(The fourth update! The fifth update is not finished yet. I get up in the morning and see if I can write it well. If not, I have to wait for the evening. Then the update on Saturday can only be updated on the same day... The subscription keeps dropping, and I feel depressed. Ah~~~~)…

Chapter 149 Aite's Support

"What? Finally finished with your two girlfriends?"

On the rooftop of the Night Sky Building, sensing the arrival of Yeyue, Aite's petite figure turned around slowly, looked at Yeyue with a smile and asked, with a playful look in his eyes, and a touch of envy that was not easily discernible.

The only relative in the world died. When Aite was most helpless, it was Yeyue who extended her hand to her, so Yeyue has no accident become the person Aite is most dependent on now, and some of them gradually developed into attachment. Trends, even if they are just the beginning.

It's just that Ye Yue's thoughts are all on Li Shi and Hong Luan, so she doesn't pay too much attention to Aite. She only knows that this woman often dangles in front of her when she has nothing to do, and she has broken into his room several times. He was frightened when he did serious business with Li Shi and Hong Luan~

After being smashed several times, Yeyue decided not to allow Aite to break in at will, otherwise she would be driven to the ground floor to live. Aite is now much more honest, but he usually runs away when he has nothing to do. Come to stick to him, ask her what she wants, she doesn't say anything, just follows Yeyue like a follower.

At first Yeyue was annoyed by Aite, but she couldn't drive away, she couldn't scold her, she could only pretend that she couldn't see her, and over time Yeyue got used to it and ignored her.

And Aite doesn't seem to care about Yeyue's attitude. As always, he is a follower. Only when he sees Yeyue making out with Li Shi and Hongluan will he blushing and avoid it, and he will quietly follow after a while. .

In fact, Aite doesn't have any special thoughts. It's just that Yeyue, as the person she trusts and relies most on, can't help but want to get close to Yeyue, which is beyond her control!

And as the time she spent with Yeyue increased, she became more and more familiar with Yeyue. She knew that Yeyue was not as cold and ruthless as the rumors, and found that he was actually a person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside. A little indifferent, but when you really need help, he doesn't hesitate.

In fact, Yeyue has changed a lot invisibly. The evil ghost in the past was an ice-cold young man who should not be approached by strangers. He was always self-centered in his work and never considered other people's feelings. It can be said that other than Hongluan , he doesn't care about anyone!

But after coming to District [-], I have experienced so many things, I have lived in the circle of human beings, I have seen everything with my eyes, and Yeyue is changing with it!

The indifference on his body gradually diminished, the smile on his face became more and more, he was no longer indifferent to anything, he would occasionally make a harmless joke, understand love and friendship, and he found the two most important things in life. a woman, and a few friends.

Take Kaneki Ken for example, at first Yeyue treated Kaneki Ken with the mentality of passing the time, purely using him for entertainment, spending boring days like a toy, and seeing how a one-eyed ghoul can grow.

But after getting along for a long time, Yeyue is not a cold-blooded person, although it is not a deep friendship, plus the difference in strength between the two, so they are not good friends, but at least for Yeyue, Jin Muyan already has Qualified to be called one of his regular friends too.

These changes in Yeyue are reflected in the details of life, and he will have new subtle changes almost every day, that is because he is still growing!Not only the growth of strength, but more importantly, psychological and ideological!

Of course, Yeyue's various changes are only reflected in the way she treats the people around her. If it were a stranger, no matter whether the other party was a human or a ghoul, Yeyue would only show an extremely indifferent side!

Aite is now a friend admitted by Yeyue, so in the face of Aite's jokes, Yeyue just raised her eyebrows and asked inexplicably, "Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

"Just come up and blow the air and look at the stars, can't you?" Asked by Yeyue, Aite seemed to blushed a little, and replied with a dodgy look.She wouldn't tell Yeyue that she came here in the middle of the night just to see if she would wait for Yeyue.

Although Aite doesn't know what kind of feelings she has for Yeyue, she can feel her dependence on Yeyue and can't help but want to get closer to him, and she doesn't resist this feeling, so She did it according to her inner thoughts.

"Whatever you want~~" Yeyue shrugged indifferently, slowly came to Aite's side and stood side by side with her, facing the cool breeze and looking at the stars that filled the sky, and the bright circle surrounded by the stars. moon.

"This night sky scene is so similar to your stars! The stars all over the sky are shining brightly, and there is the bright moon in the center! Tsk tsk, even the sky is amazed at the power of the stars!" Aite looked at The beautiful scene in the night sky, sighed with a smile on his face.

"Isn't this a credit to you~~" Yeyue smiled slightly, not being modest, because what Aite said was the truth, without exaggeration, the stars at this time have developed into an unprecedented huge ghoul Organized, the humans in Tokyo have begun to become chaotic because of panic.

Yeyue's words are also true, Fanxing can develop to the current point, not only because of the evil ghost's reputation, but also because of the one-eyed owl who joined Fanxing.Even the one-eyed king once surrendered to Fanxing, how could the rest of the ghouls refuse?

