Utiluya had always been sharp-edged before, but after this month's retreat, Yeyue felt that Utiluya's cultivation was slowly becoming more introverted, and she had a feeling of returning to the basics.Utilua now gave off a feeling that she couldn't tell through.

"Congratulations, Utiluya, now I clearly feel that your cultivation has risen a lot. Moreover, you have become more and more different. It seems that you have gained a lot in the past month or so! "As soon as Utilua came out, Yeyue immediately praised Utilua.

Hearing Yeyue's words, Utiluya felt very embarrassed, Utiluya shyly said to Yeyue, "It's okay, I've been in retreat for a month, although my cultivation level has risen a lot, but my cultivation level is Still not as powerful as you, but I have a very good harvest, in this month, I have thought of many ways to get Corrido out of Desimo's body."

This sentence successfully caught Yeyue's attention: "How is it? What do you think? Since this month, I have been helping Desimo manage the city very busy, so there is no way to solve this problem. You have come up with so many ways, hurry up and say it, the two of us will work together to quickly drive Corrido out of Desimo's body."

Utiluya patted her chest and stiffened her back, proudly saying to Yeyue that I learned the experience from your previous method and thought of the key to solving this problem. I feel that Desimo has always been suppressed by Corrido. The reason is that Desimo's soul power may be weak. "

"So I thought of a good way to help Desimo to nourish his soul. As long as Desimo's soul grows stronger, Desimo can resist Corey in his own body. The opportunity to drive Corrido out."

"Wonderful, wonderful." Yeyue not only gave Utilua a thumbs up after hearing what Utilua had come up with.After getting Yeyue's praise, Utiloa then said to Yeyue, I have other options "that is, we two join forces to defeat Corridor, in this case, Corridor will be injured, Cory More injuries will give Desimo a chance to regain control of his body and get Corrido out of his body."

Yeyue thought about this method of Corrido carefully, and after thinking about it, Yeyue still felt that the first method was better.Yeyue said, "Oh, I feel that the first method is more effective, and the second method is more risky. First of all, the two of us are not sure whether we can defeat Corrido.

After all, Corrido is now in Desimo's body. If I hit hard, it's very likely that Corrido will also be hurt, so it's better to use the first method. The first method is gentler. . "

After listening to Yeyue's words, Utiluya thought about it carefully, and felt that Yeyue was very right. The second method was indeed a bit too violent, and the damage would be relatively large at that time, and it was very likely that there would be a reaction force.If the second method is used, it is very likely that Desimo will be killed directly at that time, and instead, it will help Corrido to occupy Desimo's body.

After Yeyue Utilua reached an agreement, the two quickly began to act.Utiluya said to Yeyue, "The first way is to use Desimo's underwear as an introduction to design a soul-inducing formation. Place the spirits of heaven and earth around the formation, and then you can pass this The formation attracts Desimo's soul, and these heaven and earth spirits come from nourishing Desimo's soul."

This formation is relatively simple to say, but first of all, the first point is that Yeyue and the others don't have Desimo's underwear at all.And since Corrido occupied Desimo's body, Corrido seems to have burned all of Desimo's things before, leaving only Desimo.This is the dress I'm wearing now.

The two of them couldn't find Corrido's hiding place at all. How could they get Desimo's underwear?That's a big problem.Thinking of this difficulty, Utilua immediately looked downcast and looked very frustrated.The joy of retreating and upgrading before is no longer there.

Seeing Utiluya looking so downcast, Yeyue patted Utiluya on the shoulder to comfort Utilua and said, "Don't worry, this matter is left to me, I have a way to get Desimo's. Underwear."

"Okay, then you can go and get the honeydew melon's underwear. I'll prepare the rest of the formation. When you have your clothes, you can start the formation immediately." Unhappy explained Ye Ye After the things to do in the month, go to the rest of the formation.

After Yeyue left Utilua, she went to see Corrido. Yeyue knew that Corridor was definitely nearby and never left.Sure enough, not long after Ye Yue left Utilua, Corridor appeared immediately.As soon as she saw Corrido, Yeyue pretended to miss Desimo and asked Corrido for Desimo's personal items.

