Chapter 185 The wish to burn everything to be fulfilled!

The air was filled with hot breath.If you close your eyes, you will probably feel that you are standing naked in the summer equatorial heat.It was late at night, but the surrounding area of ​​this small square was even hotter than the hottest summer.

What caused all of this was, of course, Alan, the [DEM Club] executive officer who was standing opposite Modi, wearing a gorgeous white feathered kimono that looked very much like [Shenwei Lingji].The power of white flames scattered from her body has indeed affected the surrounding environment. Compared with the time when it was only within a range of tens of meters, the entire square is now shrouded in the huge power of the world.

The other elemental forces in the air were gradually dissipated, and this huge square had a tendency to become the prototype of another world.

This kind of feeling was only felt by Modi when Esdeus launched his ultimate move [Moco Botimo], because her move was originally a move that partially freezes time and space.In my impression, the former imperial minister also used a similar move in the last battle, but the minister relied on absolute power to cause local environmental imbalances.

Now, Allen gave him that feeling too.Although it may not be as strong as the minister and Esdes in terms of strength. But there is already that kind of prototype.Moreover, intuition tells him that if this trend continues, unimaginable things are likely to happen.

So strong, getting stronger and stronger.This is the true power that the Son of the Plane should have!

Tazmi in the previous life did not reach the imperial capital at the beginning of 17, so his Son of Plane was not activated.And Chi Tong, the son of another plane, broke out without any exercise at all because of Modi's protection.Therefore, in the last life, Modi basically did not face the power of the son of the plane.

Modi, the son of the plane of this world, can be [-]% sure that it is Shiori Wukawa, but because of the willfulness and arrangement of the world, Allen actually has this kind of power temporarily.Modi clenched the [Slayer Lord] in his hand, and had to adjust his evaluation of the Son of the Plane and the Will of the World again.He has never underestimated that kind of power since he first came to this world, and now facing this kind of power, he still finds himself underestimating this kind of power.

This is just the world will of a slightly inferior world. If it is the world will of [Heavenly Dao] in the prehistoric world, or the world will of OAA (ONE-ABOVE-ALL) in the Marvel world... If you, a traveler, has passed by at this level, it is estimated that they will arrange an accident and turn it into ashes before the waves start.

Modi could feel that since the first fight, Ellen's power has been continuously improving, and now, the power she burst out is several times that of when she first shot.

"It's not enough, it's not enough, it's not enough! This kind of power still can't beat him~" There was a voice in her heart talking to Ellen, although her whole body was trembling and aching because of the huge power, but Whether it's that voice or Ellen herself, it seems to be giving her more power.Still yearning for more power.

Allen looked at Modi across from him.Surrounded by a powerful golden curse pattern halo, 【Kung Slayer】 exudes a purple-silver spiritual power that is scattered everywhere. Even the strength that he has enhanced several times now seems to be unable to defeat him, as if from the deepest part of the sun Just like the king of the land, even compared with those elves, it is not a terrifying existence of the same level.

Although I don't know why there are beings stronger than elves on the earth, but now she is possessed by the will of the world, she really wants to defeat her.Modi like this is very strong.It is very strong, I am afraid that [DME Club] may not be able to defeat it even if all its combat power is dispatched.I can't figure out why, but now she just wants to defeat the other party!

Let it burn!

Whether it's for the world or for yourself!

Alan chose to give everything he had completely and let his life burn with the support of that power.Ellen, who was possessed by the will of the world and was completely in the state of the Virgin, is basically irrational now.

"Give me strength!" Even though his body had begun to mourn because he couldn't bear the pain of the burning flames, and even though his consciousness was a little blurry, Allen still said to the female voice in his mind who had been talking to him.

The other party seemed to be silent for a while, but in the end she sighed softly and responded to Ellen's request: "Although I seem to have gone too far, but... well, as you wish!"

"Boom!" Unprecedented white flames burned on the white feather clothes kimono, not only the ground, but even the sky began to burn, and the overwhelming power of flames directly engulfed everything around.This square is completely involved in the pure white world.

Unlike Esdeath's pure white world, her world is cold and frozen.The pure white world of Ellen now is hot and burnt out!

Ellen, who is in the state of the Virgin (doesn't understand Baidu), is desperately burning everything in himself at this moment. The white feather kimono that is very similar to [Shenwei Lingji] seems to really feel it. The power that erupted this time is the same as all the previous ones. not on one level.Although it hasn't reached the point where Estes's [Mokbotmo] can corrode and freeze the world by relying on his own inner imagination, it has reached the same level as the Dark Domain that was used in the battle of the ministers.

For the first time, Modi felt a real threat to the realm of vast unknown white flames.It's really hard to imagine that he actually felt the same field of power in Aaron's body when he fought with Esdes and the ministers.It can be said that this is the most powerful enemy he has ever encountered since he came to the world of [Dating].

