So all the people present bowed their heads, pretending that they didn't hear it.Seeing that the uncles who suddenly broke in were about to get angry, Yeyue stood up and said to them, "I feel that I have this ability. I wonder if I can try it?"

The gentleman who had just talked to Yeyue felt that he had arrived at the beginning of the night and didn't understand anything, and he didn't know how deep the officers and soldiers were in this place. He quietly persuaded him out of kindness: "Young man, think about it clearly. That place is terrifying, you might not be able to get out if you go in."

But these words were heard by the officers and soldiers. After they heard them, they felt very angry. One of the officers and soldiers in the back stepped up and kicked the gentleman, and then said viciously: "What are you talking about, I'll show you today. Consequences of talking in this place."

I saw that the officer rolled up his sleeves and was about to hit the gentleman when he was interrupted by Yeyue: "Master, this decision was made by me, does it have anything to do with others? You don't just do this for me. Let a little guy go and make a big fight."

After listening to Yeyue's words, the officer patted his sleeve and said to the gentleman, "Today, sir, I'm in a hurry, so I won't care about you as much. If there is another next time, you won't be so lucky."

After speaking, he looked around the teahouse and asked, "Is there any more? Sign up quickly, my time is very precious."

At this time Yeyue picked up Natsu who was sitting next to him, and said to the officers and soldiers, "There's another one here."

Natsu was startled by Yeyue's sudden action, and whispered to him, "Are you crazy? Why are you catching me?"

Yeyue just gave Natsu a look, and didn't say more. Even though Natsu was reluctant now, he couldn't refuse Yeyue, because his cowardice caused him a lot of trouble last time. So this time I couldn't be weaker no matter what.

He knew that Yeyue's arrangement must have his own reason.So without further ado, he followed Ye Yue and followed behind the group of soldiers.

Sure enough, after entering the government, Yeyue and Natsu quickly passed the review.Corruption is rampant in this place, and those officials don't care about anything. It is to be expected that the strength of the soldiers is relatively weak. Yeyue and Natsu's skills are relatively good among the people here.

The soldier who took the lead was one of the auditors this time. After seeing Yeyue's skills, he looked at him with some playfulness and said, "Where did you come from? What did you do before?"

Yeyue was afraid that they would investigate her and reveal her identity, so she didn't tell the soldier that she came from another city-state. He said to the soldier, "I am a child of an ordinary people. As for my martial arts, it is because of our family. I was relatively poor, and I was bullied by those older children since I was a child, and my mother put me in a master to learn this martial arts in order to prevent me from being bullied."

After the soldier heard Ye Yue's words, he walked away suspiciously.

And the leading soldier had a good impression of Natsu, because Natsu was a nimble kid, and he could talk and do things, which made the soldier stunned for a while.Natsu listened to Yeyue's advice and took the initiative to ask Ying to put them on duty at night.So they can easily get into a night shift position.

Chapter 294

Yeyue felt that he and Natsu had nothing to do in this city, and if they always acted during the day, it would be easy to reveal their identities after a long time, so they found a job as an errand at night, so as to subsidize themselves economic source.

Moreover, this soldier's work will help them understand the geographical environment of the city. If one day they learn about Ulutina's news, they will also be able to help them easily.

They passed the review during the day, and they can go to work as normal tonight.Tonight, Yeyue is officially on duty after the shift where Yeyue is from the previous one. In order to get familiar with the geographical environment here, he wanders back and forth in the city.

However, they found that the architectural style here is very similar to theirs, so there must be some customs and habits that are the same, after all, it is a neighboring city-state.

Yeyue decided to observe the good terrain when she patrolled tonight.This city-state is too important to Yeyue, because here is the clue to everything, and here he may be able to find the missing Ulutina.Then, after that, we can know that Kasyapa chose his position as the place where he is not rich.

As long as you know one of these clues, Yeyue believes that everything in the future will be solved easily.Because during the day, the night moon has a very strong premonition.Although it is very poor, it is by no means an ordinary place.Every move of everyone here is full of doubts and needs to be verified.

Yeyue and Natsu were patrolling the city gate. At this time, Yeyue saw that Natsu had been yawning and kept yawning, so she said to him, "Are you that sleepy?"

Natsu said: "Aren't you sleepy? We didn't rest all day. First, we were frightened by your inexplicable behavior in the teahouse, and then we were dragged here by you and reviewed by the soldiers. Not only did we not rest this day, And I have done a lot of things, can I not be sleepy?"

Yeyue said: "You secretly find a tree, lean on it and rest for a while, and I will help you keep an eye on it."

