However, when Yeyue stopped, she realized that she forgot to tell the third uncle where she was going. It was good that he and the third uncle had already separated, so Yeyue had no other choice but to grope all the way and continue to investigate. The direction the three uncles left.

The monster Yeyue checked for a long time to confirm that he was completely dead, and Yeyue continued to walk forward. He didn't know where the road was, and he was able to establish a path that he thought was correct. Although he Said he wanted to find the third uncle, but he also knew that the top priority now was to protect his own safety.

Yeyue did not expect that under the influence of chance, Yeyue actually walked into a cave. The cave looked no different from other places from the outside, but for some reason, Yeyue always felt that there was a force inside. Going by himself, he walked in.

When Yeyue walked into the cave, she suddenly found that some words and pictures were engraved on the stone wall of the cave. It seemed that she wanted to tell him something, and Yeyue stopped in front of a stone wall and looked carefully. To distinguish, the text on this suddenly found that it was recorded on some things about the village.

Although Yeyue didn't know the meaning of these words, he probably knew the specific meaning and began to interpret it carefully. After reading it carefully, Yeyue understood why the third uncle didn't want to tell him about the people in the village. Identity, it seems, should have something to do with the things recorded above.

It turns out that the villagers in this village did not live here since they were born. They are descendants of the royal family. Because some things are about to come out of the imperial city, the reason why they came to this small village is just for acting. That's all, there's not much of a problem. When I saw the beginning, I thought he would dig up something important.

Later, seeing that it was for such a reason, Yeyue himself couldn't help but doubt the truth of this matter. "It's just for seclusion, why do you want to come to this place from the imperial city to prevent the surrounding things, then can't you charge less?"

After thinking about this place, Yeyue didn't understand their thoughts, but just like the third uncle was reluctant to tell him, he was afraid that his thoughts could not be unified with them, and then he would not understand why the royal family. will do that.

Of course, everyone has their own reasons for making choices, so after Yeyue thought of this place, she understood a little bit, and continued to observe the things carved on the stone wall, which were all engraved with various characters. It looks like it's been a while.

However, Yeyue tried his best to crack it all out. At least he knew what was written on it so far, so he could be considered confident. "Wait a minute, if I can meet the third uncle again, I must ask, why didn't you tell me the reason, it's just because they are the royal family, why bother to hide it from me all the time."

Yeyue was a little helpless after thinking about this place. After sitting in the cave for a while, he found that there was no gain and left the cave. What he has to do now is to find a safe place to rest.

Chapter 578 Resist

After a period of time, Yeyue walked out of the cave quickly, because he knew that staying in this place would have no effect. The moment Yeyue walked out of the cave, he also started to find the third uncle. Yue learned about the things in this village, so what Ye Yue has to do is to find the third uncle and continue to ask in more detail.

Although it may not have much to do with himself, he must also ask clearly, Yeyue wants to miss any opportunity, he starts to look for the traces left along the road, and after a while, he finds a big boy hiding aside. Uncle on the tree.

Seeing that the third uncle was still sitting on the tree and did not dare to come down, Yeyue shouted to him loudly. "Third uncle, third uncle, why did you come here? It really makes me look good." The third uncle was quite nervous, but at this time, he heard Yeyue's voice from under the tree and saw that he was intact. Standing there is also very exciting. "Are you all right? Look at why you are so impulsive. Now the matter has been resolved. Third uncle, you should come down first, then I will come down immediately." After saying these words, third uncle quickly climbed from the top After seeing this, Ye Yue didn't hesitate at all and took the third uncle quickly.

After the third uncle landed safely, the two returned directly to the village. Yeyue also checked the third uncle's body, and after confirming that he had not suffered too much damage, he returned home with the third uncle.

The third uncle understood a little when he saw him like this. It seems that Yeyue must know something, otherwise it would not be the way he is now. "Did you see something just now, why did you suddenly look like this." Seeing the third uncle doesn't seem like a person without wisdom.

Yeyue revealed all about him, but kept some general secrets. She just said that she saw some strange words in the cave, but she didn't understand what those words were saying. After all, is this third uncle a good person or not? Bad guy, Yeyue hasn't come to a conclusion. "I was a little confused after seeing those words, because I didn't know what he meant by himself." Yeyue after saying these words can be regarded as showing remorse, and the third uncle can be regarded as the beginning after listening to it. Calm down, but the change in his expression at this time naturally did not escape the night.

Yeyue knew that the third uncle just didn't want to tell him something, but he would not force others. After a while, Yeyue was just about to fall asleep, and the third uncle ran over quickly and said to him. "The village chief asked you to come over there. The village chief, but I don't know the village. The chief is fine, you are already living in our village, it's not the village chief, you still have to know it sooner or later." After Uncle finished saying this, Yeyue couldn't shirk it. After all, everyone said it for the sake of it. If Yeyue said it couldn't be done again, it would be a little too impersonal.

