Mr3 is a very cunning and alert person. After discovering that Yeyue had angered Crockdale, he immediately chose to take action. He wanted to teach Yeyue and behave in front of Crockdale, so as to be reused.

Of course, this was only after he confirmed that Yeyue was just an arrogant and ignorant rookie pirate, otherwise he would not have fought against guys with unknown strength. Wouldn't it be bad if he kicked the iron plate?

It's a pity that Mr3 missed this time. He thought that Yeyue's arrogant challenge to Qiwuhai was just because of ignorance, but he didn't think that Yeyue had such strength!

And when this seemingly impossible thing became a reality, the fate of Mr3 was extremely tragic!

Puff puff! !

Three red lights flashed in an instant. Before the big hammer in Mr3's hand fell on Yeyue's head, he felt as if he had been severely injured. With a thud it fell to the ground.

In Crockdale's surprised eyes, three blood-red tails emerged from Yeyue's back, and they sank into Mr3's body like spikes, and then Mr3's body shriveled up like a deflated balloon, changing in the blink of an eye. became a corpse.


When the other senior cadres saw this, they swallowed their saliva and stared at Ye Yue in disbelief as they threw Mr3's corpse on the ground with a cold sweat on their temples.

At this moment, the originally handsome young man seemed to have turned into a man-eating evil in their eyes, terrifying to the extreme!

It's not that they are timid, it's just that Yeyue's move is too impactful and shocking!Anyone who sees a living person being sucked into a mummified corpse in two seconds can't keep calm?

Even Crockdale, who is as strong as Qiwuhai, is the same. He has never seen such a strange and terrifying ability in the sea for many years!

Crocodile's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but be a lot more cautious, and he would never dare to look at Yeyue again. After all, he couldn't even guarantee his own. If Yeyue's tails pierced his body, his elements would The body also protects itself from being sucked dry!

absolute!You can't be touched by those tail-like things!

This is the thought that flashed in the minds of several people including Crockdale at the same time!

"Boy, kill my subordinates in front of me, I can't pretend I didn't see it!"

Crockdale stared at Yeyue with a cold face and gloomy eyes and shouted, but he was thinking about how to deal with Yeyue's strange ability.

He can be regarded as a veteran powerhouse in the sea. After many years of roaming, he certainly understands that nature is not invincible. Even if it is not armed and domineering, he also has many strange abilities that can deal with nature. Of course, he didn't dare to take Yue's performance lightly!

Several people in Crockdale were afraid of Yeyue, but Yeyue's expression was even more relaxed, because his second purpose was achieved again!

Mr3 died and was instantly killed by him at a lightning-fast speed. Even if he exposed his splendid devouring ability, Yeyue didn't regret it, because it was worth it!

Linhe's devouring ability actually doesn't play much role in the battle with the strong. Often, it can only be swallowed smoothly after the target loses its resistance, so it doesn't matter even if the sand crocodile knows it in advance.

And the important thing is that the opponent has one less combat power because of this!Although Mr3 was weak, Yeyue easily killed him in a single face-to-face encounter, but it might be hard for Nami and the others to resist!

Yeyue's side has insufficient combat power. If they don't take the opportunity to weaken the opponent's combat power, Nami and the others will fight much harder!And now, with the death of a Mr3, the pressure on Nami and the others has eased a lot!

Crockdale obviously understood Yeyue's intentions, but unfortunately it was too late, which was why his face became more and more ugly.

"What about the vice president?"

Crockdale asked in a bad tone. He actually doesn't care about Mr3's death, because it doesn't affect the outcome of the battle. Even if there is one less Mr3, he still has a vice president!

"No...I don't know, I haven't been able to get in touch~"

Beside Crockdale, a woman with big blue wavy long hair replied with a trembling voice.

"Damn!! What the hell is that woman doing!"

Crockdale scolded angrily, at such an important time, she actually hid and did not show up, which made Crockdale instinctively aware of something wrong.

(Second more~~ I feel a bit sluggish~~ I work hard at coding, and the speed is a bit slow~~)…

Chapter 074 Nico Robin

Nico Robin, a woman with a very poor life, similar to Nami. When she was only eight years old, her homeland and the entire island of O'Hara were completely destroyed by the slaying order of the Navy. She was the only one who survived. One person was wanted by the Navy with a bounty of [-] million around the world, and was dubbed the title of the Devil's Son.

Robin, who was only eight years old, was offered a reward of [-] million Bailey, which shows how many people in the whole sea want her life!Whether it is pirates, navy, or bounty hunters, or even ordinary people coveted this huge wealth!

It's just a little girl who has suffered so much since she was a child. Gradually, she could only be forced to survive by betraying others, until she met Crockdale.

Crockdale is a very ambitious man, and he values ​​Robin's ability to interpret the text of history!That's why Robin was drawn into his organization, and she was appointed as the vice president, giving her a high degree of freedom.

O'Hara was ordered to be destroyed by the World Government because of the interpretation of the historical text, but Robin never gave up because of this. Her biggest dream was to find and interpret all the historical texts, especially the blank [-]-year history!

It's just that Robin also knew about Crockdale's ambitions, so she didn't plan to help him, so she chose to betray Crockdale again, and deliberately let Vivi follow her and let her discover Crockdale's conspiracy, Until Yeyue and the others appeared, they deliberately concealed their strength.

Even now, Yeyue and Crockdale had already met, and the battle was about to begin. She chose to hide and watch the tiger fight instead of helping Crockdale to deal with Yeyue and them. After killing Mr3, Robin's strength is not what the current Nami and the others can handle!

When it comes to the strength comparison between the two sides, Yeyue is of course going to deal with Crockdale. There is not much difference in strength between the two, and it may be difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time.

Crockdale's number one subordinate, Mr1, was originally a killer named Dazbonis. He looked like a monk and was very powerful. Except for Saeko, Nami and the others couldn't possibly be opponents at all!

A woman with big blue wavy long hair, miss two fingers, formerly known as Paula, Bowness's partner, thorn fruit ability, although the strength is not strong, but Nami and the others want to defeat her is not so easy!

Mr2 is a ladyboy, formerly known as Feng Kelei, dressed like a ballet dancer, with two white swan heads and wings on his shoulders as decoration, and because he is a ladyboy, he is also the only cadre in the Baroque work club without a partner.

Feng Kelei's strength is also very strong, stronger than Paula, Nami and the others simply can't deal with it alone.

Miss Golden Week is a little girl about the same age as Alice, holding a paint board in her hand. She is Mr3's partner. Her strength is not very good, but her ability is very strange.

In this way, in addition to Yeyuki and Saeko's opponents, the rest of Paula, Feng Kelei and Golden Wednesday all need Nami and the others to deal with, but with Nami, Mami and Alice, where will they be? opponent?

Shizuka was exhausted before. Although she had already woken up from sleep, but her physical strength has not yet recovered, she could not participate in the battle at this time. If Yeyue hadn't seized the opportunity to kill Mr3, Nami and the others would be quite dangerous!

Fortunately, Weiwei is now on Yeyue's side. Presumably, Weiwei won't stand by after a while. In this way, Nami and the others' situation will not be too dangerous. Saeko resolves the battle with either one, and they are safe.

That's why Crockdale is annoyed!At such a critical time, Robin actually fell off the chain!With one less Robin and Mr3 being killed, his subordinates may not be able to deal with those women!

If Robin can participate in the war, he will definitely be able to destroy everyone except Yeyue. In the end, if Yeyue is left alone, it will be much easier!

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