When Yeyue took Utilua up, she did not expect that some people were still placed outside the cave, but these shrimp soldiers and crab generals were nothing to Ye Yue, and he would not put these shrimp soldiers and crab generals in his eyes.

Yeyue immediately told Utiloa to stay behind her and not to move, and then Yeyue showed a very dangerous smile in front of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.Originally, these shrimp soldiers and crabs had already been arranged by Mianrou Hegui, and they would besiege them as soon as they saw Yeyue and Utilua coming out of here, but these scary crabs would see Yeyue's smile so terrifying, some of them Reluctantly, he took a few steps back.

I only know that Yeyue didn't think about letting go of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, even though he could see that they seemed to be a little afraid of him, Yeyue thought why not take advantage of the current situation that is very beneficial to him, and eliminate all these people. Lose.

In the end, Yeyue pushed aside the heavy obstacles, opened a path, and dragged Utiloa to a female room together.When Ye Yue and Utiloa saw such a pink scene in front of them, they were amazed.

It was Utiloa who first realized that this room was a female room. Utiloa's first reaction was to take Yeyue out of here, and don't go any further in this palace.

And in Utilua's view, this palace is full of dangers, and he doesn't want to encounter any danger.So Utilua tried her best to dissuade Yeyue: "Yeyue, why don't we take this opportunity to get out of here, don't provoke Mianrou and the crane back, otherwise we are very likely to be injured, not to mention I hope you are staying safe!"

Ye Yue's face changed instantly after hearing Utila's words, and she told Utluya very sternly: "Since Mianrou and Hegui have already seen you and me like this, I will never let go. They're gone, I've decided now, I must eliminate Mianrou and Hegui."

Yeyue was not discussing with Utilua, he just told Utilua of his decision, so Utilua had no choice but to follow Yeyue.Then Yeyue walked out of the room and encountered the patrolling shrimp soldiers. Yeyue hid and surveyed all the way.

Chapter 389 Waiting for the Opportunity

There were a lot of shrimp soldiers and crabs patrolling in Mianrou's palace. Yeyue and Utilua were moving forward cautiously all the way, for fear that the shrimp soldiers and crabs would find them.

Utilua followed Yeyue and asked Yeyue in a low voice, "What are we really going to do at Yeyue?"

Yeyue looked at Utiluya and answered Utiluya: "I want to search here carefully to see if I can find some useful information to facilitate our actions. If the two of us are rash, we will deal with it. Mianrou, it will definitely not succeed. With the strength of the two of us, we can't deal with so many people. So it is better for us to be cautious. "

After listening to Yeyue's words, Utilua nodded, indicating that she understood, seeing that Yeyue didn't say anything anymore, the two continued on their way.

How long has it been since the two of you left?Suddenly another group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals came from the front, Yeyue quickly pulled Utilua to hide to the side before narrowly avoiding this group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

After seeing the group of shrimp, soldiers and crabs approaching, Utiluya patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh my god, the guards in Mianrou's palace are really too strict, so we just walked like this. Pointing the way, we have already met several batches of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and I don’t know how many people are waiting for us behind.”

Hearing this, Yeyue patted Utilua on the head, comforting Utilua and signaling Utilua to relax, everything has her own.Two people are such close partners, there is no need to care about such a little thing at all.

Yeyue glanced outside quietly, and after confirming that no one was there, Yeyue took Utilya out, and the two continued to walk forward, ready to listen to the news.

After that, the two of them escaped many inspections by the shrimp soldiers and crab generals and came to the outside of a room.Yeyue wanted to pull Utilua to continue walking, but suddenly Utilua's foot twisted, Yeyue could only stop her own steps and go to see what happened to Utilua.

It was at this moment that Yeyue suddenly heard the sound from the room, which aroused Yeyue's curiosity.Yeyue asked Utila to help him up and made sure that Utila's feet were okay, then quietly approached the door, put her ear to the door, and began to eavesdrop on who was talking inside.

Although the voice inside was very small, Yeyue could still hear it. It was Mianrou's voice.

I know, it was Mianrou that Yeyue's anger didn't come to a halt after Mianrou returned, and it was because of Mianrou that Utiluya fell into the same danger as before.If it hadn't been for the Buddha beads, Utiluya and Yeyue, they wouldn't have been able to come back so soon. Yeyue had already made up her mind to kill Mianrou Hegui.

It just so happened that this was a very good opportunity. Yeyue had already discovered that there were no shrimp soldiers and crab generals patrolling outside this room, which meant that there were only two people, Mian Rou Hegui.It was a godsend, Yeyue and Utiluya would definitely be able to kill Mianrou Hegui.

Not to mention that Mianrou and Hegui are now in the light, and Yeyue and Utila are in the dark.At that time, if Yeyue and Utilua suddenly attacked together, Mianrou and Hegui would definitely be caught off guard.

Thinking of this, Ye Yue couldn't wait, and immediately wanted to rush into the house and kill Mian Rou Hegui.Just as Yeyue was preparing to act, Yeyue found that there was another sound coming from inside.

This voice came from Mianrou's mouth: "Hegui, I want to hold a grand banquet to celebrate your return. How about it?"

Because Mianrou's voice is very small, Yeyue can only vaguely hear Mianrou saying that a ceremony is going to be held by the door, but Yeyue doesn't know why Mianrou is holding a ceremony?

However, this alone made Ye Yue's mind even more excited.After hearing this, Ye Yue held her breath and continued to listen.

