The place instantly turned into a desolate place with no people at all.Hualien was particularly nervous when they saw this situation. At this time, the two of them walked up and found the corpse under Hualien's feet and were shocked.

At this time, Yeyue said: "Actually, I saw a lot of such corpses not far away just now. I'm afraid that this place seems to have been hit by a huge blow before, as if it was attacked by someone, and I may not know that. "

When Hualien heard him say such words, she blamed herself very much. If she had been there at the time, she could have contributed to her clansmen, but when she was not there, Hualien fell into deep self-blame.

Yeyue was very helpless to see this situation, and Utiloa was even more angry when she saw her like this, she hurriedly came to her and said angrily: "What's the use of blaming yourself here now, now you have to Hurry up and find someone alive, we don't even know what happened."

Utiloa glanced at the corpse under her feet and said again: "Right now, just relying on these corpses to guess that something happened to them, how could this be like this? Let's go find it." Hearing her Saying this, Hualien calmed down his complicated mood, took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I can't draw conclusions just because I saw these corpses, I want to find them, as long as I can't find them, I won't. If something bad happens, they will be fine."

After speaking, they stumbled and ran forward. The two of them didn't know what to do when they saw this situation, so they had to follow.

At this time, I saw Hualien standing there alone, but there was a pile of dead bones in front of her. The two of them could see this situation and ran to Hualien's side quickly. At this time, Utilo looked seriously at the people in front of her. Withered bones, it can be described as appalling.

Those corpses stacked on top of each other looked like a pile of dead people, which made her feel goosebumps all over her body, she quickly brushed the goosebumps on her arms, and said with a surprised expression: "Oh my God. , what's the situation? Why are there so many accidents? Are they really in danger?"

At first, she heard what Utilua said, thinking that there was still a little hope, but when she saw the thousands of corpses in front of her, she became discouraged again.

Finally, Hualien couldn't take it anymore, and knelt down to the ground and cried bitterly.After a while she stood up.

After she wiped away the tears on her face, she said to them seriously: "I don't believe that they are gone like this, I have a strong premonition that my clan must be here, and I feel his Breath, but I can't rely on my breath to find him."

After pondering for a while, he said solemnly, "I feel that his breath is getting weaker and weaker. If he can't be found again, he will definitely die!"

When the two heard Hualien say this, they said solemnly, "Don't worry, the two of us will help you find it together. You must hold on, but don't..."

Knowing that the two of them were worried that they would meet their worried eyes, Hualien smiled and said, "Okay, don't worry, I'm not that useless, since I feel my clan The breath, then it indicates that there will be hope."

After speaking, she stepped forward firmly to find the location of her clan.When the two of them saw this situation, they didn't know what to do. At this time, Yeyue said seriously to Utiloa to be careful. If you encounter any danger, shout out and be careful.

Utiloa rolled her eyes and said, "Don't worry, even if I encounter any danger, I can handle it, but don't be slapped by you." After speaking, he left him.

Yeyue was particularly helpless when she saw her jumping back, so she went to find it elsewhere.Hualien searched a lot of places but couldn't find the figure of her clan, and felt that the hope was getting slimmer, and the whole person squatted on the ground and couldn't help it.

At this time, Utiloa's excited voice came: "Here, here you come quickly, I found it, I found your clan!" Hualien heard Utiloa's words, and the whole person was excited. stood up from the ground and ran over to follow her voice.

In front of him was the basement of a dilapidated building. Utilua looked puzzled when she saw her coming and said, "Do you see this? I searched for this for a long time. A basement felt a little strange, so I went down to check it and I saw this scene unexpectedly."

At this time, Yeyue also ran over. Seeing this scene, he suddenly felt a little strange. What entered his eyes was a snake cub. There was still some dry food in the basement, and there was water. .

Yeyue found that he was in a coma now, and I am afraid that his life would also be lost, so how did these dry food and water get here?

At this time, Hualien's anxious voice came: "Wake up, wake up, what's the matter with you? Why do you think his breath has been decreasing?" Hualien turned her head and looked puzzled. Night moon to watch.

Yeyue didn't think about those things after hearing her words, and immediately stepped forward to check the snake cub's physical condition.

Then he said seriously: "It seems that he was seriously injured when he was awake. He was so weak because he did not receive treatment in time. You said that his breath has been decreasing, so his life must be passing away bit by bit. , he will surely die in the end."

Hearing what he said in Hualien, the whole person collapsed even more. He didn't know what to do. Yeyue didn't pay attention to him, so he stepped forward and thought of a way to wake the snake cub.

