Yes, she did it on purpose, deliberately covering up her worries.

But no matter what, he wanted to show Hualien that he was still capable of protecting her. He had done so much, just to keep her by his side.

"Because of the sudden incident, I had to divide myself into three parts." Blue Bird frowned with a wry smile, "You have all seen the other part of me, that young man."

Yeyue said the following words for him, "So you still have a middle-aged clone?"

"That's right." Jade Bird did not deny it.

Now that it's been made clear, Yeyue and Utiloa can be sure that Jade Bird is not hostile, at least towards Hualien.

The two looked at Hualien again.

Hualien still looked like she didn't even look at Jade Bird, as if she was seriously injured in this relationship with Jade Bird.

"Then you have to give Hualien an explanation, right?" Utilua said.

It can be seen that Jade Bird is still very affectionate towards Hualien, not to mention what they have rented before, just because of Jade Bird's affection, they can't bear to let them separate.

Utiloa had already decided to bring the two of them together again, so she looked at Yeyue.

Ye Yue lowered her head and said nothing, wondering what she was thinking.

Hualien raised her head unexpectedly and looked at Jade Bird when she heard Utilua's words.

Although her look didn't explain anything, it made Ao Niao excited.

For him, a casual look from Hualien can make him excited.

Hualien looked away in an instant. She didn't want to see the blue bird, but she didn't dare to.

She was afraid that she would fall into this man's trap again. She was afraid, afraid of repeating the previous days.

"Hualien." Qingniao said to Hualien, as if to promise her.

Hualien turned her face to the side, completely ignoring his sincerity, as if she had seen too much of this man's sincerity.

"It's better to say good things than to prove it with practical actions."

"What can you give her?" Ye Yue asked for Hualien.

Qingniao was silent, he is no longer the city owner of Qingcheng, what can he give her?

Hualien seems to be calm, but her heart is very chaotic. If Qingniao promises her anything, she can't accept it. What she wants is Qingniao's love, someone who can help her at the first time when she is in danger. .

She thought she didn't care about this man anymore, but when he appeared in front of her again, it still made her calm heart ripple, but it made her so scared.

Utilua was also anxious for Jade Bird. In all honesty, Jade Bird's sincerity was very clear, but Hualien was still unmoved.

"Presumably the current city owner of Qingcheng is looking for you, right? You are like a lost dog, can you give her a stable life?" Yeyue said.

Jade Bird shook his head, "No, as you said, I can't make any promises to her now, all I have is my sincerity."

"You can't dig out your heart and give it to her." Utiloa looked at him with contempt, "Besides, what's the use of her asking for your heart? As a woman, there is nothing happier than getting the care of your husband. "

"I swear I'll treat him well and protect you with my life."

Hualien let out a wry smile and shook his head gently.

She remembered that he had said this to herself before, but what was the result?Who knows what she suffered?

A man, if he just talks about love, is even less worth paying for.

"Instead of wasting this time, give me another chance, and give yourself another chance. No one is born perfect, so you have to give me time to grow up, right? And after so many things, I have also reflected on the past. I always think that giving you the best things is love, and now I understand that women are not only happy if they eat well and dress well."

"You're right to think so." Utiloa agreed with him and looked at Hualien.

Hualien was excited inside, but on the surface he was still unmoved.

"Hualien." Qingniao stretched out his hand to her, waiting for her to come over and hand it over to him.

Chapter 418 Explained

Even though Yeyue and Utilua really wanted to match them, it was up to Hualien himself.

After a while, Jade Bird did not wait for the result he wanted, so he was disappointed and lowered his hand.

Hualien saw this scene out of the corner of her eye, and was also saddened. She didn't want to hold the man's hand, but she really didn't dare.

"Even if you don't give me a chance, you have to give yourself a chance, right?" Jade Bird became impatient, "Anyway, no matter what, I won't let you leave me again."

His tone was confident, and he was confident enough to keep Hualien by his side.

"Enough." Hualien didn't want to listen to them any longer.

She was afraid that she would become soft-hearted and would re-accept the blue bird. She knew very well what it meant to re-accept, but sometimes people are very weak, and even change their minds after a few words from the other party.

"Tell me, where is the formation?" Hualien didn't want to waste any more time.

Her words reminded Yeyue and Utilua, and they looked at Qingniao at the same time, as if telling him that since you want to impress Hualien, you have to show some sincerity, right?

Yeyue secretly blamed herself for forgetting her business, but fortunately Hualien reminded her.

Qingniao, who was still hopeful at first, was very hurt by Hualien's question.

He said so much and promised to protect Hualien, but she was unmoved.

He doesn't understand Hualien more and more, does she really want to leave him?Can't impress her no matter what you do?

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