Unlike Yeyue, Yeyue met the kind-hearted Hongluan to guide him on the right path and avoid falling into darkness, but Aite was always used by the ghouls because of her strong strength, until she had the ability to When she crushes all her strength, she becomes the leader and controls her own destiny.

It is precisely because of this that Aite hates this world especially, not only for humans, but also for ghouls. She wants to destroy everything as much as possible, even if she gives everything.Because of her, nothing...

"Maybe it's because they used them to delay the CCG last time to retaliate, or maybe it's because of a conflict of interest..." Duo Liang, who has always been taciturn, actually said such a long sentence at one time, and the rest of the members looked at Duo Liang in surprise. , but in his mind he was thinking about the conflict of interest with the evil ghost.

"Benefits?" Aite tilted his head and asked in confusion.Aite herself is very resistant to understanding the various emotional entanglements and interest entanglements between people, so she is usually reluctant to think and learn, otherwise, with her IQ, how can she not understand these?

That's why I say that Aite is a contradictory body. He has a very smart brain, but he doesn't understand many basic common sense. If it wasn't for the military advisor Tadora, I'm afraid Bronze Tree would only become a lunatic under her leadership. group?See who bites who!

"Just as our purpose is to destroy, the evil spirit must have other purposes, and our existence may hinder his purpose, so he will shoot at us." Duoduo Liang explained responsibly.

"Then will we all die?" Aite said reluctantly, but she is not greedy for this world, but unfortunately she has not been able to destroy more and more.Thinking about it, she also understands that with the current strength of the bronze tree, it is impossible to compete with the stars of the evil ghost, so she is a little pessimistic, right?

After all, just as Yeyue could feel the sense of threat that Aite brought him, several close contacts made Aite understand the sense of crisis Yeyue brought her!As if Yeyue was really an evil spirit, even the terrifying body of the One-Eyed King could not give her a sense of security.

"Maybe~ But I think, at least you won't just die like this." Tatara replied after a little pondering, but his words surprised the rest of the members.

"Hey, Mr. Tadora, why are we all being killed, but Aite will be fine?" The young man with short yellow hair stomped his feet and pointed at Aite loudly.After all, Aite's identity is also a cadre of the Bronze Tree. Knowing that Aite is the one-eyed king, there is only Tatara.

The yellow-haired youth named Naki, one of the members of the Bronze Tree, is Jason's fanatical younger brother, S-class, one of the ghouls who escaped from the ghoul shelter last time.

Not only Naki, but the eyes of the rest of the members looking at Aite also changed a bit. They all questioned why Aite was an exception through their eyes. Only Ye Lu looked calm, because he had already guessed the true identity of Aite in his heart.

"Hey? Is it because the devil can't beat me?" Ignoring Naki's clamor, Aite looked at Tadara in surprise and asked.

"No. It's because you have value." Duoduo Liang ruthlessly struck, apparently ignoring Naki.

"Using value? Value..." Aite murmured Duoduo Liang's words, the two of them sang and completely ignored Naki, but Naki was not a good-natured person like Jason. He didn't dare to make trouble for Duoduo Liang, but he didn't have so many scruples about Aite. Who made Aite look soft and weak, or a woman?

"You guy!!" Naki's face turned cold, he strode towards Aite, and grabbed Aite's shoulders with his big hands, as if he planned to teach this guy who dared to ignore him a good lesson!


The breeze blew, Naki's palm fell on the empty space, Aite in front of him disappeared without a trace, Naki looked at his hand blankly, a little incredible in his eyes!You must know that he has been keeping an eye on Aite, but he has never noticed when Aite left.

The rest of the members couldn't help but stunned, no one could see how she disappeared at Aite's ghostly speed!

Suddenly, Naki's pupils shrank suddenly, and the heart-piercing pain appeared on his face. Naki screamed in pain, and fell to the ground weakly, the chest covered with his hands kept bubbling with bright red blood. Everyone present was shocked.

Although Naki is only S-rank, his strength is not scumbag!If you want to hurt Naki silently, apart from Aite, I am afraid that no one in the room can do it, right?

Aite quietly returned to the distance, and his blood-stained hand casually dropped a piece of flesh and blood, which was Naki's liver.Being able to take Naki's liver easily means that Aite can also easily take away Naki's heart. Thinking of this, everyone present was unmoved. This petite girl doesn't seem to be easy!

"Damn it!" Naki slammed the ground fiercely, struggling to stand up against the slowly recovering injury, just as he was about to retaliate against Aite, Tadora's cold voice came, and he immediately ordered He froze in place.

"Naki, do you still want to attack our leader?"

Duoduo's voice fell, and Aite, who was covered in bandages, brought a smile on his face. The scene fell into a dead silence, and the needles could be heard falling!

