The little fox of Ionia was hunted down by the people of the [Balance Sect]. If it wasn't the nine-tailed demon fox, what the hell would it be?In the history of Valoran that Modi knows, there is no other fox monster fox hero except the nine-tailed fox, so the little fox should be the future nine-tailed fox, Ahri.

Just when Little Ali and Akali were staring at each other and enjoying the deliciousness of chocolate, Irelia finally walked in with someone.

"Modi! We succeeded! The major sects really sent people to Presidian, and the Noxians will be driven out!"

As soon as she walked into the living room, Irelia saw Modi, and then said loudly with excitement.After she finished speaking, she noticed Akali's existence, which made Irelia stunned for a moment.

Irelia immediately recognized that this was the ninja of the [Balance Sect] with a mask, and the reason she was stunned was that she didn't expect Akali to be so beautiful, she seemed to be prettier than her.

Irelia's eyes turned to each other on Modi and Akali. Seeing how Modi seemed to have a good conversation with Akali before, she couldn't help but feel a little unhappy in her heart. .However, this little unhappiness soon made the huge excitement and joy in Irelia's heart now dilute.

"Lord Soraka didn't lie to us! We really succeeded! Ionia will unite and fight against the invading Noxians!" Irelia walked to Modi excitedly, intentionally or not The ground block said between Akali and Modi, and after speaking, it seemed that he "discovered" Akali's existence: "Oh! Akali is here too! The ninjas of the [Balance Sect] have also arrived, you My senior brother [Eye of Twilight] has just arrived in Precidian."

"Shixiong Daren is too much?" Akali, who was stuffed with chocolate candy in his mouth, asked at a loss.

Before Irelia could answer, she was interrupted by Modi.

I saw Modi smiled and looked at Irelia, then pointed to the guest who came in behind her, and said with a smile: "Irelia, don't worry about Akali. Don't introduce me to me. Can you tell me who this guy is?"

Chapter 48 Karma the Apocalypse!

In fact, even if Irelia did not introduce the identity of the other party, Modi immediately recognized who the woman standing opposite was looking at him curiously.

The Apocalypse... Karma!

She has pale skin similar to Soraka, the son of the stars, clear and bright pupils with ethereal temperament, although the willow eyebrows are curved, they have a heroic taste, long eyelashes and two brushes. Touching up and down every now and then to refresh the eyes, the thin lips|lips are like roses|petals delicate| tender against the background of the pale skin.

The most important thing is that she is full of unyielding will and unrestrained spiritual power that is almost visible to the naked eye. At a glance, you can feel that she is a strong person, an existence worthy of awe.

Modi originally thought that the demigod Soraka would come with Irelia. He originally thought about how to deal with Soraka, but he did not expect that it was not Soraka but the Apocalypse who came to the door.

Although the Apocalypse should not be as powerful as the Children of the Stars, Modi also felt the same power as the Juggernaut from her body, so Karma is probably a master of the same level as Master Yi.

But what does Irelia mean by taking her back to her own home now?Could it be that Karma has no place to live, so she came here to live?

You must know that in the history of Valoran, which Modi is familiar with, Karma is also an important leader of the Ionian Rebellion.If Irelia, who came back from the dead after the Battle of Presidian, is the spiritual symbol of the Ionian rebels, this apocalypse is probably similar to the logistics chief and political commissar in the original history.

In short, in the future history, Irelia should have a good relationship with Karma, one person is responsible for leading the army's combat charge and one person is responsible for managing logistics and supplies.

In fact, Irelia brought Karma back to her house this time, the main purpose was to find Modi, only because she saw Akali and Modi seem to be very close when she entered the door. Talking to Akali to separate the two, and later hearing Modi's curiosity about Karma's identity, she remembered the business.

"What's wrong with can I suddenly be angry with Akali?"

Suppressing the strange emotions in her heart, Irelia excitedly let Karma in and said loudly: "Modi! This is Master Karma from Navigli! She also advocates rebelling against the Noxians. The Ionian, I heard Lord Soraka say that it was her running around that united the various sects of Ionia to fight against the hateful Noxus together!"

It turns out that the Ionian rebels in the history of Valoran were organized by Karma?No wonder she would later take up an official position similar to the Ionian leader. It turned out that she was one of the main organizers of the Ionian Rebellion.However, Karma seems to be really strong, at least not weaker than Talon, who has played against him.

Modi thought so in his heart, but his face did not show at all. He just smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Master Karma. I am Modi, Irelia's best friend."

The dark-skinned Apocalypse's big and ethereal eyes turned around on Modi and Irelia, and then smiled: "I only learned of your existence after listening to Irelia and Lord Soraka. . I heard that you helped Irelia, and she was able to stand on the giant platform of Precidian. Master, you don't have to, I will call you Modi and you can call me Karma."

