Chapter 109 Compromise of ccg

"Who are you? Haven't all the residents here been emptied?" Yeyue and his party encountered a group of searching soldiers as soon as they left the small building. alert!

After all, the investigators and soldiers in the CCG unit are all elites, and they are naturally not fools. The suspicious people who appear here at this time are very likely to be ghouls.It's just that CCG has always taken the safety of the residents as its rule, and they can't make a rash move without confirming that the other party is a ghoul.

call out! The two scales suddenly flew out, turning into blood-colored horses to shuttle between the soldiers, and in the blink of an eye, the pair of soldiers in front of them were pierced into a skewer. They didn't even have time to react, and even panic was in their eyes. Before he could appear, he had already turned into a corpse.

"Okay... that's amazing!" Li Shi and the others have long been accustomed to Yeyue's strength. Besides, just a few ordinary soldiers and a low-level investigator can easily solve it with Li Shi, but for Ryoko Said, but it was shocking, and the simple hina even cried out in exclamation.

"Let's go~~" Yeyue didn't care about Ryoko and Hina's reaction, she said lightly, and led the crowd to move forward. The ordinary soldiers they encountered along the way basically didn't even have a chance to shoot. It will be killed by Yeyue, and occasionally someone will catch up from the sides or behind, and it will also be easy for a few people in the world to solve it.

At this time, the shock in Ryoko and Hinako's heart is beyond words. In their eyes, the extremely terrifying CCG unit was killed in front of Yeyue and others without even a chance to react. They thought they were in a life-and-death crisis. , but now it is as easy as going shopping, without even a trace of tension.

"Report! The fifth team encountered an unidentified ghoul, ask for support! Uhh~~" The command center, He Xiuji, heard the report on the communicator and stopped abruptly, frowned suddenly, and quickly switched his fingers. After the screen, the figures of Yeyue and his party appeared on the monitoring screen.

"That's... an evil ghost! " The assistant next to him shouted in horror when he saw Ye Yue and others.Although CCG did not record the appearance of the evil ghost, but there is a general description of the height and body shape, plus Li Shi, Hong Luan and others around him, they can naturally recognize Yeyue's identity at a glance.

The assistant's exclamation suddenly made the commander explode, it was a devil!The danger level of the demon was only reconfirmed at the high-level meeting a week ago. The special investigators such as Arima, Marute, Shinohara, Kurowa, etc. unanimously approved the proposal to upgrade the demon to the SSS level, so that all CCG members have been discussing for a long time!

You must know that the one-eyed owl has been listed as an SSS-level object by CCG so far. Just the one-eyed owl has taken CCG more than ten years to solve it, but now it has added a demon, isn't it? Are ghouls a growing threat to humanity?

Fortunately, the CCG executives issued a seal order, not allowing the secret of raising the evil spirit to SSS level to leak out, otherwise I don't know how much panic it will cause!

"Quiet!!" He Xiuji snorted coldly, and the command room suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at He Xiuji in awe, waiting for his decision.

When he was with Xiuji, his brows were wrinkled, his eyes were fixed on Yeyue and his group, his thoughts turned around in his mind, he weighed the current situation, carefully observed the number of Yeyue and his group, and after discovering their purpose, and Xiuji He gave the order without hesitation!

"Squad [-] retreat immediately, let them go! Quickly go to the central battlefield for support!!" He Xiuji's unquestionable order sounded. Even though the soldiers of Squad [-] couldn't understand it, they all obeyed the order and stopped dying. I stopped Yeyue and the others before.

He Xiujishi's decision is obviously correct. Although the CCG unit itself was established to fight against ghouls, they should go all out in the face of ghouls and aim to kill ghouls. However, changes in reality often make CCG makes a corresponding compromise.

For example, last time Arima and the others fought Yeyuki, but they had to retreat in order to go to the twenty-third district to support the ghoul shelter.

And the current situation is also the same. This time CCG made a big move, and even brought five special investigators, in order to completely eliminate the one-eyed owl!But in addition to the one-eyed owl, CCG also encountered three SS-ranked demon ape, black dog and crow, and now there is really no manpower to deal with them!

If you insist on dealing with the one-eyed owl and the evil ghost at the same time, I am afraid that CCG will not benefit from both ends, but will suffer heavy losses!

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, He Xiuji made a decisive decision. In order to accomplish the main purpose of this trip, he could only turn a blind eye to the evil spirits and others and ignore them!

No one questioned Hexiu's decision, and all the combatants flocked to the central battlefield, focusing on dealing with the two ghoul groups, the Demon Ape and the Black Dog. In the fierce battle of Fangcun, join forces with Kuropan and Shinohara to face Fangcun.

Following the order of He Xiuji, Yeyue and others encountered fewer and fewer soldiers. After a few minutes, they could no longer see any figures. Yeyue didn't care, just smiled coldly and led the crowd without stopping. Walk towards the direction of the eighteenth district.

"Brother, where are we going?" There was a fierce battle of life and death behind him, Dong Xiang and Liangzi and the daughters all seemed a little depressed. In order to ease the atmosphere, Hongluan had to find a topic.

"District [-]!" Yeyue replied without turning back, the pace under her feet was so fast that Ryoko and Chushi had to jog to keep up with his speed. Dong Xiang, who was distressed for Chushi, had to carry her on her back. on the back.

