Apu suddenly remembered the news he heard during the voyage, and couldn't help but hurriedly shouted, but neither he nor Wuerji had really seen the natural fruit ability, and the concept of elementalization was just hearsay!

But soon, they witnessed what is called elementalization and what is called physical attack invalid!I saw the light condensed in the air and shone on the yellow monkey. From the position where he broke, the golden light quickly condensed into the body of the yellow monkey, and then the light dissipated, and the yellow monkey appeared in front of them unscathed!

The photonized body, no matter what kind of physical attack it suffers, can be re-condensed and will not suffer any damage!This is the scary part of the natural fruit!If there is no targeted method, it is impossible to be a natural opponent!

"It's terrifying! I almost died!"

Kizaru looked at Urgi with a look of fear and shouted, but the joke in his eyes was undisguised, it seemed more like he was mocking Urgi!

Among the mere few rookie pirates, Kizaru didn't take it to heart at all. His mission to the Chambord Islands was just an order from the Warring States Period to capture the Star Pirates!

(The first update~~ If there is no accident, there should be two more!)…

Chapter 167 The person who waits (please customize)

boom! !

Urgi's huge body was like a cannonball smashed into the house on the side of the road, smashing the whole house into pieces, and it turned into a ruin in an instant!

With just one kick, in front of Kizaru, Urgi couldn't resist even a single move, so he was instantly killed by Kizaru, and after smashing into the house, there was no movement for a long time.

"Huh? Not even dead?"

Just when Kizaru was about to get rid of the last Apu, he unexpectedly discovered that Hawkins, who had just been shot through the heart by his radium attack, was still alive!

Kizaru turned his head to look carefully, and there were still traces of wounds on Hawkins' heart, but with such a fatal wound, Hawkins seemed to have nothing to do with it, and his face was still calm!

It's just that Kizo didn't notice that there was a small scarecrow at Hawkins' feet, and there was a scorched wound on the scarecrow's heart. If we compare it, it is not difficult for Kizo to find that the wound is the same as that on Hawkins' body. are exactly the same!

This is Hawkins' fruit ability!Can transfer his fatal wounds to the scarecrow!Of course, the number of times is not unlimited!

The acquisition of the scarecrow requires Hawkins to curse a person and combine that person's life with the scarecrow!And the result of this is that when Hawkins uses fatal wound transfer, the scarecrow will be destroyed, and the corresponding cursed person will also die due to various accidents!

Therefore, Hawkins' ability is easy to understand, that is, relying on cursing others to take fatal damage instead of himself!As for the method of the curse, this is Hawkins' own secret!It is not easy to think of this method, otherwise Hawkins will have countless lives?

Moreover, this ability of Hawkins can only be used three times a month!It may seem like a small amount, but it is actually a very terrifying ability!Being able to gain three more lives per month than others, this ability is already very unbelievable!

However, although the ability is good, it actually relies on its own strength!If his strength is not good, even if he has nine lives, it is not enough for him to die!

For example, at this moment, if the battle continues, Kizaru only needs to spend a little more time and three more lasers to kill Hawkins, and Hawkins can't resist at all!

Fortunately, Hawkins' divination seems to be really accurate!Although Kizaru was surprised by Hawkins' ability, he planned to test it out, but at this time, the phone worm rang!

"Moses Moses~~"

Kizuna lazily took out the phone bug in his arms, but his eyes fell on Hawkins, and Hawkins was dripping with cold sweat.

Although Hawkins believed in his divination, since the divination said that his life would not be in danger today, he would definitely not die!It's just that he just felt the power of Kizaru firsthand, and Hawkins was a little unsure about his overwhelming terrifying power!

"Old man, I received news from my subordinates that the Star Pirates are in Area 1 and seem to have never left, as if they are waiting for someone!"

A young voice sounded from the phone bug, but the tone was not respectful, but a look that was very familiar to Kizaru!

Zhan Taomaru, a subordinate of Kiabou, a young man who is very talented in domineering, is the guard captain of a scientific unit stationed in the Chambord Islands. After receiving the news that the Tianlong people were killed, he offered to lead his subordinates to arrest him. Catch the Star Pirates.

"Is it Zhan Taomaru? Waiting for someone in the No. 1 area? What a bunch of weird guys! After doing such a thing, don't you plan to run away? I know, I'll go right now! You are responsible for arresting the rest The supernova!"

Kizaru touched his chin suspiciously, and immediately gave an order to hang up the phone bug. Kizaru didn't even look at Hawkins and Apu, who were on high alert, and disappeared as a ray of light!

The general is willful!He had already dealt with several supernovas, but he ignored them at this time and did not take them to heart at all. For him, a few supernovas were nothing more than threats, and completing the mission of the marshal was the key!

At this time, the naval fleet brought by Kiabou had already arrived at the port, and the naval forces landed one after another. While clearing the pirates all the way, they were also rushing towards the No. 1 area!

In the huge Chambord Archipelago, the No. 1 area of ​​the illegal zone has become the center of the incident. Most people's attention is on the No. 1 area, and they want to know what the event will be in the end. Most people think that even the Admiral is here, and the pirate group that killed the Tianlong people must not be able to escape!

However, when more and more people knew that it was the Star Pirates who made the big event, the public opinion changed quietly!The Fanxing Pirates shocked the world twice, the first time they defeated Qiwuhai, and the second time they directly destroyed Judicial Island!

Compared to the first time, the destruction of the Judiciary Island is obviously more shocking to the world!Even though it has been a month, everyone still remembers it deeply. At this time, the Star Pirates reappeared, and many people couldn't help but believe that maybe the Star Pirates could escape the pursuit of the general.

Yes, even if no one believes that the Star Pirates can defeat the general, they also believe that the Star Pirates may have a chance to escape!This is already a great honor for a rookie pirate group!

In area 1, Kidd, Luo and Luffy have left with their crews one after another, only Yeyue and the others are still waiting there. Who are they waiting for?

The answer will come out soon!because……

call out! !

A beam of light refracted from a distance and landed not far in front of Yeyue. The rays of light condensed into a human form, and the appearance of the yellow ape was reflected in Yeyue's eyes.

"Yoyo, I didn't expect you to actually stay here? It's convenient to tell the old man, who are you waiting for? You would rather face the general than run away!"

Looking at the figures of Yeyue and the others, Huang Yuan couldn't help but look a little surprised!Although I already knew it before, but seeing it with my own eyes at this moment, Huang Yuan was even more surprised, and was very curious about what Yeyue and the others were waiting for!

"If you are the only general here, then he is waiting for you! Anyway, your target is me, so just wait here!"

Yeyue's calm eyes looked at Kizaru, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but his answer was beyond Kizaru's expectations!The person Yeyue was waiting here, turned out to be him?

Knowing that the general is coming to arrest him, he still dares to stay in place and wait. Is he confident in his own strength, or is he too ignorant?

If it were the few supernovas I just saw in the 13th area, Kizaru would not hesitate to think that they were beyond their own power, but for Yeyue, she first defeated Crockdale, and then destroyed Judicial Island. The navy came to the Chambord Islands in the net of heaven and earth, and Kizaru couldn't believe that Yeyue would be an ignorant person!

What's more, Huang Yuan heard what Qingzhi said, Yeyue, this kid, had escaped from him!

(Second update~~I should be able to code the third update at eleven o'clock~~Please customize and ask for reward and support~~~)…

Chapter 168 Speed ​​is Power (Customize)

"wait for me?"

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