It was in a piece of land in the east, so the two of them hurried on their way, and they needed to find this thing.

Along the way, they did not expect to encounter many skeletons on the way.

"How come there are so many skeletons all of a sudden? Did we fall into some kind of trap?"

Utiluya's voice was full of anxiety. She asked Yeyue and said that before Yeyue could answer, they felt that they had fallen into something, and it turned out to be a swamp below.

"How can this happen, everything is safe along the way, how come there are so many skeletons and swamps."

Utilua, who was saying these words, was suddenly taken aback by the skeleton that suddenly approached next to her. Utilua saw the skeleton in front of her getting closer and closer, but she couldn't leave, because she His feet had sunk into the swamp.

At this critical moment, Yeyue suddenly felt that he had arrived in time to rescue Utila, who was almost attacked by skeletons.

"Oh my god, it was so dangerous just now. Fortunately, you arrived in time."

"With so many skeletons and swamps here, we feel I seriously doubt that we've reached dragon territory if danger comes suddenly."

Utiluya didn't expect that they had walked for so long and finally reached the dragon's woodland, but this one was already in such great danger as soon as they entered, he didn't know how difficult the next road was.

"Have we already entered? I didn't expect the dragon's territory to be so dangerous."

There was still some panting in Utila's voice, as if he was frightened just now. He is still a little scared now. If he didn't arrive in time, he would be seriously injured.

Yeyue and Utilua knew that they had entered the dragon's territory and began to move forward cautiously. They knew that everything in the vicinity was dangerous and did not know when the crisis suddenly appeared.

So Yeyue protected Utiluya and walked slowly forward, and they soon came to a large cave.

"Yeyue actually has a cave! I don't know what's in it."

Utilua's voice was full of doubts.

So Yeyue and Utiluya didn't know what was going on in Shandong, but they wanted to know, so they approached the cave cautiously and found that the cave was glittering with gold.

"Why is there something glittering in it, I don't know what is inside?"

Yeyue and Utilua held their breaths, cautiously approached the cave, and slowly raised their heads.Observe the situation in this cave.

After seeing the situation in the cave, Utiluya opened her mouth involuntarily. He expressed his shock and almost exclaimed.

Yeyue also expressed his shock. He didn't expect to encounter such a creature in this place, and his eyes were full of uncertainty.

It turned out that there were two giant dragons shining in the cave. The two giant dragons, one red and one green, were clustered together as if they were sleeping.

"God, there are actually two giant dragons in the cave and they are sleeping."

Utilua's voice had changed, he did not expect to encounter a giant dragon in this place.

This is the dragon they were looking for, and they encountered it unexpectedly, but Yeyue and Utilua knew that this was the beginning of the real danger.

Chapter 343 Discovered

Yeyue then felt that this should be a good opportunity to sneak in and take a few dragon scales while the two giant dragons were sleeping inside.

So Yeyue turned her head and said to Utilua next to her,

"Utiluya, wait for me at the entrance of the cave, I'll go in and take advantage of the two giant dragons sleeping. Quietly take away a few dragon scales, I think this opportunity is really great, it's a rare opportunity, if you wait for them It should be troublesome to wake up."

Hearing Yeyue's words, although Utilua was a little hesitant, because Utilua was a little worried about whether it would be dangerous for Yeyue to enter the cave alone, she still agreed, because this seemed to be the best way at the moment.

"Then you must be careful of these two dragons when you go in by yourself. If you wake up, it is very dangerous. If the situation is not right, you must withdraw quickly and don't be brave."

Yeyue nodded and gave Utilua a firm look. He patted Utilua on the shoulder and comforted Utilua before turning his head and entering the big cave.

Utiluya really wanted to go in with Yeyue, but Utilua knew that if she went in, if an accident happened, it would only be a burden, because she did not have any special offensive ability, and her speed was not very fast. So Utilua could only anxiously wait for Yeyue at the gate of this big cave.

Utiluya also seemed to be very nervous, holding her breath outside the cave, anxiously watching Yeyue approaching the two giant dragons with unblinking eyes.

Yeyue took a deep breath and slowed down her body, so she entered the cave very lightly. Yeyue was afraid that she would wake up the two giant dragons after her movements were too big, so there were only two giant dragons around. The wind was whirring and everything was quiet.

But at this moment, the accident happened!

The two giant dragons that were still sleeping, suddenly, the female dragon seemed to wake up, and it seemed that something was approaching, so he woke up and opened his eyes.

When the mother dragon opened her eyes, she saw Yeyue sneaking in front of her eyes, so the mother dragon thought that Yeyue came in to steal their treasure, so she was very angry.

Yeyue saw that she had woken up in front of her eyes, and the angry female dragon was revealed in her eyes. She felt that the accident had come too quickly. She didn't expect such bad luck to wake up just after entering the mother dragon.

So Yeyue quickly adjusted her breathing and adjusted her state to resist the attack, because Yeyue could already feel the anger of the female dragon in front of her, Yeyue felt that the mother dragon might rush over to attack in the next second. Own.

And now Yeyue has not fought against the mother dragon, so Yeyue does not know the mother dragon in front of her, his fighting ability, his speed and its fighting habits.

Yeyue is also clueless and nervous, because Yeyue doesn't know if she is the opponent of the female dragon in front of her, and Yeyue doesn't know what will happen if they fight for a while.

Sure enough, after seeing Yeyue, the mother dragon quickly attacked Yeyue, so the dragon's speed was very fast, and it rushed over in an instant.

Yeyue avoided the attack of the mother dragon, and opened her mouth to explain anxiously to the mother dragon.

"Mother dragon, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation, things are not what you think."

At this time, the female dragon had already rushed in front of Yeyue, and did not weaken her speed and attack in the slightest.

So Yeyue could only step back, dodge to hide behind, Yeyue then continued to open her mouth to explain to the mother dragon.

"I don't mean anything, and I don't mean to hurt you. I just want to come in and get some dragon scales, because I really need them. I don't mean to steal your treasure. Listen to my explanation. What I said is true!"

But the angry female dragon in front of her didn't seem to listen to Yeyue's explanation, and she didn't hear his words at all. He was just attacking Yeyue blindly.

The cave suddenly vibrated, and many stones fell down. Obviously, the cave had been hit hard.

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