I saw the child staring coldly at Jiahe, who was stabbed at a rapid rate, but did not dodge. The two bright red scales on the back of the waist came first and stabbed the second child's head and heart like lightning!

The child's Linhe is a bit longer than the second child's Jiahe. Before Jiahe pierces the child's head, Linhe can definitely pierce the second child's heart!

This move to surround Wei and save Zhao is not something that a child can think of with his current intelligence. What he relies on is nothing but his wild intuition!

Although the stupid second child is stupid, he is not completely stupid. Anyway, he still knows that it is not worthwhile, so he has to step back in a hurry, and at the same time, he waved his right arm up and down, using Jiahe to block the fatal attack of the child.


Two strong light sounds, that is the sound of Linhe and Jiahe colliding, the stupid second's Jiahe is wide and thick, like a shield, full of defense, but the tip is flashing with cold light, obviously extremely sharp, extremely sharp. Aggressive! , The child stared at the second child silently, and his slightly thin legs slammed into a black shadow and slammed into the silly second child, and the two scales turned into red shadows all over the sky. The pupil of the silly second child.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!!"

Linhe's tip hit the second child's Jiahe like raindrops. The dense impact made people's scalp tingle. Fortunately, all the ghouls present were not weak, so they were not affected by it.

On the one hand, the child is attacking like a storm, and on the other hand, the foolish second child defends like a mountain. It seems that they are comparable, and no one can do anything.

But in fact, from the distance of the eldest and the third child, it is very clear that the second child has been perfectly suppressed by the child!

(If you think it looks good, please help to collect it, thank you~~)…

Chapter [-] Unexpected new book for collection)

Jiahe has excellent defensive power and attack power, but speed and flexibility are the biggest weaknesses, and these two weaknesses of the silly second are extremely obvious!

Lin He is generally very powerful in regeneration, powerful in attack power, and has a certain degree of flexibility, but it does not have advantages in speed and strength defense, and defense power is the biggest disadvantage.

But it is a little different for the child. He not only has amazing regeneration ability and attack power, but also has the super speed and flexibility that only Yu He can have!

In other words, except for the poor defense, the child has almost all the good points of the ghouls!What's even more frightening is that the child's abnormal regeneration ability just makes up for its weak defense!

A ghoul with basically no weaknesses, if it grows completely, what kind of terrifying existence will it be?Who else can stop?

"Third, get ready!"

Looking at the second child, who was struggling to support him during the stormy attack, the eldest brother finally couldn't help but remind him, and he himself was silently accumulating strength, ready to come to the rescue at any time.

"I'm afraid it's too late!"

Before the third child's voice fell, the whole person rushed out like a whirlwind, and a pair of gorgeous red wings burst out behind him.

Why is the third child so nervous all of a sudden?

It turned out that the child seemed to be tired of playing. Seeing that the third child could not move like a turtle shell, he suddenly lost the fun of fighting. , and the extra section can still sway leisurely in front of its head, as if thinking about where to stab it!

"call out!"

A strong wind hit, the child's head tilted, a red diamond-shaped Hezi rubbed his ear and whizzed past, slammed into the soil and disappeared.

"Second child!!"

The figure of the third child finally came to the side of the second child. With a fan of Yu He behind him, countless diamond-shaped He Zi hit the child's Scale He like a bullet, and instantly pierced the Scale He with dense holes.

"Puff puff!!"

Another series of Hezi shot at the child, but they were all blocked by the child's somersault and landed in the distance unharmed.


The child silently stared at the third child who had interrupted him, with keen interest in his eyes, as if he had seen a more fun toy.

"Tick tock~"

A drop of bright red blood slid to the ground, seeped into the soil and disappeared, leaving only a bloody plum print at the child's feet.

It was the child's ear. Although the child's sudden attack was dodged by the child in time, the strong wind that blew across his ear at high speed was enough to cut a small hole.

It was precisely because the third child injured the child that it stimulated the child's desire to fight and made him even more excited!

The child at this time is like playing with fire, knowing that if the other three join forces, his life will be threatened, but he is even more eager to try, as if there is a voice in his heart telling him that if he succeeds in killing the person in front of him Enemy, his strength will go further!

For the growth of strength, the child already has an obsession in his heart, and the voice that echoes repeatedly in his mind is like a curse!

"Child, live!"

Although the child still doesn't know why the owner of that voice has a relationship with him, he is willing to believe it from the bottom of his heart and do as she says!

"Damn little guy! Don't think that my second child can't beat you, I just haven't gotten serious yet! Third child, go away, I can handle it myself!"

Being rescued by his third brother, the stupid second child was a little ashamed and a little unconvinced, and hurriedly yelled at the child with a red neck.

Before, I swore that I would do it, but it was almost done within a few minutes of the fight, and the other party was just a little kid. No matter how stupid the second child is, he knows the word shame!

"Second brother, don't be impulsive! This little guy is not easy! Can you help me deal with him together?"

The third child is obviously very smart and knows how to take care of his second brother's emotions. He deliberately asked the second brother to help him, instead of directly saying "I'll help you deal with him together". The effect of the change in the order is completely different!

Sure enough, when he heard what the third child said, the stubborn second child laughed out loud, and even his very clever third brother asked him to help, which shows how powerful his own strength is!

"Okay! Just let your second brother beat this kid hard for you!"

The silly second agreed very readily, and after saying that, he gave the child a vicious look, as if you were waiting for me, which made people laugh.

It's a pity that the children can't understand the meaning of their words and expressions, and the eldest and the third will not make fun of their brothers.

"Second brother, you are the main attack, and I will assist you!"

After seeing his headache-inducing second brother nodding his head in agreement, the third brother breathed a sigh of relief, and the words in his mouth still spoke beautifully and eloquently.

After all, the third child moved quickly, running fast with the child as the center, the Qi machine firmly locked the child, and it was possible to deliver a fatal blow at any time!

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