Another muffled sound!Kizaru just had time to raise his hands to block in front of him, and in the next moment, he felt the surging power being vented on himself in an instant, and accompanied by a burst of pain, the black bombardment of Kizaru that had no resistance to it flew out! …

Chapter 187 The Duel between Light and Thunder (please customize)


The yellow monkey's eyes turned black, and his whole body was in severe pain. When he opened his mouth, he spurted a mouthful of blood, and his throat was as uncomfortable as fire. Especially his hands, which seemed to be broken, almost lost consciousness.

It directly resisted Yeyue's heavy kick, but the hands of the yellow monkey were not broken. In fact, it has been proved that the body of the yellow monkey is very strong. You must know that with the strength of Yeyue at this time, it is only a trivial thing to kick a warship. That's it!

If it were replaced by an ordinary person who suffered the blow just now from Yeyue, I am afraid that he would be kicked into a mashed meat directly?

At this time, the yellow monkey was very aggrieved in his heart!When has he been bullied for speed in the years since he got the glittering fruit?

But facing Yeyue at this time, Huang Yuan couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart!Helpless, although he can reach the speed of light with his fruit ability, his limitations are too big, and he cannot use it in fierce battles at all!

But this night moon is so good, the speed of light comes at your fingertips, as if you don't need money!Let Kizaru suffered a deep blow!Sure enough, people are more than people, and people are mad!

Swish! !

Without waiting for the yellow monkey to take a breath, Yeyue's figure struck again, and the cold breath enveloped the yellow monkey, and suddenly the hair on the yellow monkey stood on end, and instinctively used the elementalization!

puff! !

Kizaru didn't even see Yeyue's attack clearly, and felt that his entire body was smashed into pieces and scattered into light particles all over the sky.

luck!Huang Yuan couldn't help feeling a little joy, but also a little fear!Unexpectedly, Yeyue's strike just now didn't use domineering!

To deal with the natural fruit ability, armed domineering is the only way to seize its entity, of course, tools such as Hailou stone are not included.

In fact, there is another way, that is speed!When your attack speed is too fast for the opponent to elementalize, you can also focus on the opponent!But this approach is difficult to achieve.

The reason why Kizaru was able to avoid Yeyue's blow just now was nothing but luck!Using elementalization is just an instinct, because he has no time to make any dodging movements, and there is no other way except hard connection!

It just so happens that Yeyue is not very skilled in the use of domineering, especially the armed color. So far, it can only cover the fist, and it cannot be used for a long time and frequently.

In fact, the first few times I was able to hit the yellow monkey, it was also because the yellow monkey subconsciously thought that the attack of the night moon was armed, and the speed of the night moon was too fast, so that the yellow monkey did not use elementalization to avoid it. , and the elementalization of instinct just now allowed him to escape.

Yeyue's learning progress on Domineering has actually been very fast. It has only been more than two months since the beginning of learning. In addition, in the next two months, Yeyue is basically familiar with and developing her own fruit ability, but there is no excess. It's time to be familiar with domineering, so that the progress of the armed color is very small, and even Saeko is about to catch up with Yeyue's progress!

He escaped a blow because of luck, and it was only then that Kizaru understood that Yeyue was very strong, but his arrogance seemed to be his shortcoming!With this discovery, Huang Yuan was finally relieved!

"Finally there is a breakthrough!"

Kizaru couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart.As a general, Kizaru certainly knows what effect he will have in battle if he is not domineering enough!

First of all, Yeyue is the only man to ensure that his attack can hit the body of Kizaru!Furthermore, in the domineering duel, Yeyue is by no means an opponent of Kizaru!

Thinking of this, Huang Yuan's mind moved, and the little particles of light re-condensed into a body, and then a little under his feet, accompanied by the sound of sonic boom, Huang Yuan actually took the initiative to attack Yeyue!

There is no fancy direct bombardment, with the speed of light, but the surface is covered with a layer of dark color!Armed color!

Facing the counterattack of Kizaru, Yeyue stretched out her fist indifferently, and greeted it without showing weakness, Boom! !The two fists met in the air, colliding with a roar that made the eardrums tremble, and the air waves flew away!

The two men's attacks were deadlocked for only a second, and then they saw a trace of pain on Kizaru's face, and then his body flew out uncontrollably again, but Yeyue only took a few steps backwards.

Naive yellow monkey!

I thought I had found Yeyue's weakness, but I didn't know that after Yeyue entered the state of Hezhe, the Hezi covering the whole body was already equivalent to strengthening the domineering of the armed color!

Armed color, like a layer of invisible armor, can enhance defense and attack power, and can also capture the entity of nature!

And Yeyue's Hezi, in addition to not being able to catch elements, can also enhance defense and attack, which is almost the same as the armed color!

In the collision between Hezi and the armed color, if you want to decide the outcome, it is not who is stronger, but the strength and speed of the attack!

Undoubtedly, in terms of strength and speed, Kizaru is not as good as Yeyue, and naturally there is only one way to fail in the fight just now!


Kizaru's rapidly flying upside down figure drew two long drag marks on the ground. After a long time, he finally let go of his strength and stopped. He looked at Yeyue again with doubtful eyes, and his eyes became more and more solemn!

"Laser Cannon!!"

Without hesitation, Huang Yuan folded his hands together, and as the golden light flickered, a beam of light shot out instantly, blasting directly towards Yeyue as if it had broken through the air!

Kizaru's combat experience is extremely rich!He knew from the fight just now that it seemed impossible to control Yeyue with domineering power!Then the only thing he can defeat Yeyue is his own fruit ability!

After all, it has been many years since the yellow ape developed the fruit ability, and the night moon has only been in less than two months. With such a stark contrast, the yellow ape does not think that his fruit ability will lose to the night moon!

Although Yeyue's progress in armament color is slow, his knowledge color is quite good!Yeyue, who was always open to seeing and hearing, predicted his plan the moment he made a move, and immediately launched a counterattack without hesitation!

Although it was half a beat slower, Yeyue's counterattack was not slow at all!

It is also a combination of hands, and a blue beam of light burst out in an instant, and in an instant, it collided with the beam of light of the yellow monkey, and two strong rays of light, one blue and one yellow, engulfed all the colors!

There is no fancy energy bombing, one side is light, the other side is thunder!In terms of attack power, Lei is obviously stronger!But the light of the yellow monkey has been developed for many years, and the thunder of the night moon is not skilled enough, so that the two are in a stalemate at this time!

In this regard, Huang Yuan frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with such a result!Although the Thunder Fruit is known as the strongest natural type, he doesn't think that his Sparkling Fruit will lose to the Thunder!

Thinking of this, Kizaru snorted coldly, and immediately increased the output of light particles, the beam of light in front of him suddenly doubled in size, and blasted towards Yeyue with unstoppable power!

(Update Update~~)…

chapter 188

consternation! !

At this moment, Saeko and the other women had expressions of astonishment written on their faces!

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