The Genius

Chapter 3088

The next morning, Cape of good hope, Cosmos one, multi function conference room.

There are more than 40 famous people sitting in the big room. On both sides are young officers, white generals and refined secretaries.

And sitting in the middle of the ship commander and a few dusty Chinese men and women, one of them is Eliza.

The line-up of the meeting was very strong, and the atmosphere was also very fierce. The satellite photos flashed on the big screen made dozens of people indignant and murderous.

With so many shells and resources, we are about to win against Kingston, but ye Tianlong failed.

It's very difficult for people to be present.

What makes them even more angry is that ye Tianlong not only solved the dilemma of Kingston, but also killed 300000 coalition troops, and even cut off the head of wallroche.

It was a disgrace and made them report up all night, and then gathered in the conference room to discuss the cruel revenge on Kingston.

In addition to the members of the free Empire, there were eight African representatives, who were sent by the agents of the wall family.

They were worried about ye Tianlong's revenge, so they came to seek the protection of the free empire.

"Please rest assured that we are the guardians of world peace. We are confident that we can protect the peace of the whole Africa and even the world."

The commander of the ship, general frank, who was sitting in the middle of the ship, straightened up and called out to the frightened African representatives, "you will not be hurt."

"To hurt you is to hurt the free empire. In this world, no one can hurt the free Empire wantonly."

"Whether it's East Timor or UDA, we will protect it to the maximum extent possible."

"If ye Tianlong wants to attack you, he should step on me and the strongest of the universe first..."

Frank waved his fist, and his words fell to the ground with a sound, which eased the nervous African representatives a lot, and also aroused the ferocity of the officers and soldiers of mifang.

"General, now is not the time to talk about protection, but to find Ye Tianlong to pay for their blood."

"Ye Tianlong, they killed so many people. It's an anti human act. This crime is unforgivable."

"Yes, he also cut off master wall's head. If he doesn't clean them, how can he tell Mr. wall?"

"I suggest launching xifeng-1 immediately, or even carrying small nuclear bombs, to wipe out Kingston and ye Tianlong directly."

One by one, officers and soldiers stood up, and the crowd roared to kill Ye Tianlong:

"general, order, while ye Tianlong and them celebrate, throw a nuclear egg directly to let them all die in the desert."

"Yes, extraordinary times, extraordinary measures. No one will object to the bombing of Kingston."

"If we put nuclear eggs in Africa, no matter bear country or Huaxia, we will have no big opinion."

"as for world opinion, has the final say been made? We can make up stories as we want to... "

The people on the scene gradually became excited. Not only did they breathe invisibly, but also their eyes began to turn red. Obviously, they all wanted to blow ye Tianlong away.

"Kill Ye Tianlong and Kingston..."

Frank said: "to be honest, I think the same as all of you here. If I don't give these people a hard blow, I don't know who I am."

"It's a pity that I have only half the authority. Without the authority granted by the president, I can't launch that missile..."

He looked sideways at Eliza and asked, "special envoy, I don't know if I can ask the president for instructions and let Kingston pay the price it deserves?"

Eliza stood up. Although she was a little tired from flying all night, she still kept her head and said, "general, and all of you."

"Like you, I'm very sad and angry about yesterday's fiasco, and I'm also very angry about master wall's tragic death, but it's not time to send out west wind one."

"Xifeng No.1 is easy to fight, but the follow-up hand tail is the trouble. Huaxia and xiongguo will be angry, and they will learn from each other."

"In the future, if they have any thorny problems, they will lose a dongfeng-1 directly like us. What accusations will we take then?"

She looked around at the crowd: "so I suggest the rest of the way."

This is also the reason why Eliza flew to the strongest spacecraft in the universe. She was worried that these hawks would get hot headed and retaliate against Kingston by all means.

Hearing Eliza's response, the audience was subconsciously silent, and her eyes were all fixed on the woman. She was very upset. She poured cold water on her at this time.

A white haired military adviser turned his head and stared at Eliza without anger. "Your special envoy, is that what you mean, or your father's?"

Eliza's mouth touched for a moment, and then whispered, "this is the meaning of free empire."

"Son of a bitch!"

As soon as the white hair consultant patted the table, he said, "you've been trampled like this. Are you still afraid of your hands and feet? Are you worthy of the dead soldiers?"

"The strong rise of the third world, especially China, is the result of you conservatives.""Mr. wall said that this time, we must pay back the blood debt. Whether it's Kingston or Ye Tianlong, they must be wiped off the earth."

"Special envoy, on behalf of Mr. wall, I'd like to inform you that Captain Frank must be authorized to launch before noon."

He remained strong: "if Kingston and ye Tianlong don't disappear after 12 o'clock, then you and your father will disappear."

Eliza's face changed slightly: "general, are you threatening us?"

The white hair consultant's voice sank: "I'm not threatening you, I'm just conveying the meaning of the wall family."

Eliza cried out, "general, it's not in the interest of the free empire..."

"But it's in the interests of the wall family."

"If you don't agree, you can protest to Mr. wall," the white hair consultant said

Eliza's eyelids jumped and protested against the ball. Wallroche was dead. The wallroche family only wanted to vent their hatred

Frank also said with a smile: "special envoy, please send a message quickly, so as not to delay the time..."

"Bang -"

just at this moment, I heard a sharp whistling from the outside, and then I saw the thick steel door clang, falling straight in and knocking three people over.

Frank and dozens of others were shocked. Subconsciously, they looked at the door. Unexpectedly, someone broke in.

It's still so outrageous.

The eight soldiers on both sides even drew their guns, looking wary and staring at the entrance of the smoke.


Smoke gradually dispersed, so that the entrance becomes clear, but also let a figure clear.

The figure, shrouded in the light, straight as a gun, has the bright and sharp light of lightning breaking the sky.

They feel that they are so tight that they need to breathe harder.

Invisible pressure is as heavy as Mount Tai.

"Good morning, everyone."

Ye Tianlong said with a faint smile: "I heard that you want to level me?"

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