(Xiao Fei has already got up to code as soon as possible, and today's first one is here!! Please automatically subscribe for collection, if you have the ability, you can give a little reward, don't force it. I don't mind how many tickets are spent~~~ )…

Chapter 126 God Generation Charong

"Chief? Mr. Tatara, what the hell is going on?"

At the Bronze Tree headquarters, when they heard Tadara's terrifying words, everyone fell into a sluggishness, and the eyes they looked at Aite became extremely incredible. They couldn't imagine the terrible one-eyed king. The body turned out to be Such a petite and weak girl!

"As I said, Aite is our leader, the one-eyed king!" Duo Liang still looked indifferent, and did not feel impatient because he had to explain it a second time.

"This, how is this possible!! Aite, Aite turned out to be... one-eyed?" Naki shouted in disbelief, but the rest of the people were silent after thinking about it carefully. There is no need to lie to them at all, because it is a lie that can be easily debunked.

Thinking about it carefully, Aite has never shown his true face in front of them. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that Aite has never been present with the One-eyed King at the same time!And Aite's unbelievable speed, doesn't it match the nature of the one-eyed king is Yuhe?

Although they have accepted this answer in their hearts, everyone present is still shocked. Obviously, this fact has greatly shocked them!

Anyone who associates a weak-looking girl with a terrifying monster who acts brutally will be very frightened, right?

"Mr. Tadora, how's the owl project going?" Seeing everyone's silence, Aite didn't care, and asked Tadara on his own.

"Well, I'm already trying my best to reform the inspector, but his physical fitness is barely qualified, so whether he can succeed in the end depends on his luck." Duoduo Liang's eyes flashed, and he answered without hesitation. road.

"That's it~~ Then add some more exciting seasonings! Think about the previous Kaneki Ken, didn't he become much stronger in Jason's hands? I believe we can do better!" Aite said with a smile The cruelty and ruthlessness in his tone were fully revealed as he discussed how to torture the human investigator.

"Hmm~ If it is successful, maybe we still have a chance." Tatara nodded and replied with a blank expression, but his first chance made the other people's faces change slightly.

Ye Lu is okay, he is Aite's capable subordinate, naturally he will not have the idea of ​​betrayal, but Naki and another member are not necessarily, their loyalty to the bronze tree is far more important than their own lives!

Since the evil ghost is about to attack, and the chances of Bronze Tree's victory are pitifully low, then Naji and the others are naturally unwilling to die in vain, but they do not dare to blatantly betray, knowing that Aite is the one-eyed king in front of him. Don't mess with it!

In addition to the S-rank Naki who was rescued from the ghoul shelter last time, there is another more powerful being. He is the main target of the Bronze Tree. God's generation Charong, code-named Shi, is the top SS-rank in strength!

Squirrel is proficient in martial arts, and his body is terrifyingly strong. With the ghoul's physical fitness, the strength he can exert is enough to crush most SS grades!

Moreover, the surname of the gods is said to be an extremely excellent bloodline in the ghouls, but it was destroyed due to the fear of unknown organizations. So far, only two people are left, Shendai Lishi and Shendai Charong. Of course, they It's not like siblings, it's just that they belong to the same big family.

Originally, the addition of Sushi would make Bronze Tree's combat power even better. Unfortunately, the plan to deal with CCG was disrupted by the sudden evil spirits. Although Bronze Tree finally successfully rescued Shou and Naki, there are many low-level ones. The ghouls were their subordinates, but compared to the death of Jason and Brother Bottle, plus the loss of two hundred subordinates, what they gained barely made up for the loss.

If it was Jason, Xuandu and Brother Ping were still there, plus a group of A-rank subordinates, if Bronze Tree chose to fight the evil ghost, who would win and who would lose?

It's a pity that there is no if in the world. At this time, the stars are like a big mountain pressing on the top of the bronze tree, and they are almost out of breath. Even Aite, who has always been fearless, starts to worry.

But helpless, this is the truth of the world. When you are weak, you cannot refuse the oppression of others, and no one will sympathize with you. When you are strong enough to be feared, everyone will surrender to you.

If Fanxing is not strong enough, and the positions of the two sides are reversed, I am afraid that the bronze tree will not easily let go of the potential threat of Fanxing, right?After all, the goal of the bronze tree is also to destroy everything!

"Naki, scorpion, you have to prepare well next time~~" As if seeing through the retreat in Naki and scorpion's hearts, Aite stared at them with a smile and said softly, but the warning implied in the tone made the two of them covered Chills, in the one-eyed king, perhaps Shi still has the power to resist, but Naki... The wound on his body that has not fully recovered is enough to explain the answer.

"Oh, right, the goddess Rishi is right next to the evil ghost~~" As if suddenly remembering something, Aite raised a finger and lightly tapped his lips and added a sentence.

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