These people were rolled up high and fell to the ground.One fell to his death on the spot, and the other two lay on the ground screaming.Yeyue killed one of them, and then came to the other person who was slightly injured, only to hear that person begging: "Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Yeyue put down the hand pointing at him and said, "It's okay not to kill you, but you have to remember and tell others not to come to this forest to hunt. Got it?"

"I know, I know."

The man was about to get up and run away, but was caught by Yeyue, who said, "The powder used by your leader..."

"Wake up with some water."

Ye Yue let him go.He saw a water tank on the side of the wooden house again, so he went to the water tank to find a water ladle, filled some water and fed it to Ulutia.

Ulutia woke up not long after drinking the water.He woke up and said in a daze, "What happened?"

"Fortunately, you helped me block the powder."

"What powder?"

"Do not you remember?"

"I remember fighting with hunters..." Ulutiya recalled, and suddenly said in surprise: "How could I be lying on the ground, is it a dream?"

Yeyue pointed to the leader's corpse and said, "It's not a dream."

"But why don't I remember?"

"Maybe it's because of the powder. This powder is too powerful. You fainted as soon as you touched it."

"is it?"

Ulutiya got up, looked at the mess on the ground, and said, "You defeated them?"

"Yes, let's go clean up the crimson leaves."

Yeyue found a bag from the house and packed all the crimson leaves on the roof.At this time, Ulutiya shouted: "Come on, there is food here."

These hunters usually eat some meat, and make jerky if they have any meat. Ulutia happened to see two pieces of jerky on the plate, and she was hungry again, so she was welcome.

The two ate some jerky and drank some water, and when they turned to leave, Ulutia found the leader's token in the house again, and then the two walked in the direction of the Deer King together.

The way back was faster than they thought. Before it was dark, the two found the deer king. The deer king saw them and said, "You went for two days, did you get the red leaves?"

Ulutia said with a smile: "Not only did I get it, but I have good news for you."

So Ulutia told the deer king about defeating the hunters, and also gave the token to the deer king.The deer king saw the token and said, "Thank you, the forest has become safer, but they still have some people who escaped..."

"Don't worry," Yeyue said. "It shouldn't be coming back. If you come back, you can send someone to find us, and I will deal with them completely."

The deer king was completely relieved, and then said: "Are you going back now?"

"Yeah, that," Ulutiya said embarrassedly, "Is the deer back for me?"

The deer king looked at Ulutia and said, "Although I am very reluctant, it seems that you like it very much. I will give them to you. You must take good care of them."

"Yes, it certainly will."

Ulutia said happily.

The Deer King Haihui Temple was not at ease, and dragged Ulutiya to explain a lot of precautions.

Chapter 322: Signing a Contract

After solving this series of things, the male and female protagonists left the place with two deer cubs.

"You must have heard the things their mother told me just now, right?"

Not far from that place, the female protagonist turned to look at the male protagonist, and then blankly asked him if he understood, what the deer's mother explained to them just now.

"I was standing not far away just now. Therefore, I have completely remembered his instructions in my heart, so you can rest assured."

The male protagonist nodded decisively when he heard the female protagonist's question, saying that he fully knew what he needed to pay attention to was laughing, and reassured the female protagonist.

"Then let's start signing a contract with the two of them. Only after signing the contract will our next situation be more convenient, and there will be no strange feeling with them."

The male protagonist nodded in agreement after listening to the female protagonist.Yes, only after they signed a contract with these two little deer cubs, their next situation will be more convenient, and they will not have any disputes with these two little deer cubs.After a little discussion between the two, they decided to act, so they created two cubs in front of them.

"I am the heroine of the human race. I will sign a contract with you here, and from now on, my destiny will be linked to form a common relationship. Do you want to?"

The heroine said that she drew a five-pointed star on her chest, then put the five-pointed star in her palm, and turned her palm to the doe cub in front of her.

"I am willing to sign a contract with the heroine of the human race, and from now on, the destiny will be connected and formed together."

The doe boy said, and put his hand in the palm of the heroine.At the moment when their two hands touched, a huge spark was excited, and then it turned into a beam of light and shot into the air. After a long time, it slowly disappeared and turned into a star-shaped light.

At this point, the process is over, and the contract between the heroine and the doe cub is officially completed.

"From now on, we are the same destiny. I gave you the name Qin."

As the hostess said, she reached out and nodded on the head of the doe cub, and then a word qin appeared on his forehead, but quickly disappeared.

At the same time as the female protagonist signed a contract with the doe cub and gave her a name, the male protagonist also signed a contract with the male deer cub and gave him a name called Day.

After completing the process of signing the contract, the male and female protagonists glanced at each other, then laughed lightly, and they all nodded.

"Since the matter here is almost resolved, and the contract between the two of us has been completed, then let's set off to the forest in the extreme north."

After listening to the male lead, the female lead nodded in agreement.Yes, they can't stay in this place for a long time. They still need to go to several forests to find the elves and complete their next tasks.

"I have already checked the route to the Far North Forest. Next, you just have to follow me along this road."

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