The power of Jin Chenxi and the power of divinity are in full swing!Without the slightest hesitation, Modi covered his entire body with his greatest strength. If he didn't use it again, his clothes would be finished. The white flames around were so overbearing, as if they had the power to expel everything in time.

The divine power emanating from Modi dispelled the surrounding white flames.Under Allen's sudden burst of power, the entire square has become a mess.The blazing white flames permeate every corner of the square, whether it is a fountain or a green belt, whether it is those stone or metal statues, whether it is those hard marble floors or cement or asphalt floors, all under this kind of flame, Allen's body melted under the frantically burning white flames and turned into boiling magma.

Very beautiful... Ellen suddenly put a hand on her forehead, looking at the land of flames she created, an excited smile finally appeared on her high and beautiful face.Although, there was still uncontrollable pain in that smile, and it was too reluctant for her to use this power.

"Crack!" With the long-awaited sound of metal friction, An Allen lowered his body for the third time and held the unrecognizable weapon in his hand.

Almost at the same time, Modi also made a similar action, but he held the [Slayer of Swordsman] sideways, and then put his right hand on the blade.Then, he firmly grasped the blade of 【Kong Killer】.

A streak of golden solid-like blood slowly flowed out from between his fingers, and then disappeared on the sword of 【Kong Killer】.

The golden-red light instantly covered the original purple-silver magical aura of 【Slayer】. This light extended from the tip of 【Slayer】to Modi's hand. There is also a faint trace of blood in the enchantment of divine power.

This is a method that Modi has never used before, using his blood that is close to the demigod level to enhance weapons.Because of his special bloodline that was mutated during the process of becoming a god interrupted by Esdes, he can maintain all the living habits and characteristics of the human body, while possessing special powers that only the bloodline of a god or a demon king can have. .

Now he chooses to use his own blood to feed 【Kong Slayer】, which is completely the same reason that he uses the blood of gods or demon kings to feed 【Kong Slayer】, which will greatly temporarily enhance the power of 【Kong Slayer】 and strength!

The white flames around Ellen gathered again, and the blazing flames that even melted the rocks gathered onto the flaming giant sword in her hand.Even with the protection of the unknown white feather coat, Allen still felt that his hands were so hot that they were almost cracked and cooked.

But probably only this kind of power can really knock him down and do something for the world!Yuexiong's mouth was screaming, it was the agitation from the heart, roaring, giving her infinite power.

The light in Modi's hand is getting brighter and brighter, and the gems on the hilt are also about to move. I feel the magical weapon of Modi's blood that contains the breath of divinity. It seems that there is an evolutionary mutation. omen.Because of the gem on the hilt, there are signs of cracking at this moment, as if something in the gem is desperately struggling to get out.

Of course... it may also be that [Kong Sha Gong] can't stand Modi's too powerful blood, that gem is just about to shatter...

"Three, two..." Different from the current violent performance of [Kung Slayer], Modi, who is in the strongest combat state, is calmer than ever. This is the first time he carefully observes Alan who is accumulating power. , and even saw something from her trembling hands that she hadn't noticed before.

Not only the hands, but also the body is shaking | trembling, no matter how you look at it, it looks very reluctant.Although he gritted his teeth, he could still feel the pain.What is it for? Allen wants to become that way, even if he uses the power that makes him so painful that he can't speak, he has to fight him.

Is there such a big hatred between him and her?

I don't know that Alan, who is possessed by the will of the world, is now in the state of the Mother of God who can sacrifice everything for the earth, so Modi has such an idea.

At this moment, Ellen is no longer able to make a sound. Just manipulating the huge power in her body has made her mind close to blank. However, the only purpose of her leaving the hotel this time is imprinted in her mind from beginning to end.

Catch the sprites!Catch the man who shouldn't be on Earth!If you can't catch it, then... expel!

Lock on, target the [Slayer of Swordsman] in the hands of that man!


Chapter 186 The first elves joined forces with the will of the world? ! (4000 word chapter)

[PS: I tried the gorgeous and procrastinated battle writing method. It seems that there is no big problem in writing three times a day, but it seems a little watery... It's almost over, and there are about two chapters before the plot ends. After that It is the strategy plot of Miku and the Eight Mai sisters, and the truth about the reason and system of going to other worlds in the future. 】

[PS: In addition, Valoran will not write for the time being, thankless rhythm!Watching the poll will write the apocalypse of the school in the future... Stay tuned! 】


[Gaia Consciousness] is the source of the planet and all the creatures it nourishes at the beginning of the life of the planet. It is the wisdom consciousness awakened by a living planet in the evolution of billions of years.If the planet is compared to the human body, then Gaia consciousness is the brain of this human body.

[Alaya Consciousness] is the second similar existence born on the planet after [Gaia Consciousness], but it is weaker than [Gaia Consciousness].It is composed of the consciousness collection of all intelligent creatures, including humans, and contains infinite knowledge and force derived from Gaia's consciousness. When humans and all intelligent creatures are threatened by attack, they will automatically form a kind of The force of resistance can be regarded as the soul in the "human" body of the planet.

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