Unexpectedly, Corrido was very cool this time. After hearing Yeyue's request, Corrido didn't even think about it, and directly gave Yeyue the coat he was wearing.

After getting Desimo's underwear, Yeyue immediately went to find Utilua.This formation was very difficult to place, Yeyue put Desimo's underwear on Zheng Yan's place, and then started to help Utilua to place it in other places.

It was getting dark soon, Yeyue and Utilua still didn't give up, they had been fiddling with the formation seriously, the sky paid off, and when midnight approached, Yeyue and Utilua finally put this one together. The formation is ready.

A flash of white light flashed, and Yeyue and Utiluya found Desimo's soul at the very center of the formation.His soul is very transparent, but under the nourishment of these heaven and earth spiritual treasures, Desimo's soul slowly began to condense, and gradually took on the substance.

Yeyue and Utiluya looked at Desimo in the formation without blinking.Desimo's soul slowly began to recover, and the whole body was able to move in a small range.

Nourish Desimo's soul with heavenly treasures.Desimo's soul weakened by Corrido gradually became stronger under their nourishment, and there are signs of recovery.

Chapter 367: No choice

After seeing this sign, Corrido felt it was too terrifying.Desimo's soul is getting stronger, what can we do?If Desimo's soul really recovers, then he will be really miserable in the future.

While thinking about it like this, Corrido began to panic, and he really had no choice at all now.But no matter what, you can only bite the bullet.Because if you don't want to die, you can only destroy their plan at this time.

So Corrido thought about it and started spinning around in place. She kept clapping her hands and scratching her head from time to time. She was really worried.

"What's the matter with you, Corrido? Why do you have a worried expression and let us know if there is something wrong, and let's solve it together."

Just when Corrido was still worried by himself, a bodyguard who was close to him suddenly came over. He didn't want Corrido to bear the burden alone, so he said something like this to Corrido.

"Even what you said about this matter is useless, because you can't help me at all. I'm really worried now."

When Corrido said that, the expression on his face didn't change at all.He didn't want to hide this from his subordinates, but he felt that his subordinates should not be able to help him.

"But after all, there are more people and more power. If we say something, we will find a solution together, and it will always be easier to solve it."

After Corrido's words, it did not mean to give up. He felt that everyone had been together for so long, and he didn't want Corrido to bear it alone.


When he heard such kind words from his subordinate, Corrido also felt that there was no need to hide it any longer. Just like what he just said, there are many people with great power. Maybe they really have something to do?

While thinking like this, Corrido slowly sat on the chair behind him, but at this time his expression was still not at all relaxed.

"Actually, it's about Desimo. I weakened Desimo's soul before. You all know about this, right?"

After Corrido sat on the stool behind him, he raised his head, and after three seconds of hesitation, he said such words to his subordinates.

After listening to Corrido's words, his subordinates nodded. Of course they knew about this, but they didn't know why Corrido was suddenly worried at this time.

"Of course we know about this, because we were all there at the time, and we know that you have weakened Desimo's soul with your power, and she no longer poses a threat to us."

After hearing Corrido's words, the subordinate said his current thoughts. He didn't know why Corrido was worried, because now Desimo is no longer a threat to them.

"I originally thought so too. I thought that this would suppress Desimo's soul, but now after Utilya's hand, his soul has begun to show signs of recovery."

Desimo knew that his men didn't know about it at this time, so they didn't know how serious the result was for him.

"It would be too bad if that were the case. After all, Desimo is a strong opponent for us. If he does recover, we will be in trouble."

At this time, Corrido's men also panicked. He knew that he could not revive Desimo's soul no matter what, and now he also knew why Corrido was worried again. .

"You are right, no matter how much we pay, it is impossible to revive Desimo, otherwise, we will be in big trouble."

"But what can we do now? We can only continue to suppress his soul, there is no other way."

After hearing what Corrido said, his subordinates knew that what Corrido said just now was correct, and they really couldn't help at all.

"I haven't thought of a good way now. I can only increase the dose. Otherwise, his soul will start to recover."

After seeing the reaction of his subordinates, Corrido shook his head. He knew that everyone had no choice. Maybe he had to give it a try.

"Then we can only try this method now. After all, their volume is too powerful. If we try to force it, it will not be feasible."

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