After the child is saved.Natsu wanted to continue to attack, so Yeyue picked up the child and ran away.

Yeyue believes that now is not the time to escape, and the child should be put in a safe place in time, and then lead Natsu outside to avoid hurting the citizens inside.

There are really more and more citizens now, and if Natsu continues like this, innocent people will surely be affected.

Yeyue slowly walked to an alley, that alley was not easy for Natsu to find, Yeyue put the child here and told him not to come out easily unless his mother came to find her.

As soon as Yeyue put the child in the box, Natsu started attacking the citizens again. An old couple came over just now, and Natsu rushed up and pushed the old couple down.The old couple was really frightened.

The grandfather's back was bleeding from Natsu's attack to protect the grandmother.After Yeyue saw this scene, he immediately stopped him, so he had been attacking Natsu on his own initiative, so that Natsu could guard against himself, and turned to attack himself, not the citizens.

Yeyue is really sad. In the past, Natsu couldn't bear to hurt even a small animal. Now he doesn't recognize anyone, and he hurts people wantonly. This is not the Natsu he knows, Natsu It was the kind-hearted Yeyue who felt sad for Natsu in front of her, but she couldn't wake up Natsu in front of her in time. Yeyue really blamed herself too much.

So Yeyue led Natsu all the way to a relatively open place, trying to solve this matter.There were also people who saw Natsu's appearance along the way, but everyone had never seen such a crazy person, it was not like a human being like a beast.

Everyone saw Natsu's appearance, and they will be far away in the future, and Yeyue is also very enthusiastic to remind everyone to stay away from him. His brain is a little abnormal now, and it may hurt everyone.

And Yeyue and Natsu were walking, and suddenly there was a well in front of them without a cover, and it was not very deep. Yeyue saw it, and hid, but Natsu didn't see it, and fell into the well.

Yeyue was really frightened. Yeyue was afraid that Natsu would hurt herself if she fell into it, so Yeyue even went to see the mango to see Yeyue stretched her neck and felt at ease. At that time, Natsu didn't suffer too much. harm.

Yeyue originally thought that since Natsu fell into this place, let him stay inside, at least stay here, so that he won't get hurt or come out to hurt others.Yeyue can also use this time to figure out how to solve this problem.

But I didn't expect Yeyue to still be there. Just when he was thinking about how to deal with it, Natsu jumped out by himself, and Yeyue was really startled.

So Yeyue tried to lure Natsu to a sparsely populated place like the forest.This is a little safer.

Yeyue thought while walking.Natsu, can you go back to the original state, I will never force you to study again, but Yeyue thought about it, Natsu, it is not that you cannot study, but you want to study, and I will leave you You have been hurt again after such a short while, how can I protect you!

Chapter 300 Lu Chuan Appears in Time

The night moon has always been attracting Natsu, but Natsu is not attracted to himself.Natsu followed and lost. He had been trying to attack other people. Yeyue had been protecting others, and he was afraid that they would misunderstand Natsu as a bad person, so he had to explain to them that Natsu was only temporarily out of his mind. If you have some problems, you will be careless, please forgive me.

Everyone was really frightened when they saw Natsu like this.But after hearing Yeyue's words, they all felt sorry for him.

Yeyue has been protecting the people next to her and the people next to her are hurt, but Yeyue is also afraid that Natsu will be hurt. When someone picks up something and wants to attack Natsu, Yeyueli hurriedly ran over to stop others, Tell him that Natsu is a kind person, but there is something wrong with his brain temporarily, I hope everyone understands.

There was no way to catch Natsu's attraction. He saw someone roasting meat next to him, so he went over to give someone a bunch of money and let that person give him a bunch of roast meat.

"Hello, all the money is for you, no need to transfer it to me, please give me some barbecue, thank you." Yeyue said to the person who sold the barbecue.

It was a little strange to see Yeyue giving him so much money, but seeing Yeyue's anxious look, the barbecue seller gave Yeyue a bunch of barbecues after taking the money.

After Yeyue took the grilled meat, the alliance fryed Natsu and ran to him, hoping that the grilled meat would attract Natsu's attention, so that he could be led to the forest smoothly.

At this time, Natsu was still running around, aimlessly, wandering around aimlessly, going crazy.After Yeyue walked to Natsu's side, she used those barbecued meats to move towards Natsu.Xiaoyao caught Natsu's attention, and then used these barbecues to move it out. Yeyue was very uneasy now. He didn't know whether these barbecues could attract Natsu.

Unexpectedly, Yeyue just put the barbecue in front of the kingdom of heaven, and Natsu was caught.Natsu's desire for these barbecues is very strong, and he keeps following Yeyue's footsteps to get these barbecues.

Yeyue was relieved now that if Natsu couldn't be attracted by the barbecue, Yeyue really didn't know how to lead Natsu to the open area.

