Therefore, Yeyue was extremely uncomfortable at this time, and Yeyue's heart was still full of doubts.I don't understand why Utilua became like this?


However, after a short while, only seeing Utilua's mental state, it was quite crazy.At this time, it can be said that he has reached the point of madness. I saw Utiluya. At this time, his expression was quite painful, and he roared loudly in the sky.

"Hahaha, Yeyue Yeyue, let me tell you, the current Utilua is definitely not the previous Utilua. No matter how much you call it's name, it's useless!"

However, at this time, Mianrou was laughing, and there was always that very sinister smile on Mianrou's face.

At this time, Mianrou's face was terrifying. When he looked at Yeyue, her eyes were full of evil feelings.Mianrou was very proud, looking at Yeyue with a very gloomy look, she said this to Yeyue.

"Despicable and shameless villain, what did you do to Utilua? Why did Utilua fall into a state of madness?"

At this time, Yeyue's heart suddenly trembled, and he secretly screamed badly.Because of Yeyue, he guessed at this time that it is very likely that Utiluya was bewitched by Mianrou, or that Mianrou had poisoned Utiluya, which caused Utiluya to lose control.

At this time, Utilua saw bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and a sharp voice emanated from her body.And at this time, he exuded a huge coercion, and in an instant, the positive energy turned out to be a mountain and a rock.

At this time, Ye Yue felt grief and anger in his heart, and he could not wait to hold the cotton soft in his hand immediately, and then beat him violently.

But the helpless thing is that at this time Yeyue had to put away all her strength.Because Utilua was standing in front of him, if she radiated all her strength, she would definitely hurt Utilua.Therefore, Yeyue had to put away all the strength in her body and suppress her anger.

At this time, Yeyue knew that he had been tricked, but at this time he was helpless.After all, Utiluya is still in Mianrou's hands and is under his control. At this time, Utiluya is like a doll, letting Mianrou control it.

"Hahaha, Yeyue Yeyue, aren't you very majestic in normal times? Now I want to see how long your majesty can last! Today I will let you try what is called real pain!"

However, Mianrou saw Yeyue in such pain.He was very happy in his heart, and screamed in the sky.

I saw a very evil smile on Mianrou's face, and traces of murderous intent flashed in Mianrou's eyes.In the end, this piece of cotton soft slowly backed away, and when she stepped back far enough, she saw an evil smile overflowing from the corner of Mianrou's mouth again.

"Utilua, now you should know what to do! I want you to kill this man in front of you!"

In just an instant, the evil smile on Mianrou's face was stopped immediately.And with a gloomy tone, he said to Utilua.

Mianrou's voice just fell.I saw that Utilua instantly raised her weapon and charged towards Yeyue, but in the blink of an eye, Utilua launched a fierce attack on Yeyue.

"Utilua, what's wrong with you? Wake up, it's me, I'm Yeyue. How can you attack me?"

When Yeyue saw this scene, Yeyue's heart was frightened.And was very shocked.Ye Yue never imagined that Utilua would attack him at this time.

Therefore, it was extremely uncomfortable in his heart secretly at this time, and he kept calling out Utila's name.I hoped to wake up Utilua's sanity, but at this time, no matter how Yeyue called.

At this time, Utilua always seemed to have lost her sanity, without the slightest feeling.He launched an attack directly at Yeyue, and at this time, Utilua's attack speed was still getting faster and faster.

Therefore, Yeyue had no choice but to dodge Utilua's attack at this time.Just when Yeyue saw Utilua's weak point, she was about to launch an attack on Utilua.

Yeyue immediately thought that it was Utilua, so Duoduo had to take back his power again.Suddenly stop his own attacks, however, because of this.So every night moon may be attacked by Utilua.

It's just a stick of incense, Yeyue can't always counter-attack Utiluya, so Yeyue has been attacked by Utiluya several times at this time.

Although Yeyue's mana is very profound, his cultivation is unfathomable.Every time Yeyue found an attack, although it was not fatal, it was enough to stab him for a long time.

"Mianrou, you despicable villain, you actually use such rude means. I tell you, I will catch you sooner or later and make you die!"

However, when Mianrou saw this scene, she couldn't help laughing, and that evil smile seemed to make him even more sinister.

And Yeyue hated Mianrou even more at this time, especially when Yeyue saw Utilya's crazy appearance.Ye Yue's heart was really heartbroken.