"Looking at your recent actions, are you already planning to act?" Aite asked with a complicated look, pulling away the smile on his face.

"Of course! This is a plan that has already been decided and will never be changed! Moreover, it is only the last step away from success!" Yeyue affirmed loudly.

"Have you considered every step? You must know that this is not a child's play. If you fail, the price you will pay will be unbearable!" Aite was slightly worried.

"Aite! Don't underestimate our Fanxing, and don't overestimate CCG! Although CCG must still have some hidden strength, judging from the current Fanxing, CCG has no chance of winning anyway! In the face of absolute strength , no matter what conspiracy the CCG humans play, they will only fail in the end!"

Yeyue's eyes are full of firmness and confidence. Aite's worries are not unreasonable, but Yeyue believes in Fanxing's strength more and more in his own strength. He believes that no matter what accident happens, he can easily solve it!

"That's true! Yeyue... In any case, I will try my best to help you!" Aite looked up at Yeyue and said firmly without evading.

Yeyue smiled back and nodded softly, "Well, I know..."

(There was a power outage at home in the morning, so I couldn't post it. I went to Guangzhou to hang out for a day and came back, and the fifth one was presented!! As soon as I came back, I saw all kinds of support in the comment area, and Xiaofei was really moved. Xiaofei's personality is a little bit If you are a little pessimistic, if you are not going well, you will be in a low mood. Just like the uncle, you will be fine if you relax, but the support of everyone makes Xiaofei's mood recover faster! I will do my best to write tomorrow, and I will write more chapters. One chapter, and one more chapter to thank you~~)…

Chapter 150 Chaos in Tokyo

In Tokyo, panic continued to spread among the crowd.

I don't know when it started, Fanxing is about to attack CCG, the news of the extinction of human beings is circulating in the crowd, no one can judge whether this is a rumor or real news, but Fanxing is becoming more and more terrible. This is a fact, Fanxing is already enough with CCG Confrontation, this is also true!

With the support of these two facts, human panic is naturally difficult to contain, as if the end of the world is coming, the order begins to become chaotic!People can no longer go to work or study with peace of mind, and most of them choose to stay with their families.

Under the leadership of some people, human beings have formed a so-called self-rescue organization. Every day, large-scale demonstrations are held in the streets. More and more human beings join in. This has caused the authorities to have a headache, but there is no solution. .

The request made by the self-help organization is very simple, take the initiative to attack, destroy the stars, and give them a stable life, and they will naturally disband. However, no one dared to agree to such a simple request.

As the days passed, the self-rescue organization became larger and larger, gathered tens of thousands of people, and directly forcibly occupied the CCG branch in the [-]th district where they were located, and robbed the investigators of the firearms and ghouls. cuink.

With this large number of weapons, the self-rescue organization seemed to have found a way to rescue itself. It went to District [-] in a mighty manner, continued to occupy the next CCG branch, and packed up and took away all the weapons, as if these Weapons became their last straw.

The people in this organization have become a little crazy. They naively thought that as long as they arm themselves, they can easily kill ghouls, defeat Fanxing, and even replace CCG as the protector of Tokyo. I have to say, the fear is really It can be maddening, and even basic thinking and logic are lost.

The growth of self-rescue organizations has made the government and CCG even more headaches, but unfortunately, they cannot turn their guns on the people. effect!

Unable to stop it, we could only watch the self-help organization continue to grow. The CCG headquarters had to order the recall of all the members of the branch, and even transported the weapons back to the headquarters. After a while, CCG couldn't help but be thankful for this. Decided, and even silently thanked the self-help organization.

After looting four CCG branches in a row, the self-rescue organization with nearly [-] members has basically been armed, and almost everyone has a firearm. Unfortunately, the ammunition is not much, and the one who can get Kuyinke as a weapon. Basically they are high-level cadres, or members with outstanding fighting ability.

Under the pressure of the self-rescue organization, all the other branches were evacuated as quickly as possible, and they were all evacuated to the headquarters in District [-] in just two days. The arrival of a large number of investigators and ordinary members made the headquarters almost overcrowded, but the same There are also advantages, the strength gathered by the headquarters has reached an unprecedented level!

And the ghouls in the first district, which had become scarce due to the recruitment of the stars, almost all fled at this time. Just kidding, the first district is all investigators, and those single ghouls are still there, aren't they courting death?

The CCG headquarters has concentrated the strength of all the investigators, but the number of investigators is close to [-], although most of them are only low-level investigators.And the number of ordinary soldiers is exaggerated to more than [-]!

In fact, there were originally close to [-], but in the two successive crusades, CCG's losses were quite heavy, so there are only more than [-] left, and there are hundreds of them who are seriously injured and not healed. There are only three thousand people fighting!

Shinohara Yukuki was eaten by a one-eyed owl. Even though CCG has been given urgent treatment, he is still lying on the hospital bed adapting to his prosthetic limbs. Suzuya Shizo stays in the ward every day to accompany him. When I was bored, I painted at the window, which made Shinohara quite happy.

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