Just when Yeyue was telling Qingniao and Chi Mo this, Jikong had already led people into the secret realm, and they found Yeyue and Chi Mo here, Jikong was very excited to see Yeyue.I hope to catch this night moon quickly.

Jikong said to his subordinates: "Give it to me, be sure to let me live, and be sure to catch him. As long as you can catch him, you will be greatly rewarded." Hearing that there is a reward, Jikong's Those rushed over like crazy.

The people led by Jikong are all very strong, and they are as strong as cows. They don't know the pain. Everyone is struggling to run towards Yeyue and the others.

They were numerous and powerful, but Yeyue and the others had three people on their side, so they had to retreat quickly.

At this time, Jade Bird stood up and said to Yeyue and Chi Mo, "I'll cover you all. Get out of here quickly, and give this necklace to you. You must protect it."

Yeyue and Chi Mo didn't agree at first, but Jade Bird insisted, so in the end, this is the only way to have a chance of life, otherwise...

Jikong's people had already rushed in front of Yeyue and Chi Mo, they couldn't hesitate any longer, otherwise the efforts of Jade Bird would have been wasted.

Qingniao was still reluctant to see Chi Mo, so she quickly remembered something, took off the necklace around her neck and said to Chi Mo, "Go away and give this necklace to you, you must protect this necklace. it is good."

Chi Mo was still reluctant to let go of the blue bird. The blue bird said the last sentence: "Yeyue hurry up and take Chi Mo away, that necklace is related to the magic spring. You must unblock the land, and this matter will be left to you." Blue Bird rushed towards Jikong's subordinates.

Chapter [-] Unsealing the Holy Land

Yeyue and Chi Mo escaped under the cover of Jade Bird. Unfortunately, Jade Bird was not killed directly by Jikong's people, but was taken away by Jikong's people.

They only caught the blue bird, but they didn't find Yeyue and Chi Mo. They were very angry, and the people of Jikong treated the blue bird very violently.Although Jikong's people didn't find Yeyue and Chi Mo, they caught Jade Bird.

They knew that Jade Bird, Yeyue and Chi Mo were together, so Ji Kong asked Jade Bird, "You're very capable, Jade Bird, and you can escape from my hands. You really made me look up to you."

At this moment, Jonekong was already speaking with a ferocious face, but Jade Bird didn't care, he just turned around and snorted, ignoring Jonekong.Jikong was even more angry when he saw him like this.

He forcefully smashed Jade Bird's head back, and then said viciously to Jade Bird, "You'd better tell me where Yeyue and Chi Mo have escaped, if you don't tell me, I'll take it. your life."

Jade Bird just didn't tell Jikong Yeyue and Chi Mo's whereabouts, didn't say a word, and didn't even look at Jikong because Jade Bird was afraid of getting his eyes dirty, so he ignored Jikong.Because the moment Jade Bird decided to stay, he was ready to die.

Jikong saw the blue bird's beak was very hard, and he didn't say a word. He was so impatient that he had no patience when he saw the blue bird like this. He raised the knife in his hand and stabbed the blue bird. Jikong was killed.

In fact, at the moment when Jade Bird was killed, Yeyue and Chi Mo were hiding on the side, preparing to rescue Jone Kong when they were not paying attention, but they never thought that Jazz would be so cruel to Jade Bird. to kill.

The moment Yeyue, who was hiding, saw Jikong raise the knife, she wanted to rush out to save the blue bird.But being taken away by Chi Mo, Yeyue was very unwilling, and he said to Chi Mo: "Why did you take me away, I can rescue the blue bird, why do you have to take me away and let me save such a helpless person Watching the blue bird get killed."

Chi Mo didn't want Jade Bird to be killed either. She was also very heartbroken, but she knew that Jade Bird did this to protect herself and Yeyue from escaping and to unblock the Holy Land, so for Jade Bird, she couldn't let Yeyue go out to save him. The efforts of the bluebirds are all ruined.

Chi Mo took Yeyue's shoulders with both hands and said, "I know you're uncomfortable, isn't I the same? But if we go out, wouldn't the sacrifices made by Jade Bird not be destroyed? Although Jade Bird sacrificed , but we must fulfill his wish."

In this way, Chi Mo and Yeyue kept walking, and the two came to the Holy Land to realize the wish of the blue bird.But now Yeyue is immersed in the regret of not being able to save the blue bird just now.

So now Yeyue is in the Holy Land, but she is not in the mood to unseal the Holy Land.Chi Mo was anxious when he saw Yeyue like this, and worried about pity Yeyue, because he didn't want to see Jade Bird killed by Jikong like this, but there was no way to do this.

