Suddenly, it didn't take long before Yeyue used his fastest running speed to reach the gate of the city owner's original wine cellar.

Seeing that the wood above the door of this huge wine cellar is all sealed, is it not this.

Ye Yue thought in her heart that she didn't know what to do anymore. Since there were children imprisoned in this wine cellar, she should use some justice means to solve these problems.

Thinking of these things, Ye Yue felt even more angry in her heart. She concentrated all her strength on her right fist, took a step forward with her left foot, and stepped back with her right foot, half squatting and punching, and her right hand was already hanging on the wood. On the door.

Suddenly, the wooden door collapsed, and a half-meter-high dust was raised from the ground.

He waved away the dust in front of him, covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves and jumped into the wine cellar.

After entering the room, she looked at the children who suddenly shrank with their backs to the door, and scared the children to the side. Yeyue's heart was filled with pity and pain.

"Why doesn't it matter now? I'm here to save you from here, and you don't have to endure these hateful experiments anymore."

But suddenly a strange feeling emerged from Ye Yue's heart. Looking at all the things in front of her, she didn't expect how the number of these children could be reduced so much.

After thinking about it, Yeyuejiao was not quite right. After all, there were not so few enslaved children before.

"Children, I'm a good person. I'll rescue you now to explore a brighter world, but what about your other friends, the other children who were sent to this wine cellar with you?"

One of the children stood up.

"Our buddies have all been sent to the farm!"

Yeyue has no choice but to release all the children in the cellar first.

Seeing them reach a safe place, they quickly ran to the farm to find other children who had been experimented and enslaved.

But when I just walked to the gate of the farm, I saw that this huge and luxurious farm was actually demolished!

Chapter 289 Get some clues

In this way, Yeyue lost news of the children.These kids have been gone long enough, and now they're out of touch and don't know where they've gone.Yeyue is so anxious to find them now that she really doesn't know what to do.

Ye Yue felt very sad when the news was cut off like this.But he didn't give up easily. He decided to take a closer look to see if he could get news from the children.

Yeyue still hasn't given up, and is still on the way to find news. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.Since there is no bad news, then there is no news in the current situation, which is already the best news.

Yeyue thought that she would get a lot of news from him after capturing the city lord, but she did not expect that the city lord would lose its use value so quickly.

In terms of how much they know, no one knows more than Natsu.He is really a very good breakthrough. Yeyue's shock from being very happy to control him to wanting to know the news from his mouth and now getting no news from his mouth is too big.

This news is broken, Yeyue can only try hard to find the next news. Although there is no source of news in front of her, Yeyue still does not give up in her heart. Even if this hope is very small, Yeyue will continue to persevere.

The investigation news of Yeyue Street and alleys, when she saw people, she asked if there was any news about the farm, and then she told others.If there is news, he will also have a very large reward.

After the news of Yeyue was released, some people did ask Yeyue to provide Yeyue with news. Yeyue was very happy to greet those people, but after some conversations, Yeyue found that the people who claimed to have news said nothing to him at all. It's made up.They did this just for the reward in Yeyue's mouth.

Yeyue was very angry and sent these people away without giving them any compensation. Originally, Yeyue was full of hope and hoped that these people would provide her with news, but these people came for money, and there was nothing real. reliable news.

Every time someone says to provide Yeyue with news, the men's football team has great hopes and is very excited, but every time after listening to those individuals, Yeyue is immediately disappointed. What these people bring is not at all. Some news, but some nonsense, so Yeyue is very angry, because every time she feels disappointed from hope, it is really uncomfortable.

After several days like this, Yeyue still didn't get any news.Fewer and fewer people sent news to Yeyue. Today is fake news, and not many people came. Until the end of Yeyue, no one here came to deliver news.

Yeyue exhausted all means. He distributed leaflets on the streets and alleys, asked questions, and other people came to tell Yeyue news, so that he did not get any news about the children and the farm for several days.

In this way, Yeyue is already too disappointed, he can't get any news from the outside now, he can only come back disappointed.But he still doesn't want to give up, because this matter is too important to him, and he feels that this matter must be done well.

So he decided to ask Natsu if he knew anything about it.

After returning, Natsu was very disappointed to see Yeyue. "What's wrong with you? You look very unhappy, haven't you got any news?" Natsu asked Yeyue with great concern.

Night Moon nodded. "Although many people came to deliver messages, the messages they delivered were all wrong, just to get closer. I really have no choice. I have wasted several days outside, and there is no news yet, so I can only temporarily Come back first."

Yeyue saw Natsu's silence, so she said to Natsu, "Although I didn't get any news from outside, I still won't give up on this matter, I will definitely work hard. Keep investigating until until there is news."

Natsu really saw Yeyue's tenacious side.He really felt bad for the night moon that was so busy now.But Natsu knew what Yeyue wanted to ask, but he didn't want to tell Yeyue.

It was a little strange to be able to see Natsu, so he asked Natsu, "What's wrong with you? I see you are very worried. It's me who should be worried! Why do you look more worried than me."

It is the day to Yeyue that asks himself, so he said to Yeyue. "I, I... I might be a little unbearable to see you working so hard, and I can't help you much, so I can only hold you back."

Yeyue is really disappointed now. After working hard for several days, she didn't get any news.How he hopes that no matter how hard or tired, as long as he can get a little news, Yeyue will sit here with peace of mind.

Yeyue was sitting on the sofa, thinking about how to find out the relevant news, but there was no news outside, so he could only start with someone who knew about it, but he originally wanted to check through the Naz The news came to him, but that Natsu was dead, and now there is no evidence of the death, no one can tell him the news, and now only Natsu can know a little bit of news, but he asked Natsu before, and Natsu couldn't remember anything.

Yeyue was always there talking to herself Natsu felt very embarrassed, but after Yeyue finished talking to herself, she began to ask Natsu unconsciously, "Natsu really has no choice now, you have to think carefully. Think, can I remember what happened at that time, I have nothing to gain from playing outside now, I really can only rely on you."

Even at this time, he felt a little guilty. He thought Yeyue already knew that he knew something, so he spoke more hesitantly.

Yeyue hadn't noticed that the sentence was strange, and she never thought that Natsu would hide something. When Yeyue asked Natsu unconsciously, and Natsu hesitated, Yeyue felt a little strange.

But Natsu's recent performance is really abnormal. Originally, Yeyue didn't suspect him, but because of Natsu's series of things, Yeyue had to be suspicious of him.Yeyue felt that this matter was too strange.

Seeing Juzi's faltering appearance, Yeyue understood that Noh Natsu must know something, but he didn't say it.So Yeyue pressed Natsu directly.

At the beginning, Yeyue's interrogation didn't make Natsu tell the truth, but Yeyue kept asking, and in the end Natsu couldn't stand Yeyue's interrogation and could only tell Yeyue that there were actually more clues.

Chapter 290 Things come to the surface

Under Yeyue's repeated questioning, Natsu was finally willing to tell the truth.

Yeyue was very angry with Natsu about some facts. He told Natsu that he had worked hard outside for so long, and was kept in the dark like a fool. He could have learned more from Natsu. A lot of news, but he had to work hard to show his face outside, but he didn't get any news. Natsu really made Yeyue so sad.

In fact, Natsu did know some inside stories, because he felt that Yeyue would be even more angry after these inside stories were revealed.So he chose not to speak to Yeyue.But now he is being forced to help but Yeyue is too hard to be like this, and Natsu can't bear it, so he wants to tell Yeyue about it.

But she was afraid that the truth would hit Ye Yue even harder.

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