"Then if I leave with Saeko and Shizuka, will this world freeze? After the next world is completed, can I take Saeko and Shizuka to the next world?" Yeyue frowned, eagerly wanting to Be clear about the doubts in your heart, so as not to be trapped by the kid again~

"Unfortunately, although the world you will experience in the future, Yeyue, can be frozen after you leave, but this world is the exception. Because this world is used by the system to allow you to adapt to travel, so it will be destroyed naturally after you leave. , the source of infection of zombies comes from the system. Saiko and Shizuka are only limited to taking them to the next world."

The kid's words made Ye Yue's brows lock even tighter!He didn't expect the system to be so generous!Don't hesitate to destroy a world to make him adapt to travel, this is a living world!Billions of creatures, if you say it is destroyed, it will be destroyed?

Rao Shiyue, as an evil ghost, is cruel and indifferent by nature, but when he heard the system's approach, he couldn't help but gasp, and his heart was shocked!

It turns out that the world will suddenly explode with zombies, and it is because he is about to come to this world that the system will spread the source of infection, so that this world will be destroyed naturally after Yeyue leaves!

It's easy to put a normal developing world on the verge of destruction in an instant, just to create a place for Yeyue to adapt to the experience. Is this a systematic approach?

"If I want to bring Alice and Mami to the next world, what should I do?" Yeyue asked in a deep voice after being silent for a long time.He didn't ask if it was okay, but directly asked to pay the price with his life!Because in Yeyue's opinion, a system that can easily destroy a world, if you want to bring two more people through, I'm afraid it's no big deal!

As for why Yeyue brought Mami and Alice with her, isn't that nonsense?The kid said that the world would be destroyed after he left, so how could he leave Mami and Alice here?

Yeyue is a demon, yes, he is cold and cruel, but he is not cold-blooded, he has feelings for Mami and Alice after spending so long, how could he just abandon them?Let them be destroyed along with the world?

"This...Let me think about it...it's not impossible to take them away, but...if you want to take them away, you have to pay a big price! This has to do with your second reward! Are you sure you want to take them away? Do that?"

As Yeyue expected, there is indeed a way, but from the tone of the kid, things are not that simple!

(Second shift!! I worked hard for one night, but only got the third shift. I’m sorry, everyone. I agreed that today’s five shifts, but only four shifts... So sad, this chapter is a small debt, and I will pay it back the day after tomorrow!) …

Chapter 078 Body Transformation

"Stop being wordy! What does the second reward mean? What's the price to pay?"

In the hut on the island, Yeyue asked impatiently.

"The second reward is precisely divided into two, the first is that the system will transform your body, while retaining your ghoul ability, it will make you closer to human beings, and the specific performance is that the way you maintain life is not only Eating people, and eating human food!"

"The second is to give you a special phagocytic ability, which can enhance yourself by devouring any creature. The stronger the engulfed object, the more obvious the enhancement effect on yourself! Among them, you have three chances to plunder the phagocytic object's ability. !"

Seemingly aware of Yeyue's impatience, the kid stopped joking, and seriously told Yeyue the second reward of the system.

"Why do you want to transform me into a state closer to a human? Isn't it better for me now?" Yeyue frowned again and asked.

Yeyue couldn't understand the system's approach, why did he need to transform his body?Or change it to a state close to human!You must know that ghouls are much stronger than humans!The two are not the same grade at all!Did the transformation of the system make Yeyue weaker?

What's more, although Yeyue has accepted the equality of human beings and accepted human women, it does not mean that he can accept that he has become a human being!Yeyue instinctively resisted.

But in fact, the transformation of the system is not as Yeyue imagined!

"Nevernight Moon, in fact, to be precise, ghouls are indeed superior to humans, but it is undeniable that ghouls also have one of the biggest drawbacks, that is dependence!"

"The ghouls can only rely on eating humans to maintain their lives. Without humans, there is only a dead end for the ghouls! But humans are different, human beings have a strong ability to survive, water, various creatures, various vegetables and fruits, and even tree bark grass roots, etc. , can let human beings continue their own lives!"

"The system transforms your body just to enhance your survivability, not to weaken your body! Your ghoul characteristics will also be retained! You can see from the second point of the phagocytic ability, in fact, it is a common ghoul It's almost the same, the system has strengthened the characteristics of ghoul sharing, expanded your sharing goal to all creatures, and optimized your sharing method!"