Later, Yeyue heard Hegui's voice again: "Alright, this time we must hold a grand banquet to wash away the bad luck these days. The two of us are really unlucky these days, what do we do? If it doesn't work, we have to hold a happy event to celebrate, so let's decide, but when will this banquet be held? Where will it be held? All these have to be discussed in advance."

Soon, Mianrou's happy voice came from the room: "You don't have to worry about this, you can just wait and attend the banquet with peace of mind. I'm going to hold a very grand banquet in the palace as soon as possible. , invite countless people to come and introduce you to other people."

Yeyue heard that Mianrou was going to hold a very grand banquet in the palace outside, Yeyue felt very happy, Yeyue subconsciously felt that this must be a very good opportunity to deal with Mianrou's return.

However, Yeyue was very cautious, and before the words in the house were finished, Yeyue continued to listen.

"Let's not hold such a grand banquet, we can just hold a smaller banquet. After all, it's been turbulent outside these days, and Yeyue and Utiluya are watching us, so we should be careful. Better. If the banquet venue receives it, then countless people will come and it will be easy to cause accidents." Yeyue heard Hegui's hesitant voice.

After hearing Hegui's words, Mianrou knew that Hegui was thinking of herself, Mianrou smiled and said to Hegui: "You don't have to worry, I will arrange everything by then, you don't have to worry about it. Have you found it? In recent days, I have sent the shrimp soldiers and crab generals to patrol strictly, and no accidents have happened these days. Maybe where Yeyue and Utilua have died? There is no need for us to worry about it. On that day, I'm stepping up patrols for Yeyue and Utiloa, and I'm sure they won't be able to get in, but they can't help us."

Hegui's heart was relieved, and he began to discuss the banquet with Mianrou.And Yeyue's happy mood outside now is beyond words.

Yeyue felt very lucky. When she was really drowsy, someone sent a pillow. She just wanted to kill Mianrou Hegui?God could have brought such a good opportunity by himself.

Yeyue quietly left the room, dragged Utilua to the side of the room, and hid behind a very large tree, using those bushes to cover her figure.The male protagonist squatted there and began to carefully search for any way to help him kill Mianrou Hegui at the banquet more quickly.After thinking for a long time, Yeyue finally came up with a very good solution.

Chapter 390

Utiluya quietly watched Yeyue's face at the end of the change. At first, Yeyue's face was very anxious, very vague, and slowly Yeyue's face began to calm down.After that, Yeyue didn't know what to think, a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Seeing the happy smile on Yeyue's face, Utilua felt very strange, Utilua was very curious, what was Yeyue smiling at?Of course, if you don't understand, you have to understand, so Utiluya pulled the corner of Yeyue's clothes, attracting Yeyue's attention.

Yeyue turned her head and asked Utila: "What's the matter with you?" Utila smiled and replied to Yeyue: "I saw that you had a very happy smile on your face, so I wanted to ask. What happy things did you think of?"

Yeyue suddenly realized after hearing Utiluya's words. Yeyue heard that Mianrou was going to hold a grand banquet before returning home. Yeyue was very happy and had been thinking about how to kill Mianrou at the banquet. Hegui also forgot to tell Utilua about this.

Now that Utiluya has asked, Yeyue is embarrassed to hide Utiluya, and soon Yeyue's soft voice came: "I heard Mianrou going to the palace just now outside the door. Holding a grand banquet, I feel this is a very good opportunity, after thinking about it for so long, I decided to assassinate Mianrou Hegui at the banquet."

"Assassination Yeyue, are you crazy?" Utiluya's exclamation soon came, and the male foot immediately covered Utiluya's mouth, preventing Mianrou from speaking.

After seeing Utiluya's face calm, Yeyue let go of her hand and continued to say to Utiluya: "That's what I thought, this is a very good opportunity, I missed this opportunity, we I don't know how long it will take to kill Mianrou Hegui. Mianrou Hegui is very insidious and cunning, and very difficult to deal with. We must work hard to think of a very good way to solve them. "

Seeing Utila's serious face, Yeyue continued: "I've already thought about it. When the banquet is held, I will find a way to cut off the lights at the banquet. You know, I can see everything in the dark, but everyone else is different, none of you have this ability, so the dark can help me do what I want to do very well."

But Utiluya raised her own doubts: "This method is too dangerous, the guards at the banquet must be more strict than the current guards, how can the two of us sneak in, let alone find someone who controls the lights. The place has cut off the light source, the danger is simply too great, I can't let you do such a dangerous thing, I don't agree."

Yeyue knew that Utiluya said this because she cared about herself, but Yeyue felt that she couldn't wait any longer. This was a very good opportunity, and Yeyue didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Yeyue took Utila's hand, touched Utila's head, and patiently explained to Utila: "I've only made a preliminary idea now, and I'll definitely have to do it when the time comes. Carefully It will only be decided after thinking about the details. You also know that I am not a rash person, but I will definitely be prepared for everything I do. You don’t have to worry, isn’t there still you? I don’t believe it When I go, you can still help me, and the two of us will definitely be able to think of a very good way to kill Mianrou Hegui."

"Hmph, you know that you bully me, and you know that I won't leave you, so that's how it is. I promise you that we will find a way to kill Mianrou Hegui together. But you don't Do you know when this ceremony will be held? This is very important, go listen to it and see if you can hear any useful news."

After listening to Utilya's words, Ye Yue realized that she had forgotten such important news.Yeyue rolled over and came to the outside of the room again without saying a word. She put her ear close to the door and listened to anyone talking inside?

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