Although there are still some loopholes in this sentence, it also shows that the absolute advantage in speed is a great bonus to strength!

And the reality is indeed the case. Once the child's terrifying speed erupts, the other five will be killed instantly without even touching the child's clothes. This is the advantage of speed!

"Okay! The little beast's means are really good! It seems that I have to take action myself to take down your little bastard and avenge my son!"

Blood Rose laughed in anger, stretched out her jade finger and pointed at the child and cursed viciously.

Afterwards, the blood rose's pupils instantly turned into scarlet he eyes, and four scales behind him drilled out of the he bag, and the black scales swayed gently, like a blooming rose swaying and moving!

But the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are!

Seeing the movement of Blood Rose's feet, it floated in front of the child like a breeze, and the four scales behind her were like scorpion's poisonous thorns, piercing the child's limbs with a cold light!

Blood Rose didn't plan to kill her. As for the guy who killed her only son, how could she give up if she didn't take it back and torture him?

(I changed the title of the book to see if the results will change. If it doesn’t work, I can only say that not many readers like this topic, alas. Please collect it, I hope everyone will support it!)…

Chapter [-], Article [-] Linhe

shhhhhh! 

In the dark night, the sound of a strong wind roared!

In the child's new home, the blood rose who came to kill him mercilessly attacked the child without stopping.

What's even more frightening is that Blood Rose's speed is also extremely fast. Although it is half a point slower than that of a child, the speed of a child is abnormal!To be able to match the speed of a child, Blood Rose is obviously a speed-type ghoul!

With the speed that is not lost to the children, and the advantage of the number of Linhe, the blood rose actually suppressed the child in the battle.

Fortunately, the blood rose's own fighting ability is not strong, otherwise the blood rose can easily take the child's life!

But even so, the child was still at a disadvantage, his limbs were scratched by the blood rose's scales many times, and then healed again, but his physical strength was consumed little by little.

Another very tough opponent!

Not only is the blood rose stronger than the previous boss, but the attack power is not comparable to the boss. If the child's strength has not grown after that hard battle, I am afraid that the child will not be able to support a few moves in the hands of the blood rose!

But the child obviously didn't think so much, only to see his pair of scarlet eyes staring at the airtight attack in front of him, and the two scales he struggled to resist the attack in front, but his eyes fell on the blood rose, which seemed to be Going to find the flaw in the blood rose!

Swish! !

Suddenly, the child took a few steps back, then turned around and ran. The blood rose was stunned for a moment and then chased after him, but the speed was always slower than the child, and it was difficult to catch up with the child!

"Damn! Little beast, don't run away!"

The blood rose was in a hurry, and suddenly scolded.

It's just that Xue Rose had to be surprised by the child's strength. Only after fighting against her in person did she understand the horror of this child. Not only did she have the strength of the A-level peak, but her fighting instinct was terrifyingly powerful, and she was even faster than herself, who was good at speed. Get out of the way soon!

I'm afraid he can crush most of the A-rank ghouls just by his speed!A thought flashed through Blood Rose's heart.

The child didn't really run away as Blood Rose said, he just found that the enemy's speed seemed to be a little slower than himself, so he naturally didn't need to fight with Blood Rose, and the chase seemed more likely to win.

Yes, it is to win!

When a child encounters an enemy, he never thinks of running away, nor will he back down and admit defeat. His mind is always on how to defeat all the enemies and achieve the final victory!

Sure enough, because the speed was a little slower, the blood rose's attack never fell on the child, and could only follow the child closely without being thrown off by him.

It's just that the child can't make an effective counterattack, because once he counterattacks, he will slow down and be caught up by the blood rose, and then it will be another round of suppression.

The child's eyes were gurgling, but he couldn't think of a way to deal with the blood rose. After all, his intelligence was limited, what good strategy could he come up with?He has always fought by instinct!

Suddenly, the child's eyes fell on the four scales of the blood rose, and his eyes lit up!

From a child's point of view, the reason why Blood Rose is better than himself is that he has two more linhes than himself!What if he had four of his own scales?Then can't he beat the Blood Rose?

Well, children's ideas are really simple, but they can often find problems!

The child's strength is weaker than the blood rose. This is a flaw. It cannot be improved in a short period of time, and the speed is only a line faster than the blood rose. There is hope!

It's just that the number of Linhe is increased if you want to increase it?

I saw the child blushing as he ran away, holding his breath like shit, focusing all his energy on his bag, trying to grow two more scales by doing this.


The He Bao at the back of the waist was tumbling, and even the two scales with the child became a little unstable, but after a long time of hard work, the He Bao failed to grow one more scale.

"Hahaha, ridiculous kid, do you think the number of Linhe is so easy to increase? If you don't have time to accumulate and increase your strength, you want to increase Linhe, just dream!"

As if seeing through the child's thoughts, Blood Rose did not shy away from her sarcastic words.

In fact, the number of scales is determined by the Hebao. Each Hebao can only grow one scale, and two Hebaos have two scales. In addition to enhancing your own strength, increasing the number of Hebaos Can only rely on the 喰!

Co-ghoul can absorb Rc cells in other ghouls, so as to increase the number of Rc cells in its own body, thereby forming multiple Hebaos.

The fact that the Blood Rose can have four scales was catalyzed by repeated co-existence, otherwise, she should only have three scales now based on her strength alone.

It just so happens that the child has recently undergone a lot of co-existence, and the Rc cells in his body almost occupy the whole body, but because the time is still short, these Rc cells are still scattered all over the body, while strengthening his body, One side slowly condensed into a Hebao.

But now, the child's will seems to be pulling these Rc cells in his body, and it miraculously accelerates the speed of their cohesion, and quickly forms a small Hebao at the child's waist!

puff! !

It wasn't long after Xue Rose's words were spoken, when she saw a soft sound from the child's lower back, and a small scale burst out of her body, shaking gently in mid-air.

Slap in the face, slap in the face instantly, snap | snap loudly!

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