Hualien was very surprised to see this scene, and at the same time was very grateful to him. Then, after seeing Hualien's special vigilance, the snake cub became excited after seeing her true face, and then became very sad.

Hualien felt the change in Snake Cub's mood and quickly poured a glass of water for him and let him drink it.After seeing the snake cub getting better, he said solemnly: "What's going on? When I came back, I saw our clan's land was in ruins, and I found a lot of corpses. What's the situation?"

Snake Cub heard what Hualien said before saying sadly: "The snake clan has encountered a disaster, many young snakes have been captured, and their whereabouts are still unknown. I was also escorted here by the clan people desperately, and then ...then they all died!"

Chapter [-] Caravan

Hualien was particularly unwilling to hear what Snake Cub said and his sad expression. What crime did they suffer when she was not here to meet the disaster, all this is a mystery.

Hualien originally wanted to ask Snake Cub, but was afraid that he was young and didn't know about all these things, and that he had suffered such a big blow, that he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it, so he did not ask him all the time.

Hualien used her own magic to treat the snake cub for a while, and then went to the small corner by herself to think about things. At this time, Utiloa walked over to her and asked her doubtfully, "What do you want to do now? "

After hearing this, Hualien hugged her knees helplessly and shook her head.In fact, Hualien also suffered a great blow. When he returned to the clan, he found that his originally lively clan had instantly turned into a rubble, and all the clan people who were joking on weekdays disappeared one by one. unbearable.

Utiloa actually knew how she felt, and she didn't feel good about interfering with her anymore and left. When she came back, she found that he was still treating the snake cub. After a while, the snake cub's body changed. After a while, it's not as weak as before.

Hualien stayed in the corner and looked over, and found that they were treating the snake cubs and protecting the snake cubs. Seeing this scene, Hualien felt warm in his heart and thought of what the snake cub said just now and wanted to take revenge, but when he saw them The two don't want to let the two of them get into this muddy water here, for fear that they will be in danger because of themselves.

It was decided to take the two of them to the teleportation array and send them back to the human world after a while.

After thinking about it, Hualien came directly to them and nodded to them, Yeyue saw the situation and walked out, Utilua also stopped the movement in her hand and said gently to the snake cub: "You Rest here for a while, and we'll come when we go."

After speaking, he left the snake cub and came not far away.Hualien took the initiative to say to them: "You all know what happened to our snake clan, I don't want you to get involved in this muddy water, I will send you to the world after the weather is good in a few days, and then I will not be able to. I'm helping you, you have to be more careful."

After he finished speaking, he left. Utiloa immediately wanted to stop her when she saw this situation, but was stopped by Yeyue. Now she is unwilling to let us help in this situation, so we naturally can't help.

Utilua naturally knew it, but there were only two of them left in the snake clan, so let her rest assured and let them face it alone!If he left like this, he would definitely regret that he didn't help them in the first place.

Yeyue naturally knew that he was a warmhearted person, but now they have not spoken, how can they take the initiative to offer to help them, then they will definitely feel that they are incompetent, their snake clan has been wiped out, and they have to Relying on the strength of others, how can they accept it?

Utilua looked up and saw that the two of them were leaning against each other. She was even more sad when she saw this situation, and didn't know how to help them.

He shook his head helplessly and said, "Forget it, listen to you, but I'm still very worried about them. If something happens to them, then..."

After hearing this, he shook his head and said, "This is also their choice. There is nothing we can do. Since they have chosen this path, after others come, they will not change their mind even if they say anything."

Utiloa was particularly helpless, knowing that this was not the time to act on her will, and without forcing anything, she came to him and said, "Okay, then I will listen to you, wait for the weather to be better, and wait for the little guy's body. Let's leave after that."

After hearing the words, he showed a gratified smile and said yes.After a slightly better time together, it was time to say goodbye.

Hualien came outside and found that the weather has been very good these few days, so he thought of sending them back, so he came to them and said solemnly: "I think we can act now, the weather outside is very good now. "

After taking a look at Snake Cub, he smiled and said, "And Snake Cub has gotten a lot better because of your help. I think we can act now, what do you think? "

After hearing this, Night Shift hesitated for a while, then nodded immediately, but Utiloa was still very reluctant. After getting along for a while, she already had feelings for them, but she thought of what she told him before. Some words, especially helpless, don't know what to do, have to do as they want.

The two set off for the edge of the desert. During the journey, Utiloa asked them suspiciously, "What are you going to do after you send us away? Is it for revenge?"

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