Yeyue nodded and said to them, "Okay, then I'll go right away." The village chief invited the third uncle at this time, and wanted to let the third uncle and Yeyue participate in the village party together. Sure enough, he waited until Yeyue When I went with my third uncle, the whole village would have gathered.

Seeing this scene can be considered very lively, the village chief saw Yeyue and the third uncle have come over, and said to Yeyue in front of him. "Hello, how about I heard that you are new to our village? Is it still a habit to live here these days?"

After hearing the village chief's kind concern, Yeyue smiled at the village chief in front of her. "Don't worry, you are very well-received here, and I also like the customs here. If you cause trouble to the village chief in the future, please have a lot of your adults, and I will do my best to help the village change."

After they finished talking, they chatted again for a while. The village chief originally planned to take the two of them home, but at this critical moment, the monster suddenly appeared again. He seemed to be accompanied by Wu You, all the time. They are always by their side. As long as there are some important things, these things will quickly come out of it and appear again.

After that, the night moon stopped quickly.How dare you come out, the last lesson I taught you still didn't make you remember it for a long time. After saying these words, Ye Yue quickly picked up her sword and continued to fight against the monster in front of her.

Yeyue's strength has grown a lot, so it shouldn't be so difficult to deal with these monsters now. From time to time, the monsters will be solved, and the other village chiefs also seem to be frightened. The monsters are also in their hands. The scene in front of him being chopped to pieces by Yeyue's knife was a bit bloody.

But probably after getting used to it, I didn't feel much, and because of this, the village chief stared at Yeyue in front of him and said to him. "Thank you so much. Without you, our entire village would be in danger today."

After hearing this, Yeyue didn't say much, just smiled roughly, and it seemed that she had already achieved the position she should have achieved, and the village chief saw Yeyue's power to attack the demon beast just now. You can guess that he is a member of the guild. "But why do the people of this guild come to our village so well? Is there some secret?"

The village chief is naturally scheming, so he also said to the night moon in front of him. "You're a member of the guild, right?" Yeyue didn't expect him to realize her so quickly when she heard the village chief's words. "That's right. I am the chief of the guild. Then why are you staying in our village? The guild is so good, why don't you go back?" Yeyue just shook her head. "I don't want to go back to the guild, otherwise I wouldn't be here with you now, just like you said just now, as long as outsiders come, you will definitely welcome them, so why do you care where I am? Anyway, I'm here. When I came to your village, I just wanted to live a happy life with everyone, and I won't disturb your life. I just wanted to find a place to relax a bit." The village chief after hearing Yeyue's words here It's hard to say, the third uncle and Yeyue stayed for a while and then rested.

The third uncle saw some clues. When he went back, he did not communicate with Yeyue next to him. Yeyue also knew that the third uncle might know for the first time that he was actually a member of the guild, so he was still thinking about how to talk to himself. , When the two returned to the house, although the third uncle didn't speak, he also planned to ask Yeyue what was going on, because if he didn't know the reason, then the third uncle would feel Night Moon is still dangerous.

Chapter 579 The truth of hypnosis

"You really don't plan to go back to the guild?" Third Uncle looked at Yeyue in disbelief.

"Yes, I am determined not to join the guild again." Yeyue answered very firmly.

"Why do you have to make this decision?" Third Uncle, very incomprehensible, Yeyue's approach.

"The reason, I don't want to explain anything, I hope you can understand me." Yeyue remained silent.

"Is there something unspeakable? You can tell me." The third uncle expressed his willingness to listen to Yeyue's distress.

"Actually, I really don't want to say. The reason for this is that I really don't want to face those things anymore." Yeyue said these words with sadness in her eyes.

"Well, since you don't want to tell me, I won't force you." Seeing Yeyue's painful appearance, the third uncle stopped pressing him.

But although Yeyue didn't want to talk about it, the third uncle still wanted to know the reason. He didn't want to see Yeyue sinking like this.

So the third uncle decided to take Yeyue home and use hypnotism to hypnotize Yeyue to learn the truth in this way.

"Since you're tired, let's rest first." Third Uncle arranged Yeyue in a special room.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about me anymore, I'll rest first." Ye Yue looked a little tired.

After the third uncle took advantage of Yeyue's rest, he quietly sneaked into Yeyue's bedroom, releasing the fascinated mist, making Yeyue, who had not yet completely fallen asleep, into a state of semi-consciousness.

The third uncle quickly took advantage of Yeyue's half-conscious state to hypnotize.

"Do you know who you are? Where are you now?" Third Uncle, with a very psychedelic voice, guided Yeyue little by little.

"I'm Yeyue, and I'm in the room now." Yeyue regained consciousness little by little with the guidance of her third uncle.

"Why don't you want to tell the truth of your heart?" The third uncle continued to guide Yeyue.

"Because it's sad, it's really sad." As she spoke, Ye Yue showed a painful expression.

"Why are you sad? Is it because of someone or something?" the third uncle asked.

"I'm sad, I don't want to say it." Ye Yue closed her eyes and said in pain.

"It's okay, take it easy, don't be afraid, I'm not someone else, I'm your inner self, come and tell me what you're afraid of."

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