Yeyue took these barbecues along the way to attract Natsu, but Natsu was very cruel, and sometimes almost hurt Yeyue, but fortunately Yeyue is more clever and dodges faster, otherwise she would not have known that Natsu had been killed by Natsu. How many times have you been hurt.

Fortunately, Natsu's attraction to these grilled meats has not weakened. Although he has never gotten these grilled meats, he is still following Yeyue without hesitation.

In this way, Yeyue successfully led Natsu to the empty forest.But the forest, the trees here are very many and very lush.Many branches have sprung up, some are very low, and some are hanging down to the ground.

If you are not careful, you may hit the trunk or trip over the branches of the tree.Yeyue was walking and almost tripped over a branch. Fortunately, he found out and escaped, but Natsu was not so lucky. He was walking, and suddenly Natsu was caught in the head by a branch.

Natsu has been struggling there, but did not expect the branch to become tighter instead of looser.Natsu felt bad, he struggled hard.

Night Moon from the downtown.Having led Natsu here, Yeyue was really exhausted and exhausted along the way. Seeing that Natsu has been temporarily controlled by the branches, she can finally rest for a while.

At this time, Natsu was mad. He struggled to find a way to get off the branch, so he wanted to bite off the branch. Yeyue suddenly realized that Natsu wanted to bite off the branch.If there was that number, Yeyue couldn't control Natsu.

So Yeyue came up with a solution. There is no way to control him now, so she can only knock him unconscious and see what to do later. Although Yeyue can't solve Natsu's problem now, if you use it After that, Yeyue can take Natsu to Lu Chuan to solve this problem, hoping that Lu Chuan will have a solution.

Just when Natsu wanted to bite off the branch, Yeyue walked up and gave Natsu a slap, but what Yeyue never thought was that this slap did not knock Natsu out, but knocked him out. infuriated.

At this time, Natsu was furious. He wanted to bite Yeyue. Fortunately, Yeyue hid in time and was not bitten by Yeyue. Today is really lucky. Every time Natsu wants to attack him, he hides. Very timely and dodged Natsu's attack every time.If Ye Yue didn't have such good luck, she would have been injured countless times by Natsu already today.

But there is no way to continue like this. Yeyue has been unable to control Natsu, but Natsu is very likely to break free from the branch. Yeyue has not yet thought of a way to control Natsu. Now Yeyue really Is anxious.

At this moment, Lu Chuan appeared.The hopes of the men's football team were all pinned on Lu Chuan. He didn't expect Lu Chuan to appear in time. Yeyue was really relieved.

As soon as Lu Chuan saw Natsu's crazy appearance, he knew what was going on, so he immediately activated hypnotism.After Yeyue used hypnotism, Natsu gradually calmed down.After a while, Yeyue found that Natsu was not as crazy as before, and slowly calmed down.

But what was very strange for the two of them was that Natsu didn't change back to his original appearance, he was still like a beast just now, but now he was no longer crazy and was stunned by Lu Chuan's hypnotism.

"What happened to Natsu? How did he become like this after not seeing him for a few days, who was he hurt by?" Lu Chuan asked Yeyue after seeing Natsu calm down slowly.

"I don't know, it's just that after I competed with him, I felt that he wasn't working hard enough, so I gave him a lesson and left, but I just left, and I heard Natsu yelling after a while, waiting for me to come out. He has become what he is now, and he doesn't know me no matter what I do, and now he has become mad and doesn't know anyone." After speaking, Yeyue slowly lowered her head, looking like very sad.

Lu Chuan didn't know why Natsu became like this, and Yeyue couldn't tell. The two of them were really helpless here, but now Natsu has calmed down, but it hasn't changed. Both are worried here.

Just when the two people were standing here, suddenly the mysterious man appeared.The sudden appearance of that mysterious person startled Yeyue and Lu Chuan in front of them.

Chapter 301

The mysterious man looked at the vigilant two and said with a smirk, "It's alright, alright, just go to the side, I'm going to take the person behind you, so stop struggling, I don't want to hurt so beautiful children."

Yeyue ignored him after listening to him, but just stared at him to see what he was going to do next.The mysterious man said helplessly: "You don't need to stare like that, I know I'm good-looking, and I'll be shy when I see it again, okay, okay, I don't have time to play with you, I have to Take the person behind you away and get out of the way, I don't have time to play with you."

The two stared at each other for a long time, and the mysterious man said helplessly, "It's really annoying, you kid, forget it, if you don't want to, then I'll just do it."After he finished speaking, he rushed forward, and a blue light rushed towards the night moon.

When he saw this scene, he immediately picked up Natsu, put her in a safe place, and then went forward and beat him.Natsu, who was watching from the side, was very anxious and wanted to help, but he couldn't do anything. He could only pray silently for Yeyue by the side, hoping that he could win this battle.

Yeyue raised her hand and used her greatest strength to hit him, but the mysterious man raised a hand casually, and then resolved his powerful move, which surprised him very much. , but he didn't think much about it and continued to fight.

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