"The Eighteenth District? Are you looking for something?" Hongluan was a little surprised. The Eighteenth District was also a relatively peaceful area, and there was nothing special about it. With Hongluan's understanding of Yeyue, Yeyue suddenly went to Eighteenth District, it must be because there is something there that attracts him!

"It's a secret for now, you'll know when the time comes~" Ye Yue turned her back to Hong Luan with a slight smile, and the speed under her feet increased a bit again. peripheral.

"Okay, go full speed ahead! Keep up!"

Yeyue looked back at Ryoko, then jumped up, took advantage of the ghouls, and flew forward at an extremely fast speed. This was because he only released [-]% of the speed. Throw away the people behind you.

Among the group, Liangzi and Hatsuhi had almost no fighting power. They had to ask Dong Xiang and Hongluan to help them lead them, so that they could barely keep up with Yeyue's footsteps and quickly ran from the small road to the [-]th district. , CCG Institute!

(The fifth update! Please customize and collect~~Please reward and ask for tickets!! Today's update is completed, and we will continue tomorrow~)…

Chapter 110 The Black Dog and the Demon Ape

shhhhhh! !

I saw with several subordinates chasing and killing CCG soldiers between high-rise buildings. Unexpectedly, a burst of golden bullets suddenly hit, and the unprepared subordinates were killed. Immediately I saw a turn over and dodged all of them, but was still caught by one. The bullet pierced through the mask, revealing the red left eye.

"Yo~ I haven't seen you for a long time, puppy!" Hachikawa and his subordinates blocked the way of the priest, and there was deep disgust and hatred in his playful voice.

"Wang Wang~~" Lin Jian's expression remained unchanged, and responded with two dog barks as a retort, but her eyes quickly glanced at the enemy in front of her. She knew it in her heart and relaxed a little, because she basically understood these people. Aside from the quasi-special class Hachikawa, the most powerful ones were only high-ranking investigators, and they didn't pose much of a threat to her.

"I came here specifically to entertain you, don't let me down!" Hachikawa's hateful voice fell, and as soon as he raised his hand, the gun-shaped Kuink wrapped around his right hand fired countless golden horns. Bullet, and in an instant, the vision will be shrouded in it.

Ding Ding Ding!  I saw the agile figure tumbling and jumping at high speed, and one dodged the bullet without falling, and then jumped up, and the sharp claws tore at Bochuan!

A gust of gust of wind came, and when Chuan turned over, a long knife slid past his body, and the public face of Ping Zizhang came into view. , forcing her to dodge back.

But the other two investigators also stepped forward together, a thin sword and a large knife slashed together, the figure of I saw repeatedly flipped in mid-air, and the sharp claws collided with the sword to make a spark.

He had just retreated back by strength, and a series of hex bullets came right after, and I saw almost no chance to breathe, so he had to quickly avoid Hachikawa's attack. Taking this opportunity, Hirako and the three came together again. , In a crisis, Lin Jian could only jump up along the tall building next to him, and only then did he get a chance to breathe.

"It's obvious that he has a public face, but his swordsmanship is very tricky!" In the battle just now, the one who impressed Chi Jian the most was Ping Zizhang, whose fierce and strange swordsmanship was chasing after her like a poisonous snake. , If it wasn't for her extremely fast speed, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to escape his pursuit!

"Thank you for the compliment!" Ping Zizhang replied very politely, but there was no slack in his eyes, and he was always staring at the figure of insight.

shhhhhh! !The golden bullets struck again, and I saw his expression turned cold, and Yu He showed his back, showing no signs of weakness. The red and gold collided violently in mid-air, and they turned into fly ash and disappeared. With a flash of light, the figure jumped down, and flew towards Bochuan like a fly!

For Nijian, although Hiraizaka's swordsmanship is very sharp, after all, he can only fight in close quarters, and Bochuan's long-range support is the most threatening, so she can only get rid of Bochuan first. Hope to win!Although she has embraced this battle with a mortal mentality.

Swish! !The sharp edge of the blade once again blocked the only way for Bo Chuan. Bo Chuan understood the threat of Bo Chuan. Naturally, Hirako also knew the importance of Bo Chuan. He always paid attention to protecting Bo Chuan. Chuan, he had to endure his sword.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to be slashed by Ping Zizhang in vain. His body flashed past, and after bypassing the long knife, he quickly tore it towards Ping Zizhang's back, but Ping Zizhang's strength was really good, and he had barely turned around. It has already taken the lead to the rear.

At the same time, the other two investigators also attacked closely. The three of them surrounded him and trapped him. The three slashed Kuinke to him. He avoided all attacks in the small space, and then shook off the other two, using the gap to escape the encirclement.

I saw that the battle here was fierce and unusual, and the battle in the ancient world was not easy. As soon as Tanaka Maru Wangyuan appeared, he shocked and killed several of his younger brothers. When the two fought alone, Wangyuan did not hesitate. Downwind!

You must know that Tanaka Maru Wangyuan is one of the seven specials of CCG, and his strength should not be underestimated. In his hand, Kuink, who he named the high-order will, can fire a laser-like cannon after a short charge, which is amazing. !

Wang Yuan, with the appearance of an uncle, held a charging box in one hand and a gun-shaped Kuink in the other. The two gun barrels slowly began to charge, and his eyes carefully searched for Gu Jian's figure.

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