Natsu yawned again and said: "No, I'm too sleepy, I have to find a place to sleep peacefully, if I just lean against the tree for a while, I'm probably going to go crazy, I'm going to rest. Help me keep an eye on it."

Yeyue was still a little worried. He said, "You were lazy on your first day on the job. Isn't it a bad idea to be caught by those soldiers? Their arrogance will definitely embarrass you."

Natsu smiled and said, "It's just that simple-minded thing with developed limbs, I just dismissed him in a few words. Just stare at me, I'm going to sleep for a while, I'm too sleepy."

Yeyue stared at him helplessly for a while, and he found that although Natsu was a little timid, unwilling to take responsibility, and unwilling to take matters into his own hands, he was good at dealing with these interpersonal relationships, one after another.Maybe after taking Natsu with him, he will be of great help.

After Natsu finished speaking, he yawned and left, and Yeyue stayed here alone with the remaining soldiers who didn't know him.

It seems that the next night patrol can only be done by Yeyue alone. He knew that Natsu was always unreliable when it was critical. This time, it was good enough to pass the review with him without causing trouble for him. He is right. Natsu didn't hold out much hope.

During the inspection, Yeyue tried her best to remember the topography of this place, and even he marked every place after patrolling. If he wants to continue to come to this place in the future, then these marks should be of interest to him. help.

After observing, I found that the atmosphere in this city was not a big problem.But Yeyue felt that all this was very unreasonable. He felt that his hunch should be very accurate. Judging from the chaotic performance here during the day, it should not be such a stable atmosphere.

So Yeyue circled the city again, observing the terrain and the astronomical phenomena here.

Sure enough, he found that there was an air of weakness here, which was just as he imagined. Corruption was rampant in this place, and the people were struggling to live. It would be strange if it didn't weaken.

But what has always troubled him is that since this city-state is lifeless and has no possibility of development at all, why did Kasyapa take a fancy to this place and become the prime minister of this place?Even if he has the ambition to rule, he should choose a more suitable and fertile place, which is more conducive to his future development.

I have to admit that Kassapa's actions often make Yeyue a little unpredictable. He can dedicate any stunning beauty to the city lord, but he stole Ulutina away.Could it be that all of Kasyapa's actions are to attract Yeyue's attention?But if that's the case, it doesn't make sense at all.

The more Yeyue thought about it, the more irritable she became, so she simply put this matter aside.

He looked up at the sky. Tonight, the sky was dazzling, and the sky was full of many stars, but at this time he found that some of them were exceptionally bright, and they were unusually bright, much dazzling than the other stars, making the One can see the difference between them at a glance.

Yeyue studied the shining stars, and found that these unusual stars were not randomly scattered in the sky, but their distribution was regular.

After Yeyueyi patrolled during the day and night and observed the city, the positions of the four stars corresponded to the coordinates of the four cities.But after all, Yeyue has only been here for a day, and his familiarity with this place is still limited. After a lot of correspondence between the coordinates in the sky and the terrain in the ground, he can only determine that one of the stars corresponds to the woman who was killed in the downtown today. The place where the robbery took place.

Although his cognition is limited, Yeyue can determine that these four coordinates must be related to the clues he is looking for later.And today, when he was in the busy market during the day, Yeyue felt that the atmosphere at that time was weird, but after listening to the explanation from the gentleman in the teahouse, he only felt that the atmosphere of the two places was different, so he didn't think much about it.

But now the more he thinks about it, the more strange it is. That feeling only existed after Ulutina was taken away. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of Ulutina being taken away by Nagasyapa. These four coordinates, maybe It can also help him find the whereabouts of Ulutina, and then he can also find the place where Kassapa is.This kind of thing is strung with one thing, making Yeyue more and more upset, and her thoughts become more and more chaotic.

Chapter 295 Going to the Library

Yeyue and Natsu discovered through research that what they saw was a large formation.Natsu looked at Yeyue and said, "How big is this formation?"

"It's huge, it's huge..."

Ye Yue couldn't explain it clearly, so she could only deal with it indiscriminately.Seeing that Yeyue couldn't say why, Natsu didn't want to ask any more, so he said, "What are you going to do?"

Yeyue shook her head and said, "It's getting late, eat some food and go to bed." Yeyue saw that Natsu didn't speak, so she said, "I'll go to the library tomorrow to check the materials."

Natsu nodded and said, "Okay, go to sleep."

Natsu went back to the room without eating. Yeyue saw that Natsu didn't eat, and he also felt that he had no appetite, so he also went back to the room to sleep.Both of them slept until dawn.

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