Smog vigorously waved his ten hands to block Linhe in front of him, flew to Yeyue at the fastest speed, and stabbed Yeyue fiercely with his ten hands!

Snapped! !With a soft sound, Yeyue reached out and held ten hands, looking at Smog with a blank expression, a hint of playfulness flashed in her eyes.

How could Yeyue not understand Smog's thoughts?

Smog always thought that Yeyue was a fruit person, so he tried every means to touch Yeyue with ten hands. As long as he successfully touched Yeyue's body, the absolute suppression of Hailou Stone on the fruit person would instantly make him feel Night Moon is out of combat!

But unfortunately, Yeyue is not a fruit person at all, he is a ghoul!The king of ghouls!

Whoops! !Yeyue kicked out with a whip, but it penetrated Smog's body unsurprisingly, and the attack failed, but Smog froze in place with a dull expression.

"Why! Why does the sea floor stone fail? How is this possible!"

Smog looked at Ye Yue who was safe and sound in disbelief, and muttered in his mouth.

The biggest nemesis of the fruit person is Hailoushi. This is a well-known thing in the pirate world. For hundreds of years, no fruit person can ignore the suppression of Hailoushi!

But why did this happen to the evil ghost Yeyue today?Smaller clearly saw that Yeyue's hand was holding ten hands, and the palm of his hand was attached to the sea floor stone, but Yeyue did not respond!

Is his fruit ability not affected by Hailou Stone, or is he not a fruit person at all?There was a stormy sea in Smog's heart, no matter what the result was, it was enough to make him horrified!

No, it can't be Hailoushi's problem!Smog immediately rejected the first conjecture, because he could vaguely feel the threat of the ten hands in his hand, proving that the Devil Fruit could never get rid of the influence of Hailou Stone!

This means that Yeyue is not a fruit person at all?The tail-like thing on his body is his own?Is this guy really human?How else could such incredible organs grow?

After eliminating all the impossible, the remaining possibility, no matter how incredible it sounds, is often the closest to the truth!

At this time, although Smog couldn't believe it in his heart, he did speculate that Yeyue's ability was his own, not the fruit ability, but it didn't help him defeat Yeyue, but made him feel powerless. !

He is very good at dealing with people with fruit ability. He has an almost incomprehensible elemental body, which can make Smog ignore most of his opponents. The ten hands made by Hailou Stone can easily catch fruit ability people!

Because of this, Smog was able to capture the pirates smoothly all the way, because he has never encountered an existence that could threaten the ability of the natural system!

Even today's Yeyue is obviously much stronger than Smog, but because Smog is an elemental body, no physical attack can touch his entity, resulting in any attack from Yeyue being ineffective. of!

In other words, Yeyue and Smog can't help each other now.

Lin He and Ten Hands collided continuously, spurting out little sparks, and then disappeared again, while Smog has been trying to use the elemental body to approach Yeyue, any attack, but due to lack of strength and speed, Yeyue one by one. Dodge easily!

And although Yeyue can easily hit Smog, his attacks are all ignored by Smog. This is the overbearing power of the natural system fruit ability!

Of course, this does not mean that the natural system is invincible!On the contrary, the most powerful people in this world are not those with natural fruit ability.

Among the four emperors of the pirates, any one of them stood at the top of the pirates, but none of them were of the nature department. Not natural.

But from this result, we know that the natural system is indeed strong, but it cannot reach the peak!Because the starting point of the nature department is too high, it is even more difficult to develop the fruit ability, and it is difficult to reach the ultimate in life!

What's more, on the long and great route, there are many people with fruit ability. Although the natural system is rare, it is not absent. So there are four ways to deal with these troublesome fruit ability people!

The first is, of course, the easiest. As long as the fruit person can be thrown into the sea, he will instantly lose his ability and become weak.

The second is to use the sea floor stone, you can easily seal the opponent's fruit ability, and make the opponent weak and the strength plummet.

The third is more complicated. Basically, any fruit ability has its own weaknesses. As long as you are good at observing, find out the weaknesses of the opponent's ability, and restrain them, you can defeat the opponent.

The fourth method is relatively rare. It is not available to ordinary people, but it is the most effective method. Domineering!Among the three colors of domineering, the armed color domineering can break the fruit ability, seize the flowing elements, easily cause damage to the fruit ability, and can also enhance its own defense and attack power!

Therefore, the real powerhouses in the sea basically have the ability to domineering, which is why after the great route, the fruit ability is somewhat inferior to the domineering users!

And now, in the face of Smog's somewhat tricky natural fruit ability, what method will Yeyue choose?

Domineering?Yeyue hasn't learned yet, and doesn't even know how to learn.

weakness?What is the weakness of smoke?Yeyue couldn't think of a way to restrain herself for the time being.

Throw it into the sea?If you can't even catch the entity, how can you throw Smoker into the sea?

So very simple, if you want to deal with Smoker, there is only one last way!

Yeyue grinned, and her eyes fell on the ten hands in Smog's hands!

(The first one~~~ Please customize and ask for a reward~~)…

Chapter 046

To deal with the fruit ability, the best weapon at present is the sea floor stone!

But the sea floor stone is not available to ordinary people, and it is basically controlled by the navy, but this guy Smog has the sea floor stone weapon.

Although carrying such a weapon makes it easier for Smog to deal with those with fruit abilities, but at the same time, it is also easy to be restrained when encountering an opponent whose strength gap is too great!

Just like now!

Seeing Smog's unbelievable gaze, Yeyue just smiled slightly, grabbed the palm of the tenth hand and pulled it hard, and even dragged Smog towards herself!

"Huh? Still not letting go?"

Smog also seemed to be aware of Yeyue's plan, so he naturally grabbed the weapon in his hand and was unwilling to let go. Yeyue raised his brows, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he stabbed the back of Smog's hand with a whistling sound!

puff! !

With a light sound, Smog didn't dodge, Lin He pierced his palm, but he still held ten hands tightly, but his face was frowning because of the severe pain.

Smog is very smart, and he knows that his strength is not as good because the only thing he can rely on now is his elemental body. Once Yeyue robs him of his ten hands, he will not be an opponent at all!

But Smog is unwilling to let go, so is there no way Yeyue can do it?

I saw Ye Yue sneered, and Lin He turned into a sharp blade again and slashed at Smog's wrist. If Smog didn't dodge, Lin He could easily cut off Smog's palm!

How to do?Loose or not?

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