When he saw the snake girl nodding, the young man's dangling heart let go, "So you don't mind?"

Snake nodded again.

"Then your name..." The boy dragged his long tail, waiting to say it.

"My name is Hualien." Snake girl was not as serious as Blue Bird when she said her name.

"Hualien?" The boy repeated the name, "It sounds so good, what a good name, who gave it to you? It's very artistic." He asked several questions about her name.

Hualien just smiled symbolically and did not answer him.

Utiloa glanced at him contemptuously and looked at Yeyue.

Yeyue seemed to be indifferent, but their every move was in their eyes.

The boy was full of curiosity about the Snake Girl, and kept asking this and that, but he asked ten questions, and Snake Girl sometimes wouldn't even answer one, but he still said it to himself, it can be said that he had all the heart. Attached to Hualien.

Utiloya, who was on the side, had a feeling from the beginning that the two seemed to have known each other before. She wanted to ask Hualien in private, but Qingniao was simply a talker and kept pestering Hualien.

"Hey, have you had enough?" Utiloa couldn't help it, and reminded her.

Jade Bird looked at her, "What's the matter with you? Didn't anyone tell you that it's very rude to interrupt other people's chat?"

"Are you polite to pester others to talk endlessly? Even if you don't have to rest, others have to rest. Don't you see that people are too lazy to care about you?"

Qingniao looked at Hualien, only to realize that she had asked so many questions, but she didn't answer much. Instead, she focused on looking at the map of the prison. She just looked up at herself politely and symbolically from time to time, or sent a smile. .

"How's it going? Finally you realize how annoying you are? If you still want to be friends with Hualien, please restrain yourself and don't affect our rest."

"You?" Jade Bird looked at Yeyue in confusion.

"Yeah, it's us, but not you, so..." Utiloa pointed her finger outside the door unceremoniously.

Qingniao cast a hateful look at her again, and then looked at Hualien again, hoping that Hualien could say something, he didn't want to be kicked out of the hut.

Hualien pretended to look down at the map and didn't hear their conversation.

Blue Bird was disappointed, so he had to walk out of the hut angrily, still unwilling to look back at the door that had just been closed.

He had no choice but to sit down under a tree not far away, leaning back on the trunk, looking at the hut, imagining what Hualien was doing at this time?Are you still looking at the map?

He still hopes that Hualien can fight for him so that he can go back to the house. He promises that when chatting with Hualien again, he will keep his voice down so that Utila and Yeyue cannot hear it.

In his opinion, these two people should not exist, otherwise, he and Hualien will have a very happy chat.

In the hut, Utilua approached Hualien. Hualien, who was concentrating on reading the map, raised her head to meet her gaze and smiled.

Utiloa also gave her a smile, "You look so focused, presumably the map is real?"

Hualien nodded again and again, "Yes, he is very honest, he didn't play tricks or give me a fake map."

"Did you know each other before? Or where did you meet?" Utiloa asked tentatively.

The smile on Hualien's face subsided a little, and she was a little dazed. She didn't seem to know why she asked that, but she still shook her head, "I don't know, I've never seen it before."

Utiloa felt very strange, since it was the first time they saw each other, the young man actually showed such an affectionate look. It seemed like a pair of old friends who had known each other before, but didn't have the opportunity to tell their hearts.

"Continue reading." Utiloa smiled apologetically, indicating that she was disturbed.

Hualien didn't mind either, and continued to look down at the map, as if he had never thought of the blue bird who was driven outside.

Utilua walked towards the night moon.

The two of them don't need to talk, just one look can communicate with each other.

Utilua pushed the window open a crack and looked out, and saw Blue Bird sitting under a tree, holding a branch in her hand, and scribbling something on the ground.

He retreated and saw Ye Yue was closing his eyes, as if he was perceiving something, so he didn't bother him.

When Ye Yue opened her eyes, it happened to meet Utilua's eyes.

The eyes of the two people collided, and they seemed to have a common understanding.

Yeyue shook her head gently, saying that from the moment she met the young man, she hadn't felt any malice in him. Although they kept their own secrets, relatively speaking, Jade Bird was honest.

Utiloa also didn't feel Ao Tori's malice, even though they were tit-for-tat, she really didn't like Ao Tori's chatter.

"I didn't detect his ability." Utiloa was clearly talking to Yeyue, but her eyes turned to Hualien.

Hualien Elephant didn't hear anything, still focused on studying the map, and pointed at it from time to time.

Yeyue nodded, "Although this is the case, you can't be careless about it."

"I know." Utilua looked at Hualien again.

Blue Bird's interest in Hualien surprised Utiloa, so she had to pay extra attention.

A door can't stop Blue Bird at all, as long as he wants to come in, he can come in at any time, so Yeyue and Utiloa are still on guard.

Chapter 411 Blue Bird confesses the truth

After Blue Bird gave out the map, Utilua and Yeyue worked together to study the general meaning of the map, and then began to formulate a plan.They are well prepared for their next move.

In the beginning, Utiloa and Yeyue were both wary of this young man and dared not tell him everything, because they were not sure whether this young man was a spy sent by the enemy, everything. are not yet known.

In the face of a stranger who suddenly came to them, it is really a bit overwhelming to not be wary.Whether this boy is good or bad, no one can guarantee.

Utiloa and Yeyue looked at the map carefully from beginning to end. Then, they were probably familiar with the topography on the map. They all knew where there were exits, where there were houses, and where there were paths.

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