In the whole thing, Jade Bird was active, Hualien was passive, as long as she figured it out, everything would be resolved.

Hualien bowed her head, perhaps she hadn't thought about it yet.

The blue bird reached out and held her face, wiping the tears from her face with her thumb.

When Hualien raised his eyes, he saw that his eyes were full of urgency, and suddenly he stepped back, pushed the blue bird away with both hands, and turned his back.

Yeyue saw that she didn't speak, so she had to deal with it, "The facts are very clear, Qingniao is not a merciless person, and Hualien is not that kind of unreasonable person, and you both have each other in your heart, it is better to retreat separately. step?"

When it came to taking a step back, Yeyue deliberately observed the reactions of the two.

Utilua nodded, thinking that his proposal was very good.

"As long as Hualien is willing to stay with me, let alone take a step back, you can take ten steps back."

Hearing his words, Yeyue smiled and looked towards Hualien. A man did this, showing his true feelings, presumably any woman would have no resistance.

"Well, I'll make another suggestion to go with her to her clan's land. In this way, not only can we get along with each other, but also her clan will be happy for you when they see that you are in love with each other. You must know women It's also a matter of face."

"That's right, how long has it been since you accompany her to the Hui family? If a woman always goes back to her parents' home alone, she will be criticized, and naturally she will think that there is a problem between you."

Jade Bird nodded, "I was too selfish in the past. I always thought it was enough to give you a better life. I didn't put myself in your shoes at all. Sometimes I would lose my temper at you when I was troubled. It's my fault."

"Talk about the point." Utiloa reminded him.

Blue Bird Heart said, "I..."

"No need." Before Qingniao could finish speaking, Hualien interrupted him.

Her refusal surprised everyone present. Couldn't she still forget the past and start over?

Utiloa is even more puzzled, even if the blue bird is saved like this, still can't impress her?

"Hualien." Qingniao increased his tone, "Although I know you will refuse, but it's too soon?"

Hualien suddenly turned to face him, "Can you come with me?" There was sadness and despair hidden deep in the seemingly peaceful eyes.


"It was I who knew that you would not go with me and refused, because you never let me see hope. You are not a person who can be swayed by women."

Jade Bird didn't speak, but he tacitly agreed in his heart that Hualien was the one who knew him best.

Hualien smiled bitterly, "You have so many responsibilities on your shoulders, will you give up for me? You won't. If so, why should I wait for an unrealistic promise?"

"That's right." Jade Bird lowered his head and said silently, "I still have a lot of things to do, so I can't go with you at this time."

Ye Yue's heart froze, the solution that she finally came up with was actually rejected like this?

Utiloa also frowned, thinking that even if there is a big thing, it should be put aside for now.

"But that doesn't mean I don't care about you. Can you give me some time? I'll give you a satisfactory answer when I've dealt with everything."

"No need." Hualien refused without hesitation.

The rejection was too fast, and even Utiloa began to worry about Jade Bird. He even suspected that Hualien was too hard-hearted. If he had changed to another woman, he would have been so moved that he threw himself into Jade Bird's arms. .

Yeyue frowned at it. The peacemaker is not so easy to be. It made him want to give up. If he just gave up, all his previous efforts would be in vain.

"I think the two of you are ridiculous, it's clearly hurting each other." Ye Yue let out a wry smile.

His words made both Jade Bird and Hualien tremble. If this was the case, it was not their original intention. Although Hualien behaved very coldly, she still had Jade Bird in her heart.

"Tell me, are you determined to leave him?" Ye Yue asked Hualien.

Hualien didn't answer, she didn't even have the courage to shake her head, she was afraid that she would really lose this man.

Yeyue seemed to have got the answer, and walked towards the blue bird again, "Are you determined to keep it?"

Blue Bird nodded without even thinking, "Yes, I can't live without her."

"Did you hear that?" Yeyue turned her head and asked Hualien.

Utilua was anxious for them, and really wanted to answer for Hualien.

Yeyue continued to face the blue bird, "What you need to do now is to solve the outside affairs as soon as possible, and then face her with ease." He pointed to Hualien.

Qingniao hesitated. What he has to deal with can't be dealt with in a short time. Can Hualien wait?

"Until you deal with all this, you are not qualified to make any promises to her. Even if you do, can you really do it?"

"Are you doubting my sincerity or ability?"

"I neither doubt your sincerity nor your ability, but any commitment needs time to back it up."

Jade Bird agrees with his statement that he did not have the time to cause this situation before.

"We will wait for you here for three days, you have to hurry up."

three days?Blue Bird repeated silently in his heart.

Hualien also looked towards Yeyue.

"What, do you have any questions?" Ye Yue asked her.

Utilua's heart was about to jump out, for fear that Hualien's shaking of his head would deny all this.

Ao Tori's heart rose, and it was the same worry as Utiloa's.

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