After listening to Mianrou's words, Yeyue felt very surprised, but she never knew that there was such a person behind Mianrou, so Yeyue became curious about the person behind Mianrou: "Then you can Can you tell me what happened to the person behind you?"

Mianrou thought about it for a while and knew that Yeyue had believed in herself. Mianrou said to Yeyue: "If you want to tell the person behind me, you must promise me the specific things, and you will never hurt Hegui in the future. As long as you Promise me this condition, no matter what you do to me, I can accept it."

Ye Yue really didn't expect Mianrou to maintain Hegui like this. If Mianrou knew that she had killed Hegui, what would happen to Mianrou?So Hegui has been killed, so don't tell Mianrou about this.

After waiting for a while, Yeyue said slowly, "I can agree to your request, and I won't hurt you in the future. Now you have to agree to my two requests. You must give me the map of this palace's secret city, and tell me My news about the person behind you. As long as you agree to these two requests, I can ask you to make a few more comments."

"Okay, I'll tell you about the man behind me. I don't know what he looks like. He only comes to me when it's important, so I haven't seen him since the beginning. A few times, at most two times. It seems that I am not a very important person in his heart, you can kill me with confidence, as long as you promise me not to hurt Hegui." Mianrou's tone There was an air of defeat in it.

After listening to Mianrou's words, Yeyue agreed to Mianrou's request without thinking. After all, she already knew what she wanted to know.

Anyway, no matter how Yeyue does this business, Yeyue will not suffer. After all, Hegui is dead. No matter what Yeyue promises, she will not break her promise, because the player will never do anything to Hegui. What a shameful thing.

However, Mianrou's vigilance is very strong, even if Yeyue agreed to Mianrou's request, Mianrou still said to Yeyue: "Let's both leave the next oath, after all, both of us have always been enemies. No one will believe it."

The ninety-nine steps have already been taken, and this last step is not missing at all. Yeyue did not refute Mianrou's words, she directly stretched out her finger and began to swear: "I swear that I will never hurt Hegui from today onwards." Is it alright, Mianrou?

After confirming that Yeyue had sworn, Mianrou also began to swear: "I swear everything I said today is true, if it goes against the sky, it will be struck by thunder."

Soon, the rules of heaven and earth came to Yeyue and Mianrou.After a flash of white light, the oath was established.Mianrou is about to be killed by Yeyue, so this one is strict, mainly to restrain Yeyue. In the future, as long as Yeyue violates her oath and does anything to hurt Hegui, Yeyue will be punished.

Now Mianrou will never trust Yeyue again, and Mianrou carefully took out a treasure trove from her body.Throw this kit to Yeyue: "Yeyue here is the map of the palace secret room you want. After you have this map, you can leave here, and you will no longer be bound by me."

Yeyue is not so stupid.Yeyue didn't plan to escape from here immediately. After all, there are countless dangers waiting for Yeyue outside. Yeyue is still my injury. Ya is not by Yeyue's side yet, Yeyue must find Utilua before she can make the next decision.

Just at this inadvertently, Yeyue's mind turned, she had already thought about so many things, and after she had arranged her next itinerary, Yeyue looked at Mianrou lying on the ground.Mianrou is now at the end of her power, and she had also held a sigh of relief to discuss conditions with Yeyue before.

Mianrou has already gone in and out of breath, breathing is very light, and the ups and downs of the chest are also very low. It should not be long before the world sees Mianrou in such pain, Yeyue decides to help Xingguo Yeyue go down directly and cut Mianrou with one knife. Softly solved.

After finishing Mianrou, Yeyue embarked on a journey to find Utilua.Fortunately, there is a special connection between Yeyue and Utilua, and Yeyue finally found Utilua after walking around the palace for several times according to her own vague thoughts.

After seeing Utilua, Yeyue took out her map without saying a word and handed it to Utilua for Utilua to see.After seeing this map, Utiluya was very excited, and her face filled with joy: "Yeyue, you are really amazing, how did you get this map?"

"It's very easy to get this map. I just solved Mianrou and Hegui, so this map naturally came into my hands." After hearing Yeyue's words, Utiluya knew about Yeyue's episode. How hard is the time.Both Mianrou and Hegui are so powerful, it is hard for Utiluya to imagine how the difficulty will solve Mianrou and Hegui.

During the time Yeyue was looking for Utilua, Yeyue had already figured out all the map. After seeing Utilua, Yeyue took Utilua directly to a map that showed that there was a connection. Go to the secret room of the secret passage outside.

Chapter 396 Emergence of the python

After the two arrived in the secret room, they began to look carefully at the secret room. The key looked very large, but it was also very dark. There was a connecting passage outside. The entire passage was dark and looked particularly gloomy. fear.

Yeyue and Utiluya were sitting in the secret room, Yeyue said to Utiluya, "Now Mianrou and Hegui have been killed by me, and the people outside must be chasing us. When I was there, I could vaguely sense that there was such a big momentum outside, so the two of us must not be able to flee to the outside world rashly now."

After listening to Yeyue's words, Utila nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, we two are the most important fugitives now? And I can feel that what you have said now hurts me very seriously. We haven't recovered yet, why don't we take advantage of this period of time before others come, let's get injured here first, and then we'll discuss the next thing after Liao's injury is healed."

