The corners of the child's mouth rose slightly. …

Chapter [-] The White Dove Fishing

In the darkness, there was a soft chewing sound.

The young figure is leaning on an adult corpse and biting. Under the messy black hair, there are a pair of breathtaking scarlet pupils, with simplicity, but showing indifference.

Children don't understand anything, they don't know how to speak, because the few simple words taught by their parents before they are sensible have already been forgotten in the past few years, and they don't understand moral concepts, because their parents died before they could teach them. .

A child is more like a beast. He only has the only idea of ​​survival in his heart. He doesn't understand anything else, and he doesn't need to understand it, because in this hell of the weak, the only thing he knows about survival is the truth.

Survival is the supreme truth!The only truth!

The body of the ghoul that was killed by the search officer was still in place, and the child was in vain. He dug out three mouthfuls of Hebao and ate two mouthfuls into his stomach, even though he had just eaten enough before that.

In District [-], the investigators would kill countless ghouls every day. At the beginning, they would bring the corpses back to the branch, dig out their hibags and make their arsenal Yinke, but over time, those with mediocre strength There are too many ghouls, and they are too lazy to clean up the corpse.

It is precisely because of this that children can often fill their stomachs by picking up leaks. Otherwise, how could he survive until now with his weak strength?

Most of the ghouls of the same kind are adults. No matter how mediocre their strength is, it is not something he can kill as a child, and human beings, he is even more afraid to provoke them, because the nose of the inspector is as sensitive as that of a dog!

Once, a very hungry child couldn't help but attack a human, and as a result, he was chased by two investigators for a day and a night before he could take a bite!

Being able to hold on for a day and a night before being caught up is also due to the child's innate detachment of speed, but he was hungry, his physical strength could not last, and he was eventually overtaken by Bai Jiu, stuck in a corner, called Tian Ying, It's called groundless.

In the end, if it wasn't for the energy shield from the voice in his head, the child would have been killed long ago.Bai Jiu is not much kinder than the ghouls, even children, they are equally merciless!

A stream of warm trickle rushed from the abdomen to the whole body, the child squinted his eyes comfortably, and the scarlet pupils gradually disappeared, turning into human eyes with white and black pupils, with innocent light shining in their eyes.

The ghoul's corpse can make itself stronger. This was discovered by the child a year ago. It was the first time he had picked up a ghoul's corpse.

A child without any moral values ​​would not care that it was a corpse of the same kind. He ate it right, but after eating it, he found that his body became warm, and a slight itching sensation was running all over his body. After a long time, he would Keenly found that he is stronger!

Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, he intuitively told him to eat as many corpses of the same kind as possible, so that he could grow up at a faster rate.

Through repeated ghouls, the child finally discovered that each ghoul has a Hebao in its body, and only this Hebao is full of energy that can make him stronger, and the meat in the rest has very little energy, so By now, the child has learned to dig out the ghoul's hebao and eat it first.

"Ding! Absorb energy, 5 o'clock!"

Ignoring the voice in his head, the child glanced around vigilantly. He stood slowly on top of the corpse, his black eyes instantly transformed into scarlet eyes, and his innocent little face became hideous!

Although he couldn't see anything, his keen intuition like a beast told him that there was danger!


Applause and footsteps came from the deeper part of the darkness at the same time, getting closer and closer.

"I didn't expect that I just caught a small fish! It's just, this seems to be a very smart looking little fish~"

The strange sound of yin and yang penetrated into the child's ears, making him feel uncomfortable instinctively, frowning slightly, staring coldly at the two people who appeared in front of him.

They were also all wearing white trench coats and carrying white suitcases in their hands. One of them was tall and strong, with an inch head and piercing eyes, while the person next to him was talking with long gray hair, a slightly hunchback, and sneering and cold eyes. Staring at the child coldly.

"Shinohara-chan, since it's just a small fish, leave it to me~"

The white-haired man stared straight at the child, as if staring at his prey, with a cold and cruel tone.

"Really, hurry up."

Shinohara Yukuki hesitated before he finally sighed and waved his hand in response.

He knew in his heart that Wu Xu, who had just lost his wife, had become a little distorted and hated the ghouls to the extreme. During the period of time he was partnering with him, he could see Wu Xu performing all kinds of things every time. The ghouls were brutally tortured, and finally the ghouls died in pain.

If it were other ghouls, Shinohara could still turn a blind eye. After all, the ghouls that feed on human beings, no matter how cruel they are, he will not feel inappropriate, but the child in front of him, the innocence in the depths of his eyes is rare. It made him feel unbearable.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of this little fish. Having said that, after I go back this time, Shinohara will be promoted to the special class, right? I'm really envious! After all, I've only just been promoted to the second class~"

With a light press in Mato's hand, the suitcase in his hand slammed open, and a long whip-shaped Kuink appeared in his hand, saying words of envy in his mouth, but his expression did not show the slightest envy.

He has no interest in position and power. The only thing he wants to do and will do his best is to kill ghouls, kill all the ghouls in the world, and the most important thing is to kill them with his own hands. Got that damn, one-eyed owl!

Every time he thinks about it, his heart still aches. His excellent and beautiful wife has been bitten beyond recognition by that damn owl. He can't forgive him, and he will never forgive him in this life!

"Come on, little fish! Let me see how long you can last, and let me hear your cry!"

With a biting coldness in his eyes, Mato laughed morbidly, and the long whip in his hand swung forward with a whistle, pointing directly at the child's head!


The child jumped back gently, the long whip fell into the air, slapped the ground, and made a soft sound, and a slight crack appeared on the ground that was hit.

The child was indifferent, his scarlet eyes stared at the real household, his thin body bowed slightly, his small hands stood in front of him, his five fingers stretched into claws, as if he was on high alert.

A child does not know what it is to be afraid, so he will not be afraid, he only knows one thing, he must live!And if he wants to survive, he must escape from the pursuit of these two people, because his intuition tells him that he is not the opponent of these two people, and even one-on-one, he can't beat the white-haired man in front of him.

Since he knew that he couldn't beat them, he certainly wouldn't fool around with them, waiting for an opportunity to escape would be the best choice, but it's not an easy thing to easily get rid of Bai Jiu's pursuit!


Mato didn't know what it means to be merciful, and the long whip in his hand was immediately drawn, and pointed at the child's head again, as if it was extremely interesting to see the child's head cut off!

Without any thought, the child's body instinctively shrank, the long whip rubbed his head, and a strong wind blew his hair wildly swaying, but the child was not affected in any way, his eyes Still staring at the real household.

Because the child doesn't understand anything, he does everything by intuition, and his beast-like intuition has never failed him, allowing him to escape the crisis time and time again, and has survived until now.

At this moment, the trembling skin all over his body told the child that his current situation was extremely dangerous! …

Chapter [-] Escape

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