"There is something weird about Irelia!!" Surian and Bradin, who also used spiritual magic to fool the Ionians with the help of the wizard, discovered this the fastest!

Surian resisted the feeling of disgust for Noxus in his heart because he was influenced by spiritual magic. He walked down the giant stage in a hurry, but no one paid attention to him.Because now everyone's attention is attracted by Irelia in the sky, and they are all affected by Modi's spiritual magic.

Surian came to the camp below the giant platform, and miraculously yelled at Bradin: "What are you still doing!! Immediately let the mages counter Irelia's spiritual magic!!"

Bradin replied anxiously, sweating profusely: "The mages are already investigating... but it seems difficult."

"If it goes on like this, those idiots will be attracted to Irelia! Then our big plan may fail!" Surian's beard shook with anger.

Fatty Bradin wiped the sweat from his face, and suddenly saw a magician from their side come over. He seemed to have found a savior and ran over to pull the magician over and bring it to Surian.

"Ask this mage! See who is doing this kind of thing!!"

They had just used this trick not long ago, intimidating and deceiving the Ionians with Bradin's emotional performance and Surian's description of future encounters.The reason why their voices can spread throughout the square, and the reason why their speeches can be so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, is not only because the Ionian people are really under a lot of pressure now, but also because they use spiritual magic that can affect their minds and emotions!

Noxus supported several mages to their surrendering factions, and then there were some mages in these noble forces. These mages jointly spent a lot of precious materials to launch a large-scale spiritual influence expansion magic.

Because of this reason, when the two of them were giving speeches on the giant stage just now, the civilian representatives and nobles below would easily listen to their performances, and one by one became extremely shaken.

Now Modi is doing the opposite, using Irelia, the daughter of Master Rito, who is loved by the whole of Ionia, to come forward. He is unleashing a large-scale spiritual effect magic, and it is only a few days to have Irelia. A word that makes the following Ionian people empathize with the performance.

To put it simply, Surian, the surrender faction, and Modi both used the same means, and now it depends on whose means is more sophisticated.

The mage who was pulled over by Bradin looked solemn, broke away from Bradin's arm and said, "The situation has changed! The enemy's magic is stronger than ours, and it seems to be a new magic that we have never seen before! Spiritual magic is different, this magic actually triggers the synchronization of the soul, it is the magic that acts on the human soul!!”

The simple meaning of what this Master said is: the enemy's magic is stronger than ours!

Of course, the magic is unleashed by Modi.

And Modi still has an identity in the system.

The supreme god of the gods!

Is the spiritual magic that the false gods who created the demagogic cult unleashed, understandable to the mages who think about fighting all day long?


[PS$ This paragraph is very dry, and none of the originally designed bursts are described, or the writing level is too low... But the invincible flow is not suitable for spreading dog blood and enthusiasm... It hurts! 】

Chapter 38 Children of the stars!Demigod Soraka!

When the natives of South America throw a pebble on the seashore, it may be able to set off a tsunami in Japan; when a butterfly in Europe flaps its wings, it may lead to a tornado in North America.

This is the so-called "butterfly effect", which is a theory put forward by an American meteorologist named Lorenz when explaining the theory of the air system in the 70s of the twentieth century.This theory can be simply explained as: a very small change in the initial conditions, through continuous amplification, can make a huge difference in its future state.

Now that there is one more person in the time of Runeterra, has the story of this world changed?

If Modi was in the world of Azeroth where the time-manager bronze dragons were present, it might not have caused much change, because bronze dragons are absolutely not allowed.Unless he can fight against the entire bronze dragon clan or even the entire guardian dragon clan with one person.

It's just that in Valoran, he doesn't have to fight those time guardians and the like.

In this world, he is free.

Therefore, he dared to use a wide range of psychedelic magic to help Irelia, to deceive the minds of the Ionians, and let this group of weak people who are afraid of Noxians have the courage to fight against the Noxians. texas.

What Modi uses is not so much magic, but more like magic.

At first, he was almost turned into a god by the power of faith of thousands of believers, and finally he was moved by the barbaric hulai of Esdes.So the power of belief did not make him a god, but remodeled his body, allowing his body to evolve and mutate but still maintain the shape and consciousness of a human being.

And then let him master several kinds of special powers that can only be used by gods in a human body.

The power of divinity and the magic he now uses are just two of those special powers.

At this moment, Irelia in the sky is blessed by various powers of Modi, and she can be regarded as another kind of Modi's existence at this moment.

The power of [Jin Chenxi] makes her glow and heat, the power of divinity makes her look like a god, and the power of magic makes her very easy to move the ordinary people below. human heart.

"Noble Ionians! Are you really willing to serve as slaves of subjugation?! You want to be like those of other countries and national medicines conquered by Noxus after the subjugation of the country. Noxians invade others. Minions and cannon fodder!!"

"Yes! Resisting the fear-mongering Noxians might kill us! Like the fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons we've all lost! But if we don't resist, our women will be Noxians. Slaves of the people! Our men will be their cannon fodder for filling the trenches!!"

"Me! Irelia! Daughter of Master Rito! I would never want to be a slave to those vile Noxians!! I swear, never!!"

"So I am now standing on this square, standing on this giant platform that represents the prosperous civilization of the Ionians over the past thousand years! I, Irelia, live and die with Ionia!!"

After Irelia's original delicate voice was blessed by the power of divinity, it poured into the hearts of the Ionians below like thunder in the sky.

Many Ionians were heartbroken, and they cheered.Among these Ionians, non-human races account for a large part.Remember that Ionia is a multiracial country! !

Perhaps the Ionian humans who were bewitched by Surian and Bradin didn't fully believe in Irelia, who was exuding so much power at the moment.However, apart from the majority of human beings, there are other races in Ionia!

In addition to the many peaceful yordles, Ionia has members of other world races.And these races other than humans will never surrender to Noxus.Even if the humans of Ionia choose to surrender to Noxus, these non-human races will never surrender!

Because Noxus, the savage country, has always maintained a racial policy of relatively unpopular human racism.

There is absolutely no other race than humans in Noxus, and if the non-human Ionians surrender, the best thing they can do is die.

The soldiers of these races who fought the most heroically and sacrificed the most among the troops who fought against the Noxians in the past were actually soldiers of these races. Now these "people" above the giant platform square were inspired by Irelia again.

The aristocratic old men Surian and Bradin on the giant platform saw the excitement of the crowd, and the situation was getting worse and worse for their side, and they were suddenly anxious.

"Bladin! Hurry up and find a way! If we fail, the Lord of Noxus will never let us go!!"

"Lord Surian, this subordinate is thinking about it! But the more anxious you are, the more you can't think of it! Who knew that this Irelia suddenly became so powerful, our original plan to surrender the Noxians seems to be completely ineffective. what!"

"You..." Surian said angrily, "What a waste! If you don't look at it, you will only use the last resort! Bradin, order immediately, let our mage troops and long-range troops attack Irelia!"

"It's the crime!" Old Man Surian looked angrily at Irelia in the sky, "Demagogic! Chaos country and people!"

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