
Twisting his neck, the joints made a crisp sound, the child rubbed the mucus from the corner of his eyes, stretched sloppily, and yawned, it didn't look like he was being hunted down!

Of course, the child did not know that he was being hunted down. He ate the Blood Rose Hebao before, and the surging energy was impacting the child's body, so he hurriedly found this trash can and hid it and slowly digested it. God~

The S-class Hebao has greatly improved the child. The child who was already infinitely close to the S-class has finally been officially promoted to the S-class. What makes the child even more delighted is that his stunted Lin He also followed suit. With the breakthrough of strength, it has become normal!

In other words, the child now not only has the strength of S-rank, but also has three Linhe!

(New book for collection!! I hope all book lovers can support and help me to add a collection, Xiaofei is very grateful …

Chapter [-] Mysterious System

The growth rate of a child's strength can be said to be terrifying. In less than a year, he has grown from an unpopular strength to an S-rank. This speed is comparable to a rocket!

One of the reasons is that the child's own talent is terrible, and it is also an important reason why the child does not stop sharing!

Normal ghouls, even if they share ghouls, will not be so frequent. After all, ghouls can feed themselves for two or three months at a time, and if they eat too much, they will eat more, so there is no ghoul that will share ghouls every three days and every two heads like children. once!

But the child does not know why, the digestive ability of his stomach is also extremely terrifying. He is only under eleven years old, but he can endure it all without incident!

You must know that the child ate five A-class Hebao and one S-class Hebao at one time!If you change to another ghoul, I am afraid that you will be burst with huge energy just after eating it!

In fact, on this point, I have to mention the voice in the child's mind before. When the child was completely unable to protect himself, he used the energy shield countless times to protect his safety and helped the child survive the most vulnerable life in his life. stage.

It's a broken system that stays in the child's body since birth, and doesn't play its role until the child is in danger.

And the system itself was already damaged, coupled with the frequent consumption of the little energy left, and finally fell into a deep sleep, and could only passively absorb energy to repair.

The death of each creature will lose life energy. The more powerful the creature, the more life energy is lost when it dies. Therefore, every time a child kills a human or a ghoul, the system can absorb the escaped life by itself. The energy replenishes itself, so far it has replenished about [-] points of energy.

But the energy required to completely repair the system is still far away, so the system will naturally help its host grow up as soon as possible!

The reason why the child can absorb so many Rc cells at one time without being burst is because there is a system to help stabilize the child's body, and comb the cells in his body along the way, so that he can absorb more easily.

To put it simply, the reason why children have such monstrous talents and strengths at such a young age is inseparable from this mysterious system, but so far this system is still in a sleeping state, so it can only wait until it absorbs enough energy. , to know its origin and specific role.

At this time, the child who had successfully grown into an S-rank ghoul had just woken up, and before he had time to feel the changes in himself, it was unfortunate that he was discovered by the blood-colored team passing by on the street!

"There's a child there! It looks very similar to the devil child in the description, so go take a look!"

In the excited words, the three A-rank ghouls happily got into the narrow alley, and couldn't wait to come to the child.

"Hey, little friend, what's your name? Are you an evil spirit? Did you kill Lady Blood Rose and Young Master Blood Moon?"

As soon as he came to the child, the ghoul at the front asked a lot of questions, with deep malice in his tone, as if he believed that the child was the little guy they were talking about.


A gust of breeze drifted by, and the three ghouls instantly widened their eyes, as if they had seen something unbelievable, but in the next second, their bodies seemed to have lost their gravity, and they fell to the ground with a thud. There was no sound.

At this time, the blood gradually flowed out of their hearts, slowly infiltrating the stone bricks on the ground, and the pungent bloody smell escaped in the air.

The child glanced at the corpse on the ground indifferently, then turned around and left.

The three ghouls were killed by the child for a split second before they could even react. This shows how terrifying the child's strength is at this time!

Absolute speed, extremely aggressive Lin He, the devil child seems to have grown into a strong man!

After a long time, the bloody smell of the three corpses finally attracted the attention of the rest of the Scarlet Squad, and hurriedly passed the news of the casualties to Xueye, and immediately let Xueye's eyes burst into the light of hope!

Originally, Xue Ye no longer had hope, but at this time, there was news of the child, and the revenge of killing his wife and child had turned around again, and Xue Ye couldn't wait to take action in person!

Nai He is already an S-rank child, and his ability to hide his whereabouts has become more and more excellent. With those A-rank blood-colored teams, it is impossible to find him!

So the only people who can find the child are the five right-hand men under Xue Ye!

It's just that Xue Ye didn't know the change in the child's strength, so the Scarlet team was still running around like headless flies, and it didn't work at all.


The shrill screams attracted the attention of a blood-colored team. Several people rushed to the source of the sound, but only saw a few corpses lying on the ground. Even the blood had just flowed out of the heart, indicating that they had just died. But the murderer has disappeared.

Whoosh! !

A red shadow flashed past, and another blood-colored team was wiped out.

Originally, the child killed the original Scarlet Squad just because it was easy and to fill his stomach. Who told the child to be disgusted by that person's tone?

But then the child found that everyone on the street seemed to be looking for him, and seemed to want to catch him, so the child couldn't bear it anymore, and all the blood-colored teams walking on the street became his target, even if he wasn't hungry now, yes. Predation has no interest.

As a result, the Scarlet Squad was wiped out one after another, but the Scarlet Squad did not even see the shadow of the murderer. After receiving the news, the bloody night was trembling with anger, but in the end, he could only helplessly order, let each of the five subordinates lead one of them. The Scarlet Squad continued to search for the child's traces and no longer dispersed.

Xue Ye is also helpless. Obviously, if he continues to consume it, I am afraid that the fifty A-level ghouls under his command will have to be killed by the children!

Because the child is also very cunning, if there is an S-rank ghoul around him, he will hide and not make a move. When the S-rank ghoul is far away, he will kill him with one blow and then escape. There is absolutely no way for people to take him. .

The bloody night's method is undoubtedly the best solution. Let the S-rank ghouls lead the team to search. Although the efficiency is reduced, it can greatly improve the survival rate of the subordinates and avoid being defeated by children one by one.

Sure enough, as soon as this move was made, the child had to hide his traces again, and he did not make another move for a long time.

Children are not stupid, he is not sure that S-rank ghouls can be killed in a short time, and once they fight, he will only face more and more enemies!

(New book for collection and collection!! I hope all book friends can help to collect it, that is the greatest support for Xiaofei, thank you!)…

Chapter [-] Changes in Children

"Oh? Is it? Hahaha, that guy in Xue Ye is probably already mad! Good, good, great!! The strength under Xue Ye's hands is consumed by that little guy, and he is no longer my opponent! Next, we can already plan how to unify the three districts!"

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