But thinking about it now, Mami seems to have been inspired!Although gunfighting is only fictional, she can learn from it!Combining martial arts with marksmanship, using a pistol between close-quarters combat?

At this moment, Mami's mind seemed to open a door to a new world, and an unprecedented bold idea popped up in her mind, spear fighting!Wouldn't it be a good fit for her current predicament?

Although gunfighting sounds incredible, isn't it also incredible to travel to another world?Now that the crossing has happened, is it really impossible to achieve the art of spear fighting?

"Try it!!"

A look of determination flashed in Mami's eyes, and she began to think about how to combine martial arts with marksmanship. Although the real gunfighting technique should be an extremely complex and advanced technique, she only needs a preliminary combination, which is enough to cope with it. The predicament at hand!


There was a loud noise in the distance, and the ground shook violently. Both Feng Kelei and Mami turned their heads to look, but they only saw the smoke and dust in the sky, and only the figure of Crockdale next to him, but Ye Yue was nowhere to be seen.

"Hahaha, did you see it? Your captain must have been killed by the boss. Are you still not going to surrender?"

Feng Kelei shouted with a smug laugh, but Mami didn't pay attention to his words at all, and there was no panic on her face, because she knew that Yeyue was not dead, and she would never die!She deeply trusts Yeyue!

"Very good! It's now!!"

Feng Kelei stopped the offensive because of the movement made by Yeyue, but instead allowed Mami to get rid of his offensive and had a chance to breathe. Seeing Feng Kelei's slack, Mami's eyes flashed, and she seized the opportunity and took the initiative to attack. Von Clay!

With guns in both hands, Mami chose to kick!Even though it was unwise to use her unsophisticated kicks to attack Von Klei, who was good at legwork, Mami did it anyway!

"What a stupid kid!"

Feng Kelei was stunned by Mami's attack, and then sneered mercilessly, in his opinion, Mami may have been hit so hard to think about it, right?

But then he was shocked!

Mami raised her right foot and kicked Feng Kelei with a simple whip. Feng Kelei could easily pick up such an attack, but before Mami's right foot hit Feng Kelei, Mami raised her right hand at the same time, with a bang. The gun rang, the bullet came first, and shot straight at Feng Kelei's head!

The advantage of excellent marksmanship is that Mami doesn't even need to aim, and can shoot at her target with a single shot!

Facing the bullet, Feng Kelei didn't dare to use his head to fight hard, so he had to put away the right leg that was about to be kicked out. A bloodstain!

Bang! !

Before Feng Kelei could catch his breath, Mami kicked Feng Kelei with her right foot, and kicked him away mercilessly!

Boom! !Two gunshots rang out again, and the two bullets chased after Feng Kelei, who was flying backwards. Feng Kelei swallowed the painful scream in his throat, hurriedly twisted his waist, and forcibly avoided the bullet in mid-air. There was also a burning pain in his waist, which was the consequence of forcibly twisting his waist.

The combination of simple marksmanship and martial arts successfully reversed the situation. Mami became more determined in her mind, but her movements were not slow at all. She caught up with one step, and pulled the trigger in her hand, letting Feng Kelei move. There is no respite at all!

A tooth for a tooth! !Just now, Feng Kelei's continuous offensive made Mami unable to stop, and now Mami wants to let Feng Kelei experience that kind of helpless dilemma!

After a brief panic, Feng Kelei also recovered, but facing Mami's peculiar trick, he didn't know how to deal with it for a while. He was good at legs, but he couldn't do it. Recruit the enemy!

And as long as Mami blocked his attack, she would always take the opportunity to fight back with bullets, repeatedly putting Feng Kelei in danger. Can only dodge around in embarrassment!

(The first one~~Please customize and ask for a reward!…

Chapter 085 Nami's Pole Vault (Please Customize)

"Give it up! Don't expect to get close to me! I will torture you to death little by little!!"

Paula kept waving her hands, and a series of thorns spread from the ground towards Nami. Although the speed was not fast, it always made Nami have to choose to avoid.

The two fought for more than ten minutes, and they couldn't stand still. Nami couldn't get close to Paula, and Paula's thorns couldn't hit Nami. They only passed Nami a few times and hooked Nami. It's just the waist part of the beautiful clothes.

Several times, Paula tried her best to get her thorns entangled in Nami's feet, and directly destroyed Nami, but Nami was agile, and with the speed of thorns spreading, it was impossible to succeed, and Paula also Just reluctantly gave up.

Nami turned a deaf ear to Paula's clamor, thinking about how to approach quickly in her mind. By observing her, she had already discovered that Paula is a pure fruit ability. As long as her fruit ability can be limited, she will be helpless and can only Sit back and wait!

It's just that although Paula's reaction is not fast, with the thorns covered with thorns as a defense, Nami can still find a breakthrough.

Although this delay continues, Paula, who keeps using her abilities, will fall down due to exhaustion sooner or later, but Nami is not willing to use this delaying tactic. She has to try to defeat the enemy and use her own strength!

Only those who have experienced the weak will be more eager for strength, and will cherish their own strength more!

That's how Nami is. Eight years of weakness have made her escape from stealing, living a life of hiding and being displaced. With the help of Yeyue, she finally has the ability to fight. How could she be willing to delay this as a last resort? way to deal with the enemy?

Although she is not a rigid person, as long as she can defeat the enemy, she will not refuse, but the melee combat power is much stronger than that of Paula, and it only needs an opportunity!It's just an opportunity to get close to Paula!She can beat Paula!


The ground trembled violently, and Nami looked behind Paula, where Yeyue and Crocodile were fighting.

When the dust in the sky dissipated, the scene of Yeyue using Linhe as a support to make her body suspend in the air fell into Nami's eyes, and her eyes suddenly lit up!

Support, hang in the air! !

Nami sharply grasped two key points, her eyes flashed, and a faint smile appeared on her face!

There is a way!

Taking a deep breath, Nami turned her eyes to Paula again, and then quickly rushed forward with a long stick. It seemed that she planned to rush to Paula in one breath?

"It's useless! Don't you know how to give up?"

Seeing this, Paula immediately threw her hands, and two rows of thorns stood in front of Nami, but Nami showed no sign of stopping!

Next, under Paula's surprised gaze, Nami pushed the long stick in her hand forward, grabbed the other end of the long stick with both hands, and suddenly jumped into the air!

Pole vault!It was pole vaulting!

I have to say, Nami's reaction is really fast!Just looking at Yeyue's side, I immediately found a solution to the predicament, using the long stick as a tool for pole vaulting, and using the force of the catapult to fly towards Paula unexpectedly!

"Don't try to succeed!!"

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