Karma's words are very tactful, in fact, it is not to say that with the help of Modi's cheating, Irelia will fly into the air like a god to fool the Ionians until the real demigod Soraka's It did not continue to appear.

It was said that Karma had been in the Precidian Giant Terrace Square before Soraka appeared. When Irelia suddenly flew into the sky and radiated such a shining light and divine breath, Karma was really startled.

Karma almost thought that Irelia was really possessed by the gods believed in Ionia and came to the world. She was still thinking about how to help Irelia who was possessed by gods. After all, she was because of her hometown. Destroyed by Noxus, the will to resist is also very determined.

It's just that the Children of the Stars appeared before Karma took action, and then represented the various sects of Ionia to express their desire to fight against the Noxians together, and brought the "God Possessed" Irelia down to the Going to give a speech on the giant platform of Precidian... Only after the appearance of the true and closest god, the child of the stars, did Karma realize that Irelia's performance just now was just a shot.

According to the words of Soraka-sama, whom Karma most respects, that person is "a strong person similar to me or even stronger than me".

Soraka's words really made Karma both shocked and suspicious. She didn't believe that there was someone stronger than the most respected Lord Soraka. After all, Lord Soraka is a person who is about to become a god and has a divine nature. .

Later, Irelia revealed Modi's identity and name under Soraka's questioning, and said that when she wanted to meet Modi, Karma volunteered to take over the task and returned with Irelia. Inside the house of Irelia's father, Master Rito.

In short, Karma's arrival with Irelia is actually acting as the vanguard of Soraka, and let Karma, who is excellent in diplomacy, come to explore Modi's bottom first. After all, Modi helped Irelia fool those Ionias. The means and power displayed are indeed very strong, so strong that it is difficult for even a demigod like Soraka to do it.

"Haha." Modi laughed but 2.2 didn't speak.

Karma was actually quite surprised when she saw Modi for the first time, because Modi's face is really easy to make women have a good impression of him.

Although she became famous and powerful at a very early age, she is still a girl at the age of twenty-five this year. Although her curiosity about the opposite sex has been suppressed in the process of cultivation, it still exists.

It's just that Karma didn't perceive any special power in Modi anyway. In her perception, Modi was no different from an ordinary human being, which made Karma a little confused.


[PS: The new version of Karma game textures are ugly and crazy, the old ones and some skins are very beautiful!The picture posted here is the old game sticker! 】

Chapter 49 Ionia's strategy is no strategy!

In addition to her title of Master of Apparitions, Karma is also one of the elders of the Presbyterian Church in Naweri, one of the three southern provinces of Ionia.

As I said before, Ionia, the wonderful island nation of immortal cultivation, has no orthodox army, nor does it have a decent national leader.The country divided itself into several provinces led by the Presbyterian Church.Karma became one of the elders of the Presbyterian Church in Navigli after participating in the "Trial of Honor" characteristic of Ionia once every five years. It can be said that Karma is one of the powerful people in Ionia. .

It's just that Ionia was invaded by Noxus recently, and even the three most prosperous southern provinces were lost. Karma, the elder of Navigli province, whose status is probably similar to the deputy governor, can only flee to Presidian. Come for support.

But when she first came to Precidian, when the Noxians contacted Surian and the others, the whole Precidian was pessimistic and surrendered and the faction greatly gained the upper hand.In desperation, Karma left Precidian and traveled all over the country to contact the major sects, and only after a lot of hard work did she arrive at Precidian.

Then Soraka appeared and announced that the various hidden sects would intervene in the war.Karma, the elder of Navigli province, has hope of regaining her lost land.

Karma couldn't feel the slightest energy fluctuation in Modi, but she didn't dare to look down on Modi in the slightest.Since even the demigods have said things like "that person may be as strong as me", Karma, who is a very good elite even in Ionia, where talented people are born, naturally won't be so idiot and Modi. make life difficult for.

"Mr. Modi... hello." Since I can't see the strength of the other party for the time being, but Karma has a mission to follow Irelia here, Soraka asked her to come and test Modi's attitude , by the way, there are other tasks related to Modi.

"Although neither myself nor the elders in Presidium of the other provinces I asked have heard of your name, Mr. Maudie. It seems that you are not Ionian, but from Irelia Here we learn that you even wounded the Shadow of the Blade for Ionia. So you are our Ionia most dear friend anyway, and those Noxians who want to hurt you must walk through our Io The corpse of the Nia!"

Karma is, after all, a "governor" who is an elder. He speaks very artistically. These few words sound good, but they actually mean to pull Mody into the chariot of Ionia.

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