Even Nami's hearsay is very clear about the dangers of the great route, and Yeyue believes that it will actually only be more dangerous than what Nami said!Ye Yue is not afraid of danger, but he must keep Saeko and the others safe!

Therefore, before officially entering the great route, he needs a buffer time to quickly improve his strength, and also let Mami and the others have some self-protection power so that they will not be held back.

"What... what?" Nami felt as if she had heard it wrong, and couldn't help but ask in confusion.What did she just hear?The top ten pirates, the top ten naval bases?All sweeping?

Omg!What does this captain of hers want to do?Addicted to killing?Or is it addicting to destroying naval bases?If you act so high-profile, will you be struck by lightning?

Yeyue was too lazy to pay attention to the sluggish Nami, and went to the deck to continue practicing the six-style skills. Saeko did not lag behind at all, and practiced her kendo seriously. After Nami was silent for a long time, she finally accepted Yeyue's order, silently He walked into the room and started drawing, building a route that was the quickest but could go through all the targets.


The seagull's cry went from far to near, and a seagull with a backpack fluttered onto the boat, then dropped a newspaper, and flew away on its own.

Yeyue catches the falling newspaper, and his reward is printed on the cover!

Kirishima Yeyuki, age unknown, defeated the Evil Dragon Pirates and destroyed the Cocosia Island Naval Base.

Saeko Poshima, age unknown, female swordsman, participated in the battle with the Evil Dragon Pirates, killed the octopus Hachi, participated in the destruction of the naval base, and offered a reward of [-] million Bailey.

Nakaoka Asami, age unknown, female gunslinger, participated in the battle with the Evil Dragon Pirates, participated in the destruction of the naval base, and offered a reward of five million Baileys.

The newspapers roughly described the crimes of Yeyue and the three of them, and gave corresponding bounties, which were basically divided according to their strength.

Since no outsiders saw Yeyue and the Evil Dragon Pirates' battle, and no one saw them destroy the naval base, the information obtained was obtained by the navy sending people to Kokosia Island to investigate, so it is not accurate. .

But in any case, Yeyue's defeat of the Evil Dragon Pirates is enough to offer a reward of more than [-] million Baileys. In addition, he destroyed the naval base, posing a huge threat to the navy, and the reward is enough to increase to [-] million!

Thirty million Bailey may seem like a small amount, but this is already the limit of the East China Sea!After all, the East China Sea is the weakest sea area, and the [-] million bounty given to pirates is already the highest!No matter how high it is, it must be reported to the headquarters for approval!

And Yeyue just destroyed a naval base, this level has not reached the point of reporting to the headquarters, so in the end only got a reward of [-] million.

Although Saeko's swordsmanship is excellent, her strength is not that strong. Ten million is actually too much. As for Mami, it is even simpler, but it is only a little accurate in marksmanship. Many navy soldiers can do it, and a reward of five million is offered. just mean it~

Yeyue threw away the newspaper in her hand, and didn't care about the amount of the reward, because he didn't care whether it was more or less!Bounty does not represent strength, no matter how high the bounty is, it only shows the degree of threat to the navy!

Therefore, strength is king!Only improving one's own strength is the eternal truth!

(Fourth more! Don’t think that there are too few bounties, ha~~~ It’s the same in the East China Sea, and it’s just a base that has been destroyed~~)…

Chapter 024 Ways to Improve Strength

"Mmm~ah~hmm~don't~ it hurts~~~~"

A burst of unbelievable calls rang out on this pirate ship, which was renamed the Night Sky. Listening to this mature and tender voice, it was obvious that she was the most mature woman on the ship, Shizuka!

Could it be that Yeyue finally couldn't bear the hunger and thirst in her heart, and turned into a bird|beast and pushed Shizuka?

No, no, how could Yeyue be such a person?As a standard high-cold man, he has always waited for women to take the initiative to embrace him!

So what's going on?Looking closely, these women are gathered on the deck, surrounding Shizuka in the center, Saeko is helping Shizuka stretch her muscles and bones!

I saw Saeko let Shizuka sit on the deck, with her back against the mast, her feet stepped on Shizuka's ankles and pushed back, slowly pulling Shizuka's feet into a straight line, that sour and refreshing to a woman who never exercised. It's not too painful at all!

That's why Shizuka couldn't help but groan loudly!Fortunately, except for Yeyue, there are all women on the boat, and there are no other strangers around, otherwise Shizuka would be embarrassed to death, and she made such a shameful voice~

And the initiator of all this is Jing Si Yeyue not far away, the current captain of the Star Pirates, offering a reward of [-] million Bailey!This [-] million may not seem like a lot, but in the East China Sea, it has already jumped to the first place!

