At this time, the city lord suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and then collapsed to the ground.Because Ulutia lost her support, she also collapsed on the ground with the castle lord.

Yeyue didn't know what happened or what the current situation was. He had no choice but to carry the rabbit and the city lord back to the room. He gently put Ulutiya and the city lord on the bed, Then help them cover the bedding.In the end, he squatted beside the bed and reached out to probe the pulses of the city lord and Ulutia, and found that there was nothing wrong, but he was just attacked by his own spell.

"What happened to the night moon?"

Hearing the movement, Natsu hurried over here, when he pushed Yeyue's door open.At a glance, I saw Yeyue squatting beside the bed and the two women on Yeyue's bed.

"This. What's the matter?"

"Nothing special."

Yeyue helped Ulutia and the city lord tuck the bedding, then turned around and took Natsu's hand and walked out of the door, then turned and closed the door by the way.

"Isn't that Ulutia just now? Why is he here?"

After Yeyue took Natsu out of the door, Natsu asked eagerly.He's really at a loss as to what's going on right now.

"Actually, I don't even know what happened?"

Yeyue gestured to Natsu with a small voice, and then said softly, he was afraid that the maids in Jiangcheng would not make too much noise.

"Then why are they both lying on your bed now?"

Yeyue did not reply immediately after hearing Natsu's words.Instead, he turned and walked to the other side of the trail.Natsu didn't know what was going on, and followed Ye Yue curiously.Then the two of them stopped at a gazebo.

"Remember when I was in your room just now, and the two of us were discussing spells?" Yeyue said and sat down, then reached out and picked a plum blossom in the pavilion.

"I remember, aren't we all like this these days?"

After listening to Yeyue's words, Natsu sat down opposite Yeyue and looked at the plum blossom in his hand.

"Yes, just when I walked out of your convenience, I suddenly saw a familiar figure, and that person was Ulutia."

Yeyue said and placed the plum blossom in her hand beside her bench.

"And then? What happened then?" When Natsu asked Yeyue, he kept his eyes fixed on the plum blossom, watching the plum blossom in Yeyue's hand, and then gently placed on the bench again , and then returned to Yeyue's hands again.This cycle goes on and on, Yeyue doesn't know it, and Natsu doesn't know it either.

"Then I saw Ulutiya enter a room, riding very well. After a while, I also pushed open the door and followed her in."

"But what does this have to do with the city lord?"

"The moment I pushed open the door, I saw that the city lord was breathing spiritual energy into Ulutia's body again."

"Oh, if the aura clashes, it's very dangerous."

"Yes, I thought so too, so I stepped forward to stop it."

"But someone stopped you in the middle." Natsu guessed seven or eight points after listening to Yeyue's remarks.

"This person is the city owner."

Yeyue once again put the plum blossom in her hand on the bench.The look on his face was unpredictable.His eyes suddenly drifted away from the plum blossom, and then moved to Natsu.

"So you interrupted the city lord when he was plated with aura. He was backlashed by his own spell?"

"That's right, that's it."

Natsu's eyes widened in surprise when he heard Yeyue's words. At this time, his time limit had already opened from the plum blossom. The moment Wang Xiaoyue and Yeyue practiced taking photos, was extremely embarrassing.

"But have you ever thought that if the city lord is for the good of Ulutiya, you should intervene at this time and it will hurt both of them."

After listening to Natsu's words, Yeyuejiao's words are very reasonable. She was really nervous about Ulutia just now. After all, the city lord is just a stranger who rescued them. He and the others don't know the city lord at all. Mature and casually put magic and spiritual power into Ulutia's body?

Looking at Yeyue's unpredictable expression, Natsu knew that Yeyue also had a trace of regret at this time.So he didn't say any more.

"But I don't know why I always have a feeling that this city owner is hiding something from us."

"Probably not. If it is an enemy or a friend, why did he rescue us when we were severely injured?"

Yeyue listened to Natsu's words, shook her head gently, moved her eyes away, and dragged it to that kind of plum blossom again.

"Yeyue, you need to relax a little. Maybe this city owner is not a bad person."

Yeyue did not respond after hearing Natsu's words.If it is a friend rather than an enemy, then he will naturally not embarrass him, but if not, then they can only compete with each other.

Chapter 309: The Story of the City Lord

After Yeyue and Natsu talked in the pavilion, they didn't come to any conclusion.Because at this time everything is a mystery to them.They can't make decisions lightly, and everything has to be answered when Orange Juice and Ulutia wake up.

Since the city lord and Ulutia were still lying in their room, Yeyue was not convenient to go back to rest.They went back to the room with Natsu, and the two made do with a night of rest.


But the next night, when Yeyue and Natsu were still asleep, a sharp female voice suddenly broke into their ears.

Yeyue and Natsu opened their eyes at the same time. They jumped out of bed, opened the door and ran to Yeyue's room.When they came to the door of Yeyue's room, they found that the door of Yeyue's room was wide open.

Yeyue and Natsu looked at each other, and then the two walked into the room together.When they entered the room, they found that many maids had gathered in the room.They surrounded the city lord and Ulutia tightly behind them, and then heard the footsteps of Yeyue and Natsu, and suddenly turned around and glared at them viciously.

"What did you do to our city lord? Why is he lying on your bed with a pale face?"

One of the older maids stepped forward and started questioning Yeyue.The eyes are fierce, the expression is serious, there is no doubt, the voice is loud and powerful.

"Yes, yes, what did you do to our city lord?"

"Yes, tell me what you did to our city lord?"

The younger maids behind them also questioned one after another, led by the older maids.They all turned their eyes to Yeyue, and their eyes seemed to say that if Yeyue didn't give them a satisfactory answer, they would smash Yeyue into ten thousand pieces in the next second.

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