She doesn't know exactly what that forbidden technique is. She doesn't know if Utiloa is still under her control, and she doesn't know if Utiloa has found Yeyue. exception.

After all kinds of worries, Jade Bird decided to go back and find Utilua, and by the way, she visited the third uncle's house again. She always felt that the person was inexplicably familiar, but she didn't know where she had seen it, and she felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

When she arrived at the door of the third uncle, she knocked on the door politely this time. The third uncle had just settled the two of them and felt uneasy. He always felt that the person outside the door was not easy. The direction of the moon made a silent movement.

When he opened the door, there was a blue bird standing outside the door. He was shocked. No wonder he always felt uneasy. How could he feel at ease when he saw the blue bird? He had already vaguely guessed the girl in front of him through what the blue bird had asked him about just now. Even the Great Elder Blue Bird, the current controller of the guild, is also a bad person.

"Hello, uncle, I didn't expect to find you again. I always thought you were familiar, but for a while I couldn't remember where I saw you, so I came back here again with questions."

The third uncle looked at the blue bird, this girl is not a simple character at all, and the third uncle himself felt that he was about to lose sight of it.

"Third uncle, would you invite me to sit over there?" Qingniao offered to take the initiative, she walked in first, and the third uncle had to follow her to bring her some tea.

Qingniao looked around and felt that she was the same as the last time she came. She looked at the third uncle. Now he is the only breakthrough. It is better to concentrate on finding the clues you want from him.

"Uncle, you used to be a member of the guild, right? I vaguely remember you, but I don't seem to have an impression. You probably haven't returned to the guild in recent years, right? Do you know the situation of monsters outside now?"

The third uncle looked at her full of defenses. He didn't understand why Jade Bird suddenly encountered this with him, but in order not to arouse the suspicion of the other party, he could only nod his head and follow her words.

The two chatted and talked about things about monsters. Jade Bird tested the strength of the third uncle. She raised several cases to ask the third uncle how to solve it. The third uncle pondered briefly and then gave his own answer.

This result made Jade Bird impressed. She looked up and down the third uncle, and felt that this person is not as simple as it seems.

"The person who can give this plan is not an ordinary person in the guild. In my opinion, the third uncle must have a high status before."

The third uncle smiled noncommittally. He didn't really want to say what happened before, but Jade Bird already had another meaning for him at this moment.

"The third uncle is like this. Recently, monsters have fled everywhere, and many people have been threatened. I think so. I want to take you back with me. Can you help me and assist me?"

The third uncle watched her decisively reject the request made by the blue bird, and the blue bird asked why the third uncle refused to say it.

Chapter 587 The Truth

"Why don't you want to return to the guild because you are so powerful? With your strength in the guild, I will give you whatever you want, whether it's rights or other things, the guild needs a visionary like you. Take charge."

Jade Bird is determined to pull him into the guild. The third uncle knows that he is a big temptation for Jade Bird. Jade Bird promises not to be [-]% fulfilled, but what he is worried about is that he will follow Jade Bird back. Her temperament does not know how many waves she will set off, and whether she is ambitious or not, he is still reluctant to go back.

"No, I don't have this plan. No matter what you say, I won't listen to you. If there is nothing else, you can go back."

Qingniao saw that the third uncle had already ordered the expulsion, she calmed down her current mood, then let out a smile and attacked again.

"Then why are you reluctant to go back? Is it from within the guild or yourself? You can tell me, I can help you solve it, don't feel embarrassed, I am also a guild's talker. people."

Jade Bird threw a big blow, but the third uncle knew how Jade Bird was, and naturally he would not eat hard or soft.

This time, he didn't listen. The Acrobatic Festival was going to drive her away. Jade Bird had originally decided to bring the third uncle back. Today Yeyue couldn't return without finding her. She would definitely bring back some of her trophies.

The blue bird's face sank instantly. The third uncle watched the alarm bell in her heart. He expected that the other party would not let him go so easily. .

"Since you don't want to go back with me, don't blame me for being rude. I persuade you not to listen and insist that I tie you up."

After saying that, the third uncle is not polite, and he started to fight with the blue bird, but he has been idle for several years, and his physical functions have not been as good as before, and he was injured by the blue bird in a few moments. escaped from her hands.

Qingniao watched the third uncle scurrying around, she stood there and observed, the third uncle walked out of the door, and then the bluebird followed, he hid again and went directly into the secret realm where Yeyue was trapped before.

When Jade Bird came in, there was no one there. She searched privately for a long time and couldn't find any trace of the third uncle. In desperation, she had to leave and search for other people's traces.

Yeyue watched the third uncle run in and immediately stepped forward to help him. The third uncle stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Yeyue saw everything that happened just now. He was a little unclear why the blue bird attacked for no reason. Uncle three.

In his impression, Jade Bird wouldn't do this. Even if the third uncle had a bad attitude, she would be so unreasonable. He helped the third uncle to sit aside, and the third uncle slowly healed his internal injuries.

"Remember what I told you before? Jade Bird is no longer the Jade Bird she used to be, she already has evil thoughts, and now the guild has starved her alone, and now I don't know what's going on inside."

Yeyue's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of what he was like just now, he seemed to know something vaguely.

Ye Yue blamed herself, but at this time the third uncle was already lying down, because the blue bird shot at that time to knock him unconscious and take him back, so the trick was fatal. Now the third uncle has gradually fallen into a coma, Ye Yue Holding the third uncle and taking care of it carefully, during this period he was thinking about why the blue bird became what it is now.

Jade Bird wandered around outside for a long time. She didn't know where the third uncle ran to, but her intuition told her that the third uncle must be nearby.

"Damn it, where did it go, and why didn't Utiloa contact me anymore? Could it be that Yeyue has now been found, and then contacted my secret art."

Blue Bird couldn't help muttering, but in the end she gave up, and she still chose to keep looking.

The third uncle's house was silent for a long time. The third uncle dreamed of his former friends in a coma. Several of them laughed and laughed together. Several of them returned at sunset, each time with a victory item, but later he became a Man, he has no friends around him, no comrades who can fight side by side.

Everything seemed to have returned to the original point, he couldn't help crying, couldn't help crying, but even so, he was still very lonely, the feeling lingered in his heart and kept spinning in his mind.

When the third uncle woke up, Yeyue was very pleasantly surprised. He pulled the third uncle to ask about the general situation.

"What do you mean by saying that the blue bird is no longer the old blue bird before you fainted? Why do you say that, and I heard the tone of the two of you as if she needs you and knows you."

"I was considered a veteran in the guild a long time ago. It's normal for her to see me familiar, but as for what you said, I have to tell you slowly."

The third uncle told Yeyue everything that happened. Yeyue couldn't believe his ears after hearing this. He looked at the third uncle and felt that he didn't seem to know the blue bird anymore.

"Why? There must be some misunderstanding in this. Blue Bird will never become what it is now for no reason."

"Nothing is impossible, you have to believe me, but one more thing, your friend has been controlled, you can't let her out easily or believe anything she says, I don't know what the blue bird used to tell her get in touch."

The third uncle talked a lot about the current guild, and Yeyue felt as if she had never fully understood the guild.

"Why did I never know what you said, why did no one ever tell me? Why..."

"You are too naive. Not everything needs to be told to you. You need to find out the truth by yourself."

The third uncle comforted him and then Yeyue asked Utilua if she could be okay, the third uncle himself was not sure.

"I'm not Qin Chu either, but now that he's been brainwashed, you may not be able to keep in touch with her for a long time."

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