The Star Pirates had an unexpected victory in the battle with the navy, and the supernova Yeyue defeated General Kizaru. These news that the world talked about were all ignored by Hancock. What she cared about was the only thing she cared about. , Yeyue killed three Tianlong people!

It was very abrupt, and a desire suddenly emerged in Hancock's heart, an extreme desire to meet this man called Yeyue!

Hancock usually hates men, even the navy is still righteous, but now, she unexpectedly wants to meet this man who dares to kill Tianlong people!

Kill the Dragons!This is something that Hancock has wanted to do countless times, but he knew he would never be able to do it in his life!But this man named Yeyue did it easily. Hancock really wanted to meet this brave man!

Hancock can hardly understand how he feels about this night moon, envy?worship?admire?But no matter what, Hancock stared at the photo in the newspaper. The person in the photo was naturally Yeyue!

"Come on! Check it out for me! I want to know the whereabouts of the Star Pirates! Immediately, immediately!!"

Without warning, the order of the Empress Snake came from the palace. No one knew why the Empress suddenly wanted to track down a pirate group, but no one would disobey Hancock's order. Without hesitation, the entire nine Everyone in the Snake Pirates took action and began to carry out the order of the Empress.

But obviously, even the navy couldn't find any trace of the Stars Pirates, let alone the Nine Snakes Pirates who were behind the news?With their limited abilities, it is impossible to find Yeyue and the others!

But fate seems to be so clever!Just when Hancock ordered people to look for Yeyue and the others, Yeyue and their ships also happened to arrive near Daughter Island!

Although Daughters Island is backward, it attaches great importance to its own territory. Even the navy does not allow them to approach the waters within three kilometers for no reason, let alone the rest of the ships. The group is mercilessly destroyed!

(The first one~~~)…

Chapter 197 Night Moon's Plan (Please Customize)

"No news yet?"

In the palace of Daughter Island, Hancock's cold voice sounded, and his tone was full of anger.It's been two days!It has been two full days since she gave the order, but there is still no trace of the Star Pirates!How can Hancock, who is eager to see the night moon, not be angry?

"Sorry, Lord Snake! The navy is also looking for them. It should be to avoid the navy's pursuit. They have never had any news!"

The tall woman with phoenix eyes knelt on one knee in front of Hancock and replied respectfully.With a long black ponytail standing behind his head and a quiver on his back, he looks extremely capable, Kikyo, the captain of the guard team of Daughters Island!

"Anyway, hurry up and find Aijia!"

Hancock's voice became colder and colder, and there was no news of Yeyue, which made her feel very bad!Although she has always been honest with men, Yeyue is different. Hancock feels a throbbing in his heart every time he thinks of this man who dared to take action against Tianlong people.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Kikyo nodded and was about to leave, but suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door!

"Lord Snake Princess! Lord Snake Princess!"

The young girl with dazzling blond hair quickly ran into the hall, and when she saw Hancock hiding in the seat curled up by the pet snake Samero, the girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly accelerated her pace.

"Margaret, what's the matter?"

Hancock's voice was a little cold, she was in a bad mood now, the girl's noise made her even more irritable, and of course her tone was not good.

"Lord Snake, an unidentified ship was found in the northwest, pulled by a huge sea king!"

Margaret didn't care about Hancock's tone, and quickly explained to Hancock what she saw.

According to the previous rules, once these ships of unknown origin are found, they will be solved by the two giant sea snakes raised by the Nine Snake Pirates, but this time the situation is a little different. Packed, Margaret felt the need to let Hancock make the decision.

"Sea Kings?"

Hearing this, Hancock couldn't help frowning slightly, wondering in his heart.Only the Nine Snake Pirates can drive the sea kings to pull the boat. The two sea snakes are specially raised by them and can obey orders, but it is not so easy for others to ask the sea kings to pull the boat. !

But no matter how you think about it, this ship seems a little mysterious. The most direct point is that the two sea snakes alone may not be able to deal with them!

Thinking of this, Hancock didn't dare to take it lightly, and walked quickly to the port with his soldiers. The Nine Snake Pirates were dispatched!

On the other side, on the calm sea, a huge serpentine sea king floated on the sea and swam forward quickly!The sea kings in the upper reaches of the sea are already very strange, and this strange sea king has a boat on its back, which is even more wonderful!

"Ah~~ so comfortable!"

On the boat, Alice was sitting on the side of the boat happily swaying her feet, looking up with a face of enjoyment, feeling the light wind blowing across her face.

There is no wind in the windless belt. The reason why the wind can blow is also because this sea king swims very fast, which makes Alice enjoy the feeling of the sea breeze.

"Captain, at this speed, we will reach our destination in half a day! Just captain, how long are we going to stay there?"

Nami glanced down at the recording pointer on her wrist, and then compared the navigation chart in her hand. She immediately had a rough estimate of her position and the distance to her destination, and immediately turned to Yeyue and asked.

They all heard what Rayleigh said at the time. Not only was there no people on Rusikana Island, but the environment was extremely harsh. The seasons changed once a week, which was a great test for the adaptability of the human body!And there are countless beasts on the island!

Although such an island is very suitable for cultivation, they are all women, and it would be unbearable for them to stay in such a place for a long time just thinking about it.

"Let's see the situation! You can go back when the time comes!"

Yeyue didn't have a clear answer, because he couldn't tell.He could probably guess what the navy did. If they couldn't find them for a long time, the navy would definitely stay in the Chambord Islands. As long as they wanted to go to the new world, they would definitely encounter the navy's interception again!

So if you want to go to the new world, you must wait for a good time!And this time...

Yeyue looked at the newspaper in her hand, which was the announcement of the Navy, and that Fire Fist Ace would be publicly executed in a month!

As soon as the smart Yeyue saw this news, she immediately thought of a lot. The war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates is obvious, but I am afraid that the rest of the forces will also be involved in it, right?

If you want to escape the navy's interception and enter the new world, the day Ace is executed is the best chance!Because the navy must concentrate all its strength to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates and deal with some unexpected situations, the naval strength that can stay in the Chambord Islands to intercept Fanxing will definitely be weakened!

As long as they return to the Chambord Islands that day, the navy on the island will never try to stop the stars!They can easily go to the new world smoothly!

But, does Yeyue really plan to take this opportunity to slip into the new world?The answer is of course no!Although Yeyue is not a stupid person, she does not have to break through the blockade of the navy and enter the new world, but this kind of behavior of sneaking in when she is unprepared is really cowardly for Yeyue!

Of course, this is not the main reason!The reason why he didn't plan to go to the new world at that time was because Yeyue also planned to go to that war to have a soy sauce!

Who is Night Moon?Ghoul!Still a very warlike ghoul!When he came to the world of pirates, didn't he want to challenge all kinds of powerhouses the most?Isn't this war the best chance?Whitebeard, one of the four emperors, and his captains, the three admirals of the navy, and the admiral of the navy were present!

Even the other Qiwuhai who have not seen before, or the other four emperors, may appear in that war!Wouldn't it be a pity if such a good opportunity was missed in order to enter the new world?

Moreover, Edward Newgate, Whitebeard, is known as the strongest man in the sea!But Yeyue has a hunch that once this war starts, Whitebeard's fate will not be very good!Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured!If he misses this war, even if he meets Whitebeard in the new world in the future, I'm afraid he will no longer be the strongest man, right?

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