Today's East China Sea is shaking!Originally, those powerful pirate groups were basically gradually improved through years of accumulation, but now they are inexplicable. I don’t know where a young boy appeared, and he surpassed all the pirate groups at once. , became the number one reward, this face hit, slaps!

Regardless of civilians or the navy, not to mention pirates, almost everyone is discussing what the origin of this new big pirate is, and he killed the dragon of the second pirate group in the East China Sea without saying a word!And it also destroyed a naval base!

Such strength and courage have shocked many people, but more powerful pirates are disdainful. Most of them think that Yeyue is just stepping on shit luck, maybe it just happened to pick up a leak, because in their opinion , It should be that the dragon and the navy of Cocosia Island had a conflict, and both sides were killed, and Yeyue was just the fisherman who profited!

Either shocked or disdainful, but Yeyue did become famous in the East China Sea and became the talk of everyone after dinner, but no one would have imagined that such a powerful young man who was born in the sky would do something earth-shattering in the future!

Outside comments have no impact on Yeyue, and of course he didn't care about these issues. What he was thinking about was how to quickly improve his strength and that of Saeko and the others!

Since they brought them to this world together, they are naturally a group. Although Yeyue herself is the most important fighting force, Shizuka and the others should at least have some self-protection power, right?

For a physique like Shizuka, who is tired after just two steps, not to mention self-protection in battle, even long-term sea voyages can't stand it!After all, when sailing at sea, the ship will be bumpy, and with occasional storms or strong winds and waves, how could Mami and Shizuka's bodies be able to stand it?

Although Nami looks equally delicate, she has been sailing on the sea since she was a child, and her physical fitness is naturally much stronger than Mami and the others. Although her strength is weak, she has no problem navigating the sea!

And although Alice is still a child, it is precisely because of this that she does not need to worry too much about Yeyue, because children are very adaptable, and may be a little uncomfortable at first, but Alice will soon be able to adapt. With the current environment and proper exercise, Alice's physical fitness will only get better and better!

Therefore, how to improve the physical fitness of Mami and Shizuka has become a problem that Yeyue is thinking about now.It is effective to help Shizuka stretch her muscles and bones like Saeko, but this effect is very slow and requires long-term exercise, but it is obvious that Yeyue and the others don't have that much time.

"Little devil, is the solution you said really feasible?" Yeyue was talking to the little ghost in her mind while meditating, and the kid suggested two effective methods.

The first is of course the specialty of this world, the Devil Fruit!As long as they eat a devil fruit, they can instantly obtain a magical ability. Perhaps the combat power will not improve much in the short term, but self-protection is still enough.

It's just that Devil Fruits are hard to come by, and even if you go to the black market to buy them, you will have to spend sky-high prices, which is not feasible for the time being.

The second type is more special. It needs to use Yeyue as a medium to absorb the vitality of others into life energy, and then input it into Shizuka and the others to achieve the effect of strengthening them. This is the same as Yeyue swallowing others to strengthen themselves. The difference is It's just that Yeyue didn't use the devoured energy to strengthen herself, but gave them to Shizuka.

This method is relatively cumbersome, but equally feasible!According to the little ghosts, Shizuka and the others are too weak, so they don't need much energy to be greatly improved. That is to say, as long as Yeyue kills a few little guys at random, the life energy of three or five ordinary people is enough. Strengthen them!

The little bit of life energy of ordinary little guys has no effect on Yeyue, so if it is used on Shizuka and the others, it can be regarded as making the best use of it, without any waste, but Yeyue is a little unsure about this method. success rate only.

But since the kid said so, Yeyue thought it was worth a try. If it really succeeded, it would be much easier!This world lacks everything except pirates!Especially the great route, which brings together most of the pirates!

In the future, Yeyue and the others will definitely encounter many pirates during their voyage. As long as they kill them all and turn them into life energy that improves their strength, then not only Yeyue, but also Shizuka and the others will be able to fly like a rocket. Speed ​​soaring strength!

Perhaps, not only will Shizuka and the others not become a burden, but instead will become a help for Yeyue to conquer the world!

"Captain, the front is the sea area where the Gal Pirates often haunt!" Just when Yeyue was about to find a pirate to test this method, Nami's reminder made Yeyue's eyes light up, and she really wanted to do whatever she wanted. !

Looking in the forward direction, a small pirate ship is appearing on the skyline, and it gradually enlarges in Yeyue's line of sight. Obviously, the other party also found Yeyue and their ship, and moved towards it with malicious intentions. Coming on...

(Please customize and collect~~~ The fifth update~~ I won’t write too much about the East China Sea, and will soon enter the great route!)…

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