Origami and Ryoko entered the [AST4.9] camp together on the grounds that they went to the dormitory they had been assigned in the dormitory area that they had not been to for a long time.

Then, Liaozi and Origami separated, and came to the monitoring command room with her very high status in the [AST] in Tiangong City.And used some little magic tricks that Modi taught her to confuse the people inside, and make all the cameras that go to the road where Jessica and others are in use.

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