Utiluya's suggestion was approved by Yeyue, and then the two of them began to rest in the secret room and began their daily recuperation.

The days of two people recovering from injuries are very boring. The two of you are here, and I sit there with my legs crossed, meditating and healing.Whoever wakes up first in the middle will prepare the meal. Fortunately, Yeyue and the others have some dry food with them. Otherwise, they will starve to death here.

However, there were still some accidents in the middle, that is, Yeyue and the others ran out of water. Seeing this situation, Yeyue felt very worried. After all, water is an indispensable thing for human survival.Therefore, Yeyue could only risk the danger of being found by outsiders, and ran from the secret passage to the outside world and secretly brought some water back. Fortunately, Yeyue was more cautious, otherwise Yeyue would be found by those outside.

All of this happened without Utilua's knowledge, and Utilua didn't know that she went through so many things while she was healing.After about a dozen days, Yeyue's listing was completed, and Utila had to rest for a while. These days, Yeyue began to take care of Utila's life.

Every night, Yeyue will prepare three meals on time for Utilua to eat, saving Utilua's time as much as possible and leaving more time for Utilua, allowing Utilua to recuperate and heal her wounds.Yeyue's work on this reversal is still very effective. Utilua's injury originally took three days to recover, but now it only took two days, and Utilua's injury has fully recovered.

After recovering from the injury, Yeyue said to Utila: "It's been so long, there must not be as many people looking for us outside, we have to take this opportunity to get out of the secret way bell, really Enough of this kind of life, it's really uncomfortable to be in this airtight secret passage."

"Yes, yes, these days of healing are really boring. I really can't wait to go outside and accept the baptism of the sun." Utilua heard Yeyue say she was going to leave this secret passage. , Utilua was very happy.

Next, Yeyue took the map and followed the directions on the map, and started to walk out with Utilua.On the map, the length of the secret passage is only so short. Yeyue and the others thought that the secret passage was not long. They did not expect that only when they were walking, Yeyue and the others discovered that the secret passage was much longer than they thought. Besides, no one has ever walked through this secret passage, it is very dark, and there is a lot of dust inside.

In the darkness, Utilua couldn't see the situation ahead at all, which made their actions even more difficult.Even in the dark, Yeyue can see the situation ahead, but Utilua can't. Utilua's eyes are completely blacked out. She can only grope for the wall and move forward slowly. You will get caught in your own footsteps.

The two kept walking forward, no one spoke, and the atmosphere became very terrifying.The two of them have been walking for a long time and still haven't walked out of this secret passage, which made Utilua very anxious.

Yeyue can clearly see the situation in front of her, and she can also look around for leisure and leisure to pass the time, but Utilua has always been groping forward in the dark, which is a test of one's willpower. , I guess he's going crazy.

Slowly, Yeyue also felt Utiluya's new beauty, Yeyue slowly pulled up Utiluya's hand and said, "Don't worry, follow me, I will definitely take you out of this secret passage. Yes, you don't have to worry, we still have plenty of time. The more anxious you are, the more irritable you will be in your heart, and this will not work at all. Don't wait for us to get out of this secret path, your spirit You can't take it anymore, you have to relax."

It may be that Yeyue's comfort played a certain role. Utiluya's heart is not as anxious as before. After cooking, your body and mind begin to relax, and your footsteps are much more stable than before. Seeing this situation, Yeyue was very happy, so she wouldn't have to worry about Utilua's psychological problems in the future.

The two of them kept walking forward like this. The further they went, the narrower the passage became. At the back, only one person was allowed to pass through the passage. Before, the two of them could walk side by side, but now they have to walk one after the other. go.

Ye Yue and Utiloa also slowed down their pace, for fear that there would be danger ahead.Fortunately, very few people know this secret path, so no one can find this secret path.Ambush Yeyue and Utilua here and soon Yeyue found a ray of light ahead.

Yeyue pointed to the light and excitedly said to Utilua, "Utilua, we are about to walk out of this secret passage, I have already seen the light ahead, go down this road. , we can definitely get out of here."

After hearing Yeyue's words, Utilua was also very excited. The tormented days of your cooking are finally over, and Utilua can finally see the sun and the sun again.Only those who have experienced darkness know how lovely and how attractive the light is.

Afterwards, the two quickened their pace, and they were about to reach the exit soon. At this time, Yeyue suddenly found that there was a giant python walking not far from the entrance of the cave. The python was coiled there. He stretched his head directly to the entrance of the hole, staring at Yeyue and Utilua.

After seeing this fierce giant cat, Yeyue stopped her footsteps, and Utilua also stopped with Yeyue.Utilua was very strange, why did Yeyue stop?

Chapter 397 People become giant pythons

Utilua opened her mouth and was about to ask Yeyue when a hand suddenly covered her mouth, and the owner of this hand was Yeyue.

He stared blankly at Yeyue with wide eyes, as if asking him why he did this.

Yeyue motioned him not to make a sound, and he nodded.

Ye Yue then moved her hand away, grabbed his hand, and wrote on the palm of his hand with her fingertips.

Bautilua felt it with her heart, connecting the words he wrote one by one and reciting them in her heart.

He understood Yeyue's intention and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Utiloa secretly activates the ability to explore whether the giant python has special abilities.

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