384 One after another

The surrounding is pitch-dark, and it's not really pitch-dark, but people can't get used to it from a place full of light to an extremely dark place in an instant, and they have to wait for this brief period of blindness to pass. , in order to gradually become familiar with the darkness around you, so that you can see everything around you clearly.

Yeyue didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that something might go wrong. In case of stepping on a certain organ or something, after all, he is not the only one here, you must know that Utiliya also fell here. If it is now at this time At this moment, what if he acted rashly, what should he do if he got involved with Utilua?

Feeling back casually, I touched a wall, Yeyue's other hand was also put on it, but she didn't dare to fit her whole body. After all, this is very dangerous, and a little carelessness will cause irreversible damage. s consequence.Yeyue was panting heavily, her hands resting on the wall, but she didn't dare to lean her entire back against the wall.

"I really hope that this darkness will pass quickly. Such an unfamiliar environment makes people feel too bad. They can't even give themselves the simplest security. It's just too uncomfortable."

Even in such a harsh environment, Yeyue didn't forget to complain, I really don't know if he was scared or excited.

As time passed by, Yeyue found that she was slowly getting used to the darkness, and could see the outlines of the surroundings little by little in the dark, and the details of these outlines were still in Yeyue's eyes. With the continuous clarity, Zi Yeyue now has a lot of confidence in her heart, and the most urgent task is to ensure the safety of Utila.

With the little vision she had left, Yeyue was slowly groping in the darkness. She was fortunate that it wasn't the blackness that she couldn't see. If it was that kind of darkness, Yeyue probably couldn't see anything.

Little by little, he moved forward, holding the wall tightly with both hands, but even the wall was unsafe. If there was any mechanism or something on it, Yeyue would not have time to react.

Suddenly, something resembling a human figure came into Yeyue's eyes. If it was really just him and Utila, then this human figure must be Utila. Yeyue felt a hint of joy in her heart. , after all, it is a good thing to find the person you are looking for.

After thinking about Yeyue again, he thought that if he fell from such a high place, it is possible for ordinary people to be disabled. When he thought of these Yeyue's unstoppable worries, he was afraid that something would happen to Utiluya. Taking a walk and taking two steps, he walked to the figure, raised her face, and confirmed once again that the person in his arms who fainted was Utilua.

"Utilua, Utilua! Wake up, Utilua, what's wrong with you!"

Ye Yue's loud call was full of worry. After all, the life and death of Utilua is uncertain now, and if she left it alone, she would most likely die.

Thinking of this, Yeyue couldn't stop her sadness, and hurriedly helped Utiluya to check for her if there were any obvious wounds on her body, and also checked her internal organs for damage due to the impact just now. No, when Yeyue was about to check Utilua's head again to see if there was anything wrong, a bright light suddenly flashed in the darkness.

It was the light from Utila's eyes. It seemed that Utila was awake, but Yeyue still didn't dare to act rashly. He absolutely couldn't tell whether this person was really a sober Utila.

Yeyue got up in a hurry and stopped supporting Utiluya. After all, she woke up, and even if she didn't help her, she would still have no problem.But in the next second Yeyue just realized that something was wrong and it wasn't that simple. He found that in the dark, the corners of Utiloya's mouth were upturned, revealing a treacherous smile, which made Yeyue's heart tremble. Because in his impression, the gentle Utilua would never make such an expression, it seems that things are really not that simple.


Of course, Yeyue just called out tentatively, and he didn't know whether Utilua was awake or not.

Unexpectedly, when Yeyue was about to get closer to check, she suddenly found that the pair of bright eyes were staring at him. Going up, a terrifying howl came out of his mouth, as if he was going to tear Yeyue apart and eat it up.

Yeyue was shocked and tried to dodge quickly, but suddenly remembered that there were some pointed pillar-shaped stones on the stone wall behind her. If Utilya slammed onto it, the consequences would be unimaginable, so Yeyue couldn't hide, she could only face the head. Going straight up, Yeyue painted the ground as a prison and didn't move, I saw Utiluya rushing towards Yeyue with a fierce look on her face.

In the next second, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Yeyue's mouth. Not only was Utiluya's attack, but the impact made Yeyue's entire body slammed into the stone pillar behind, and Yeyue's entire back was hot. burning sensation.

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