"After completing the transformation, you can eat all kinds of food at will, and the way you eat is not limited to your mouth, but also your Heiko! You can devour any target through Heiko! It's just that this devouring does not deprive the other party of special abilities. , unless you use the three permissions granted to you by the system, you can take the other party's abilities as your own with the help of the system!"

Xiao Gui's explanation is very detailed, and there is basically no omission. After listening to Xiao Gui's words, Yeyue has figured out what the so-called reward of the system is. Not limited to the ability to eat people, from now on, he can eat whatever he wants, and he no longer has to worry about it.

Yeyue's mind was spinning rapidly, digesting the kid's words quickly, and after a long time she asked solemnly, "Then what price will I have to pay to take Mami and Alice away together?"

"It's very simple, three times of devouring opportunities, each time the required energy can be used to take away one person. If you want to take away two people at the same time, you can only sacrifice two devouring opportunities. A warm reminder, devouring opportunities will have a great effect on your future growth. Great help, please think twice."

The kid's words were simple and clear, and Yeyue didn't refute anything, because in his opinion, this was a very fair deal. If you want to travel with Mami and Alice, you can only pay the corresponding amount. The price depends on whether Yeyue can bear the price!

"When will you leave?" Yeyue asked silently without saying anything more.

"You can anytime! You must leave within three days." The kid went silent after confessing, thinking that he planned to let Yeyue think quietly for a while, but Yeyue didn't plan to calm down, but said in a deep voice, "Then help me transform my body first!"

Yes, it is not difficult for Yeyue to make a decision, as long as it is what he wants to do, then do it!Do whatever you want is king!Now that she has made a decision in her heart, Yeyue naturally intends to let the system transform her body first!

"Okay! Please wait a moment! The energy is being deployed! The transformation is about to begin! The transformation begins!" With the voice of the kid, a strange ability filled Yeyue's body, like a warm current, quietly flowing in Yeyue's blood He was silently transforming his body!

There is no imagined pain, and it is not as time-consuming as imagined. In just two or three minutes, the transformation was successfully completed.

Yeyue closed her eyes and quietly felt her new body after transformation. There was no strange feeling, but she vaguely felt that something had changed.

The first is Hebao. Since Yeyue's strength was weakened to S rank, there are only four Hebaos. Now, these four Hebaos have all merged into a bright red ball, which is located at the back of Yeyue. It's like a special organ.

Then the Rc cells in the whole body can be freely controlled!Maybe many people don't understand what it means. To put it simply, the reason why ghouls can't eat other foods, the reason why their skin is invulnerable, and their strong physical fitness is because of the existence of Rc cells!

But now, Yeyue can control these Rc cells to gather in the Hebao, and none of them leak out, and Yeyue's body becomes no different from humans!He can digest any food normally, and his skin is relatively fragile.

And as long as Yeyue is willing and only needs a thought, Rc cells can be scattered all over the body at any time, and the combat power will not have any effect.

In the end, it is Yeyue's Hezi, whose shape is still Linhe's appearance, but Yeyue's Linhe is not only powerful and lethal. After piercing into the body of the creature, Linhe will frantically absorb the life of the other party. Energy, in an instant, a living person can be sucked into a mummified corpse!

Of course, the stronger the person, the stronger the resistance. It takes more time to absorb the life energy of the opponent, so the best way is to defeat the opponent and make the opponent have no resistance. Much easier!

puff! !With a soft sound, the bright red scales pierced into a large tree next to it. Under the gaze of the night moon, the tree withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. A dead tree, not even a shred of water remains!

(The third update!! Please customize and collect!! Today Xiaofei broke his promise, there are only four updates! I still owe one update and make it up on Monday~~)…

Chapter 079 The Unknown World

"Husband, do you have anything to say when you called us back?"

The setting sun was setting, and a ray of the setting sun was imprinted on the sea, which was beautiful, but Yeyue called Saeko and the others to the front of the wooden house, with a solemn look, Saeko was keenly aware of something, and could not help asking softly.

In fact, it is not only Saeko, Mami and Shizuka are not stupid either. During the day and night of getting along this month, they have naturally noticed the unusualness of Yeyue!It's just that Yeyue didn't say it, and they didn't take the initiative to ask. They all believed that when the right time came, Yeyue would take the initiative to tell them!

Clearly, the time seems to have come now.

"Yeah! Maybe you've already guessed it, in fact... I'm not a human being!" Ye Yue nodded with a calm expression, but there was a trace of nervousness in her heart.If the other party is a stranger or an unfamiliar person, Yeyue has no interest in telling the other party her identity, but Saeko and the others are different!

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