Everyone in the city stood until the last moment in order to protect their homeland. At that time, not only blood flowed into rivers, but blood was everywhere.

The little orange has gone through such a big change.Orange's grandfather resisted the monster over and over again, but he still couldn't resist the monster's attack.

The monsters are endless and endless, and the number is too numerous to count.With so many monsters, Chengzi's grandfather stood for three days and three nights, but still did not stop the monsters.

That day, dark clouds covered the blue sky, making the sky blue.turned grey.

This kind of weather seems to indicate that Chengzi's grandfather will not be able to hold on, and his achievements will be broken.

However, there will always be a turning point. Everything flows into the dark and bright, and it turns out that it is only in this mountain.

Orange's grandfather always took the orange with him, for the safety of the orange.

But that day, Chengzi's grandfather left early and did not bring him with him.After noon, Chengzi's grandfather came back.

The blood on their faces and the muddy hair are no longer in a mess, and they are all written on it, after a hard fight.

He came.in front of the orange.

He carefully picked up the orange's face and brought the little orange into his arms.

There seemed to be thousands of tenderness and warmth, but Chengzi's grandfather let go after holding him for a moment.

With those eyes, he looked at the orange carefully.He drew her outline, as if he wanted to carve Orange's face in his mind.

Orange did not understand when he was young.The deep meaning and reluctance in the grandfather's eyes.

Of course, Cheng Ziyu wouldn't know that this was the last time Grandpa Cheng Ziyu met.

After the orange, many years later, I still regret why I didn't express that love.

Because grandpa is the city owner is majestic, so.The relationship between him and his grandfather is not as easy-going as the commoners.

The word love was never spoken between them.

But does not say the word love is not love?Obviously not Chengzi's grandfather loves oranges, and Chengzi also loves grandpa very much.

That day Chengzi's grandfather, Jiang Chengzi, took him to a small corner of the city.

Grandpa looked sad.Looking at the little orange, he seemed to make up his mind.

asked the orange said.

"Chengzi, are you willing to sacrifice for the peace of this city?"

Young oranges don't know.what does that mean?So he raised his immature face and asked his grandfather in a naive voice.

"Grandpa, Chengzi doesn't understand the hierarchy given by Grandpa. Tell me what it is, what can Chengzi do for everyone?"

A young age and don't know what that means?When the city lord asked the grandfather what was going on for some reason, he lost consciousness, and apparently Cheng Zhudang fainted.

As for whether he was stunned by starvation or beaten by grandfather, he matured that he should have been beaten unconscious by grandfather.

Because Orange recalled that when he woke up, I would still feel a pain in the back of his neck, indicating that he would not be in a coma until he was hit.

When Cheng Zi woke up, he found that his man had turned into a daughter, and the city lord turned out to be a man.

The city owner was very sad at the time, looking at the completely unfamiliar body, he didn't know who he was, who his grandfather was, and he didn't know how to define his gender.

It eats, sleeps, and goes to the toilet like a newborn baby.

Grandpa is also for this prosperous day.Defending the city was sacrificed.

Originally, she and her grandfather were the only ones left to depend on each other.

Now there is only a transformed self.Now grandpa has no gender and has changed.

Seong-joo recalled that that time was a dark period in his life, and he did not know day and night.

He couldn't bear the fact that his manhood woke up and turned into a daughter all his life, and what was even more unacceptable was the news that his grandfather had passed away after he woke up.

Grandpa is a good city lord, he thinks of the people.He sacrificed his only grandson for the city, and also lost his life for the peace of the city and the people.

Weeks is indeed a good degree, however.For the restructured family, it was a disaster.The city owner's family, which was originally sparsely populated, was left with only a young girl after the transformation.

Fortunately, that little girl has grown up and has become a slim woman, her strength is not bad, and it has also brought the city to prosperity.

It also seems to be a very mature, and indeed the power of role models is great.

Maturity established a positive image for the city lord back then, which made it impossible for him to grow up.Learn to live in grandpa city.look.

Sometimes life is like this, always when you inadvertently think you are the happiest, you make a big somersault.Originally thought that the road ahead was Kangzhuang, but unexpectedly it was full of traps.

If a person's life is full of bumpy, bumpy experiences, he will take every step carefully and be prepared even if he falls.However, for the unprepared water, the mentor's city coach has been in pain for many years.

He couldn't wake up from the shadow where his grandfather had left for a long time.

Every time I see the upgrade that I have become a daughter, I still feel a little dazed.

City Lord.Grandpa really is a very mature, in order to protect.City.Sacrificing his life also turned his only grandson into a woman.

Regardless of the contact, this city is finally.Protected, although he was very broken at that time, the destruction of war and monsters made the city have to be rebuilt, but now the city has returned to its former prosperity.

Grandpa doesn't know where to see the spell and positive, I suspect it is.The mature grandfather got a secret book somewhere, which recorded a kind of peerless magic.

But anything with such great power comes at a price.

For example, the price of the sunflower collection is that if you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace.

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