Now that they are all kissed?How far is it from touching it and holding it on the soft couch?

Modi is not one of those guys who can't walk when he sees a girl. Now Xier has already succeeded in his heart, and the rest of the day is to date her sweetly or something, and then find someone who is either romantic or sweet. Or in a blurry night or something, just take her down!

Anyway, there are a lot of empty houses in the Crystal Palace of the Divine Kingdom, so there is absolutely no problem in keeping one for Xier!

So the two walked into the night raid headquarters one after the other, but Xier's blushing face and that step-by-step behind Modi, acting like a well-behaved and obedient little daughter-in-law, as long as they are not stupid, they will guess that the two of them just now Must have done something bad!

"Brother, you are back!"

When she entered the house, Mona was the first to pounce. It wasn't that the other girls didn't want Modi, but after all, in front of so many people, how could they be so embarrassed!And Mona is young and has the identity of Modi's sister, so she can naturally do whatever she likes without any scruples!

"Well." Modi pinched his sister's nose affectionately, trying to rip her off of him.

"Carry me over? My brother is begging you..." But Mona didn't want to, and said coquettishly.

"I really can't do anything about you!" Modi had long been accustomed to the character of this brown sugar, so he had to carry Mona and lead Xier to the crowd who were sitting on the sofa waiting for dinner.

"Hey!" Mona smiled happily.

This is my privilege as a sister!If I'm my brother's girlfriend, I can't do this. Only my sister can enjoy my brother's arms alone!I am so smart!

Little Mona thought beautifully in her heart, enjoying the feeling of intimacy with her brother.

As soon as Modi entered the house, apart from Seleu and Xiao Ye who were busy in the kitchen, Maine and Leona who were in the living room stopped talking immediately, and two pairs of beautiful eyes projected over at once.It seems to be asking him where he went last night, and it seems to be asking why he stayed outside for so long and didn't come in.

Fortunately, Modi hugged Mona and blocked Xier's blushing face behind her, otherwise they could guess what someone did outside just now!

Both Maine and Leona have signed a [bond contract] with Modi, and naturally they can vaguely feel Modi's existence.They felt that their men seemed to be different, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that nothing had changed.

Of course, Modi has become different from before. The evolutionary mutation last night brought him too many benefits.Even the girls who have signed a [bond contract] with him can feel this change, because their physical attributes and qualities are almost linked to Modi after signing the contract.

Now Modi has become a lot stronger, even with the girls.

Because Esdes is very powerful, this enhancement is not particularly obvious.However, as the weakest among Modi women, Leona and Maine felt that after they and Modi had fallen in love, they seemed to have become much stronger than before.And after waking up with heart palpitations at midnight last night, the body inexplicably emerged with new strength and became stronger.

But in fact, Maine can't be regarded as the weakest among Modi women, because of the magical power of her Tegu, when she is strong, she can be so powerful that she can shoot the imperial general Budd with a single shot.When she was weak, she could only act like an ordinary girl with a gun.

But at least it is different now after being strengthened by Modi. Even if there is no Emperor Go, she will still have the ability to fight with the Emperor!

After all, Leona seems to have gained the most after signing a contract with Modi!

She herself fought in the form of a lion king after Teigu's transformation, relying on the ability to fight in close quarters.The most important points in close combat are the attributes of all aspects of the body!Speed, strength, perception, control over the body, anti-interference ability to the outside world, stamina and physical strength, these attributes have all been enhanced a lot after being semi-strong X by Modi.

"Oh! Modi is back." When Maine and Leona looked at Modi, who had become different, Brand's refreshing voice sounded.

In the past few days, he had nothing to do with Lubbock and ran into the mountains with the two of them. He went to the place where he used to train a certain dregs and went to have special training with Lubbock.

Now the two of them are actually sitting together and still discussing how to train to make themselves stronger. It was Brand who said hello after seeing Modi carrying Mona in.

Modi smiled and replied, "Yeah. How's your special training with Lubbock going? Did you gain anything? I have some training methods. If I have time, I will tell you how?"

"Okay! Combat experience or something requires more communication and practice to make progress faster! Isn't that right, Rabb!" Brand laughed in a hearty voice, and finally asked Lubbock.

Modi discovered just now that when he asked Brand how the special training of the two of them went, Lubbock suddenly blushed for some unknown reason.And now being asked by Brand like this, his face was a little reddened abnormally, as if he was thinking of something shy.

A big man and a little man were training in the deep mountains, and something shy happened...

And more importantly, in the past, Brand called Lubbock by his full name, but now he is nicknamed Lubb...

Although it's only a word difference, the relationship is completely different!

Modi instantly looked at Lubbock with a strange look, which made Lubbock's face even redder.

Could it be that the mountain they trained for was called Brokeback Mountain?

Modi thought maliciously.

Chapter 135 The Lucky Spearman From Ancient Times e

Because Modi inexplicably disappeared for a whole day and then appeared, Maine and Leona had some opinions.

Although he was a little surprised by his return, he didn't speak at the dinner table all night.Just chat with Mona and interact with Seleu and the others.

Modi knew that they probably knew about each other's existence through the [bond contract], and that even in this small place in the night raid headquarters, there are four women who are Modi women...

Leona, Seleu, Xiaoye and Maine!

Although the empire is polygamous, of course the girls have exclusive fantasies about love.Although I accept this kind of existence and sharing in my heart, I still feel uncomfortable subconsciously.

There is no woman in this world who is not jealous. If she is really not jealous, there is only one possibility.That is, she doesn't care about you at all, which means she doesn't like you at all!

Modi fully understands this situation, and he also has his own ways to deal with it.

It was night, and after setting Xiao Ye on his soft couch and letting her go to heaven a few times before fainting, he quietly ran out of the room and ran into Seleu's room.

After Seleu was settled by him, Maine and Leona were next, and it took a whole night.Modi got them on their own soft couch, made them dizzy, and then hugged them all on the soft couch made of high-level dangerous soft fur, which is 3 meters by 2 meters in his room, Let the four women lie down together.

Modi's so-called good method is actually very simple. He has always believed that [hey] is the best way to divert attention, especially when equally good women see the man who surrenders to him as well as himself. The feeling of "pleasure" in his heart is no less than that of Modi, who is working hard behind his ass, and a strange competitive psychology has also sprung up.

This method Modi has used on Esdes and Xiaoye, and it is very effective for the awkward Super S Queen. He does not believe that these four girls will be immune now! .

After waking them all up, leaving them with nowhere to escape in their own room, and then there was a barren meeting of one man and four women.In addition to mixing each other's body fluids and smells, such a bare-faced meeting also accommodates males in terms of personality and psychology, just like a body that has been forcefully entered.

The most unwilling thing is Maine. The lover she imagined should be shared by herself, but now it has become shared by so many people.She was a little resistant at first, but in that desolate atmosphere, she melted her mental defenses with a tongue kiss from Xiao Ye, trembling and re-integrated into the rush of euphoria that made her brain stop.

So the first gathering in Modi's Great Crystal Palace was spent in a harmonious atmosphere...


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