The Genius

Chapter 3032

When Wei exuberant is talking about ye Tianlong, ye Tianlong is walking towards an ancient castle in England.

This is an ancient castle with a history of 200 years. It covers a large area and has a high wall. There are 100 year old trees everywhere, showing the magnificence of the castle.

It's just that it's so big and deep that it gives people a kind of unspeakable gloom.

Ordinary people dare not come in alone.

Ye Tianlong has nothing to do with it. It seems that no matter how dangerous it is, it can't stop him.

"Call zero seven, call zero seven..."

As ye Tianlong slowly walks towards the back door, two young people are staring at Ye Tianlong with binoculars in a hill more than 100 meters behind him.

One of the leopard eyed youths, when he confirmed that ye Tianlong's last route was the castle, picked up the phone and whispered, "I'm 119, i..."

"Pounce -"

when the leopard eye youth was about to report Ye Tianlong's position, a knife light and thunder fell, a crisp sound, leopard eye youth's head was different, blood spattered.

The companion beside him was completely frightened. He couldn't believe it. Leopard eye youth died in front of him.

"Click -"

when he reacted and screamed to run away, one hand had already pinched his neck, and he suddenly spat out his strength, and the young man of England died of bleeding.

"Where are you from?"

When the two British youths lost their vitality, the holy woman of the snake Kingdom picked up their documents and glanced at them with no emotion:

"I'm so lost that I dare to follow Ye Shao's whereabouts."

"It seems that the blood of the palace and the serious injury of Beckinsale have not yet taught them to behave with their tails between their legs."

She snorted heavily: "next time we have to deal with Yingqing eight, I'll take the lead and kill all these guys who don't have eyes."

Next to him, the robot is looking around, searching for the enemy who may have missed the net. After confirming that it is safe, he says:

"sooner or later, ye Shao has not received 100 billion yuan, and the British government has not yet swallowed the resentment, so both sides must kill."

"Then you will be able to wipe out the eight places."

He showed a bloodthirsty smile: "perhaps, the knights, warriors, dark night team, all will be trampled down by us."

When he said that, the knife in his hand was slowly raised, cold wind ate, clothes hunting, quite instructive style.

The holy woman suddenly changed her words: "the master of nine grades, the overlord who dominates one side, is now reduced to a thug or a robot. Are you willing?"

Words with a touch of resentment, a touch of injustice, there is a trace of temptation.

"You shouldn't say that."

The robot's face sank, and then his tone became heavy: "I promised Ye Shao that I would be a slave and a slave, then I would not go back."

"Besides, what can you do if you don't want to?"

The robot's eyes added a touch of banter: "you and I have no chance to leave for a long time. I don't want to become the body and the feeding farm of King Miao."

The holy woman's eyelids leaped, and her face returned to reverence

The robot said indifferently: "do something, clear all the spies who are watching Ye Shao..."

"Ye Shao!"

Ye Tianlong is walking into the main building when the robot and the holy woman remove the watchers. When he comes to the door, the door opens without wind.

Then the Yellow finch appeared in front of Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shao, good morning, how can you come here when you have time?"

This is a foothold of quetang.

"I don't want to come here either..."

Ye Tianlong walked into the hall with both hands on his back, and then sat down on the sofa: "but there are too many tails in these two days, so he brought them out for cleaning."

The Yellow finch is slightly a Leng: "tail? Three children of quetang have been hanging behind Ye Shao, but they haven't reported that someone is following you. "

"They let me down so much."

The Yellow finch apologized: "I'm going to change..."

"There's no need. We can't blame them, a few people, for not being able to compete with the state machine."

Ye Tianlong waved to Huang que to be calm. Then he picked up a cup and poured the tea:

"the other party's tracking is a sea of people tactics, electronic tactics, with the cooperation of secret agents, military police, paparazzi and Tianyan, it's difficult to get rid of them easily."

"A lot of times, even if there is no one behind me, I can feel being watched. That's what the eye of heaven does."

"So it's normal that a few people you sent didn't notice."

"But you don't have to worry. I've asked the holy woman and the robot to clean it. No matter how many followers there are, they will be killed."

He sipped his water: "red arrows will also attack their eye recognition system, so that they can no longer lock my whereabouts from time to time."

The Yellow finch nodded with a smile: "understand." Then he sighed: "it seems that the power of the whole country is really terrible."

"Ye Shao, what are we going to do next?"

The Yellow sparrow asked: "we are ready now, waiting for your order.""Very good!"

Ye Tianlong nodded gently: "I will give megil a final ultimatum. If he doesn't give 100 billion, he will take the warriors."

"I heard that the warriors All masters of royal blood? "

Ye Tianlong asked with a smile: "eight hundred people are equal to ten thousand people?"

"The warriors have something to do with the royal family."

The Yellow finch nodded gently: "its purpose was to defend the interests of the British royal family

"So they are not only the kings of war, but also loyal to the royal family."

"Although we don't pay so much attention to lineage now, the warriors still flaunt their loyalty to the royal family, which is a bit similar to the Oriental kamikaze team."

He added: "Charlie, their leader, is a militant fanatic."

Ye Tianlong light smile: "good, then take it to operate..."

"Ding -"

just then, ye Tianlong's mobile phone vibrated and looked down. It was a call from Wei Anxin.

Ye Tianlong wanted not to answer, but after thinking for a while, he put on the earplug and smile gently: "good morning, Miss Wei..."

Before the words were heard, ye Tianlong heard Wei An's anxious and worried voice:

"Ye, ye, many Gunners surrounded Wei's garden, and armored vehicles."

"I'm afraid they came for the gunfight last night."

"You hide or leave England as soon as possible..."

Wei Anxin's tone was concerned and flustered: "you must not be caught by them..."

"The shooter? Surround the Wei family? "

Ye Tianlong is one Zheng: "how is this to return a responsibility?"

Wei Anxin shook his head: "I don't know what's going on. I only see a large number of gunners blocking the surrounding area and surrounding our Wei garden..."

"At least a thousand."

"My father and uncle Haiyang are going to deal with it, probably for the gunfight last night..."

She gave a judgment of her own.

Wei Anxin screamed: "Oh, God, there are tanks and helicopters outside..."

Ye Tianlong's eyelids jump and there are many bad signs

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