Chi Mo saw Yeyue and didn't want to unblock the Holy Land.Instead, he sat there dumbfounded without saying a word, with endless repentance on his face.He is still blaming himself, and still feels very sorry for the blue bird for what happened just now.

But they don't have time now, and they must quickly unblock the Holy Land. Only in this way can the common people be saved, and only in this way can more people's lives not be threatened.

Chi Mo became anxious when she saw Yeyue's delay, she sat beside Yeyue and said to Yeyue, "You can't do this, you know, there are more people waiting for you to rescue, if You have been immersed in the sadness of not being able to save the blue bird. Then the opportunity that the blue bird gave us with his life was wasted, and then wouldn't we be even more sorry for the blue bird. "

Yeyue shook her head and said to Chi Mo, "I could have rescued the blue bird just now, why do you have to stop me, the blue bird could be rescued, but I watched him get killed by Jongkong. ."

Chi Mo patted Yeyue on the shoulder and said to Yeyue: "I know you are uncomfortable, don't I feel uncomfortable? I also want to save the blue bird, but the blue bird has given us a chance to escape, we can't let the blue bird escape. The effort was wasted in vain."

Yeyue was still lethargic, and Chi Mo then said to Yeyue: "Yeyue, why are you so confused now? Why is the blue bird willing to use his own life to help us escape, not because he wants us to unblock the Holy Land to let us escape? Are more lives saved? If we hadn't unlocked the Holy Land then more people would have died."

This sentence awakened Ye Yue, who was still immersed in the self-blame that Jade Bird was killed by Ji Kong.So Yeyue stood up and took out the necklace that Jade Bird gave him in the end. Jade Bird said that this necklace could unlock the Holy Land, but it had to be used by Yeyue.

Soon Yeyue found a way to unlock the Holy Land. He posted a tombstone next to the Holy Land. There was a hole on the tombstone. The shape of the hole was the same as that of the necklace, so Yeyue put the necklace in her hand on the on that tombstone.

At the moment when it was completely put away, a white light suddenly appeared in the Holy Land. It was very dazzling, very pure, and there were no distracting thoughts, and people's hearts were purified.

This has not completely unblocked the Holy Land, and there is still the last link, that is, the five drops of blood from Yeyue are dripped into the five small holes of the stone tablet, and when the last drop of blood is dropped, the Holy Land is successful. was unblocked.

Yeyue and Chi Mo, who were at the scene, were very happy, because they successfully unsealed the fief and fulfilled Jade Bird's wish, and in this holy place, they felt that their hearts were well purified.

Chi Mo happily said to Yeyue: "It's great, the Holy Land has finally been unblocked, so that the blue bird can leave in peace, and we can rescue the injured people. There is nothing happier than this. Now." Chi Mo said this, and Ye Yue also had a smile on her face at this time.

After a while, Chi Mo suddenly remembered something, her mind could be purified in the Holy Land, and he thought of Feng Lin, so he said to Yeyue: "Great, the Holy Land can purify people's minds, then Can we bring Feng Lin here and let him purify here?"

Yeyue also thought it was a mess, he nodded in agreement with what Chi Mo said, and said to Chi Mo: "You are right, we can lead Feng Lin to the Holy Land, and then he can purify in the Holy Land. The magic in him is gone."

Chapter 567 Introducing the Holy Land

Seeing Yeyue agreeing to this plan, Chi Mo planned to use himself as bait to attract Feng Lin.

"No, you can't go." Ye Yue grabbed Chi Mo's arm.

Chi Mo's eyes slid to his hands, "Are you going?"

Yeyue of course knew that it was not appropriate for her to go, because when Feng Lin saw him, it was as if he had seen the enemy who killed his father.

"Anyway, I don't agree with you to go alone, or we will go together."

"You?" Chi Mo expressed his incomprehension and looked him up and down, "Have you ever thought that your presence will cause Feng Lin..."

"I know, but I can hide in the dark. If something happens, I can help you."

Chi Mo thought for a while, "Okay, I agree, but I thought of a way, that is, let me lead Feng Lin out, then introduce him into the Holy Land, and then seal it."

After listening to his plan, Yeyue thought it was a good idea and nodded in agreement.

"Since you agree with my method, then rest quickly, and you can do things better when you have enough energy. We will act tomorrow morning."

Night Moon turned to rest.

At night, Chi Mo quietly got up and went to Feng Lin alone without disturbing Ye Yue.

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