"Aren't you afraid that I will tell you everything about you?" Feng Lin was still unwilling to sit still.

After listening to this, Jing Kong laughed instead, "You are too naive, aren't you? Don't look at yourself now, so what if you say all this? The guild is under my control now, and someone will believe your words. Is it? Even if someone believes it, I will bite back again and say that your intentions are not good, and you can peep at the position of the guild elders, can you still tell me clearly? Besides, you have demons on you."

His words made Feng Lin completely desperate, yes, will anyone believe him?As the leader of the guild, Ji Kong couldn't defeat him at all.

"Okay, don't worry about it anymore, come with me." Jikong finished speaking and walked ahead.

After walking for a while, he looked back at Feng Lin, as if waiting for him.

Feng Lin was still standing in the same place. He was in a very contradictory mood right now. He didn't want to be controlled by Jikong, but he had no choice, and a layer of despair shrouded his heart.

After waiting for a while, still not seeing Feng Lin's action, Jingkong sneered.

"Okay, then give you a little more time, come to me after you figure it out." Jikong finished speaking, and swaggered away.

In his opinion, Feng Lin has no choice and will definitely go to him.

As he expected, not long after he returned to the guild, Feng Lin came to him.

Chapter 556 Feeling Lost

"Hey, wake up." Ye Yue called softly.

Blue Bird opened his eyes, and when he saw Yeyue, he turned over and stood up.

Although Ye Yue didn't speak, her eyes were already looking forward to it.

The blue bird glanced at him and sighed softly, "You don't know yet, do you?"

"Know what?" Ye Yue asked quickly.

Jade Bird told him of Jikong's conspiracy.

After listening to Jade Bird's words, Yeyue immediately looked around, "We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Jade Bird also looked around, and the two of them started looking for an exit.

"Damn." After the blue bird failed to find an exit, he was furious, "Then let me open an exit."

As soon as the words were finished, Jade Bird began to get lucky and wanted to make an exit.

He believed that he had used [-]% of his skill, but when he hit it, he didn't react at all.

"Get out of the way." Ye Yue suddenly shouted, flew over, and pushed him away. The moment he was pushed away, the force that bounced back hit him where he was standing just now.

How dangerous, if Yeyue hadn't pushed him away in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Seeing that the blue bird was injured and so brave, Yeyue couldn't bear it, "You wait here, I'll see if I can find some herbs."

Bluebird had to nod.

Yeyue went looking for herbs.

This space was unfamiliar to him, and he didn't know if he could find herbs, but he had to give it a try anyway.

Yeyue looked down as she walked.

Suddenly I heard a surprised voice, I looked up and saw a person unexpectedly, and the other party looked very surprised when he saw him, so he stood there blankly.

It is a great thing for Yeyue to meet people here, so she hurried up to meet them, "Excuse me, are you from here?"

He wondered if this person was locked in like himself?

Seeing his kind tone, the other party relaxed his guard, "Hello, my name is Chi Mo, how about you?"

"My name is Night Moon."

After the two introduced themselves to each other, Chi Mo looked at him curiously, "How did you come in? I've never seen you before."

Ye Yue smiled bitterly, "To be honest, I came here because I was framed." She told Chi Mo what happened.

Before Chi Mo could finish listening, he was already very angry.

"So that's the case, what are your plans?"

"My friend Qingniao is injured, and I want to find some herbs to heal him."

"It's easy to say, I can take you to find herbs, or I can take you out."

Especially the last sentence, for Yeyue, the temptation is simply too great.

He and Jade Bird have tried everything they can think of, but they still can't leave this space.

"Really?" Ye Yue still wanted to make sure, but couldn't hide the surprise on her face.

"Come with me." Chi Mo turned and left, talking to Yeyue, "Don't worry, since I said it, I will definitely help you, and herbs can be found not far from here.

Under the leadership of Chi Mo, they found the herbal medicine, and the two went back the same way.

At this time, the blue bird was sitting on the ground, looking up, as if looking for something.

Seeing Yeyue's return, with a happy expression on her face, she found Chi Mo and stood up.

"he is……"

Yeyue recounted her encounter with Chi Mo.

Hearing that Chi Mo could help them, Jade Bird was naturally overjoyed.

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