"Master, look."

The heroine carefully observed it again. After the heavy snow, she was more sure of her thoughts and things, and then she stretched out her finger and pointed to the air to observe a male lead.After hearing the voice of the female protagonist, the male protagonist looked up with his fingers.Sure enough, this heavy snow is not the same as elsewhere. The speed and distance of their falling are obviously regular.

"I feel that the speed and distance of the snow falling is regular, and the more I look at it, the more obvious the regularity is, and it's not my own illusion."

The female protagonist looked at the male protagonist with great certainty. He knew that this must not be his own illusion. There must be something special about the universities falling on this land that they have not yet noticed.After listening to the heroine's words, the hero also said that he looked back at the heavy snow in the sky, and then fell in love with the heroine.

"You're right. I also noticed that the speed and distance of the snow is indeed regular. It's different from what I've seen elsewhere."

The male protagonist withdrew his gaze and turned his head to look in front of the road they were traveling.Originally, the temperature in the forest in the extreme north dropped sharply, and it was not surprising that it suddenly snowed in the sky, but now the speed and distance of the snow falling clearly showed a regular pattern, and it was not easy to come here and tell them about this place.

"I think it's so strange under the heavy snow, we may have entered the realm of the elves."

"Are you saying that we have entered the domain of the elves? But I didn't see any so-called buildings and people of the elves."

After listening to the female protagonist's words, the male protagonist regained his senses a little. He knew that the reason why it was called the elves was definitely theirs.Buildings and their clansmen will not be easily noticed by the clansmen, so it no longer feels strange.

"After all, we are a human race. We were standing in their domain at this time, and we didn't realize that this was the territory of the elves. It was the snow that filled the sky that gave us inspiration, so we were able to draw this clue. I Thinking about their buildings and their clansmen, it’s not so easy to be seen by humans.”

"Then what do we need to do? We can't just wait here, thinking that they won't come out to see us, we have to take some measures."

"Yes, we certainly can't wait for nothing in this heavy snow, otherwise time will be unbearable when it meets our physical strength, and even if they sense our approach, they should not come out on their own, they need our spirit. It's enough to summon force."

The male protagonist changed his standing position as he spoke, then stretched out his hands to use his mana, and then smashed his mana into the sky, requesting that the elf clansmen see them and let them in.After completing this series of actions, the male protagonist withdrew his hands, then returned to his usual standing posture, and turned to look at the female protagonist.

"How? Have you used your magic to notify them of our arrival, and then begged them to let us into the city?"

"Yes, I have been willing to use my magic power to let them know, now everything we have happened, and our request, now all we need to do is wait here quietly for a while, presumably their people will soon Come out to meet us."

After listening to the male protagonist's words, the female protagonist nodded lightly and said nothing more. He knew that what they would face next would be the elf clansmen, but things were not as simple as they thought. Whether the task can be successfully completed, or is it an unknown mystery?

Just after the male protagonist and the female protagonist stood there and waited quietly for about a few minutes, suddenly the speed of the snow falling from the sky began to slow down, and in the next second, the university suddenly stopped in mid-air.Immediately afterwards, a few elf clansmen followed the heavy snow, becoming more and more clear, and finally turned into physical combat power in front of the male and female protagonists.

When they saw the arrival of the elf clansmen, holding and the hostess watched for a while, but they quickly returned to their former expressions. At this time, they could not show any inappropriateness. After all, they received There is still a very difficult task waiting for them to complete.

"Did you just hit the sky with your magic power and ask the elves to come out and meet you?"

When the few elf clansmen stood in front of the male and female protagonists, the elven clan who took the lead began to inquire.

After listening to the words of the clan, the male and female protagonists, as well as the kittens and puppies beside them, politely expressed their apologies to them, Wei Chele Yigong, and then nodded, acknowledging that the law just now was released by himself. .

"Just now, the mana in the air is really what we did. We hope you can let us enter the city."

"Are you saying that you want to enter the city of our elves?"

"That's right, that's it."

After listening to the unwavering, serious and serious answer from the male protagonist, the elf clansman who took the lead turned his head and looked at each other with the other clansmen, and made eye contact.Soon he turned his head to look at the male and female protagonists.But after he completed this series of actions, he did not immediately answer the male protagonist.Instead, he hid his head deeply towards the male and female protagonists, and then sniffed the scent of the male and female protagonists.

"You mean you asked to enter the city of our elves?"

Hearing the question repeated by the clan, the heroine and the hero were slightly puzzled, but they still nodded firmly.

"But when you didn't ask to see us just now, you didn't state that you were a human race."

"It's not wrong that we are humans. But does this have any necessary connection with our request to enter your elf city? I don't think there is much difference between humans and elves."

"Who gave you the courage to say that, the elves are completely different from the elves, and we do not allow you to enter the city."

After listening to the heroine's words, the leader of the elf tribe became excited, and immediately rejected the request of the hero and heroine.Seeing this situation, the heroine stepped forward and was about to argue with the clan, but at this moment, the voice of the clan resounded in the crowd again.

"No matter how good you say, I can't let you enter the city of the elves. I hope you leave quickly and don't cause any more trouble, otherwise you will be at your own risk. We will not care about you."

After saying this, before waiting for the heroine's answer, the few elves disappeared.Only the male and female protagonists are left in this formation.Just after they disappeared, the heavy snow began to fall slowly again.Hit the two of them like a blade.

Chapter 325

form a protective cover

All the snowflakes fell from the sky and fell on the faces of the two people.

The feeling of all this and all is that the other two people feel the discomfort in their hearts.

I already feel that the environment here doesn't really belong to me. The cold sky, coupled with the desolate snowflakes, reflects the desolate feeling of two people walking alone on the road.

At this time, the two had discovered that when the two elves left just now, they were trapped in the so-called guardian formation of the elves.

This made Ye Yue very angry.

"Really, why don't you just leave here? Why do you keep my door locked here? Don't you know it's very cold outside?"

Yeyue was even more angry in her heart. When she thought about these things, Yeyue had already begun to feel that everything here was no longer going in the direction they thought.

"Don't worry, I have to figure out a way to get us out of this environment now! It's really hateful!"

Yeyue was very angry when she saw all the things that were happening in front of her.

No one has ever dared to treat him with such an attitude when he has experienced so many things, and no one has ever dared to treat him in such a way.

"In so many situations, I have already thought about it, and I have to solve it in the best way, all this is now in front of me!"

The furious Yeyue looked at Utilua who was standing beside her with a determined look on her face!

At this moment, I feel that the snowflakes falling from the sky cut two people's bodies like knives.

This feeling really makes Yeyuejiao uncomfortable.

Seeing Utiluya shivering next to her, this made Yeyue even more angry and sad.

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