"Cough cough~~"

Looking at the two people showing their affection in broad daylight, Nami and the other women couldn't help blushing, and turned around in embarrassment as if they didn't see anything. Only Alice, who was a little devil, covered her eyes, but pierced through her fingers. peep.

Saeko's little jealousy was resolved smoothly, but the little emotions of the other women are still there, but Yeyue didn't pay attention to it. After all, there is no position, right?They are not his women, if he went up to comfort, wouldn't it be...

What's more, Yeyue is not the kind of person who will comfort.

Along the way, the girls all had different thoughts, but soon, they reached their destination, Rus Ikana Island, the rumored 48 Season Island.

"Wow~~ so desolate!"

The boat was stranded on the beach at will, and as soon as everyone stepped on the land, they couldn't help sighing like this. At a glance, except for the trees, there was no one in the forest, and the wild grass on the ground was half a meter high. It can be seen here. degree of desolation.

"Okay! In the next period of time, this is our temporary residence! Find a better place to clean up!"

Ye Yue glanced at it casually, and when the voice fell, she led the girls into the forest, and there was a rustling sound around, which was the movement of some small animals crawling.


A beast roar sounded abruptly, and on the way Yeyue and the others were advancing, a huge wild elephant appeared on a rampage. The roar made the trees on both sides tremble, and the sky was full of frightened birds.


Before the wild elephant's voice could fall, another roar sounded, it was Jike!In the face of the beast's provocation, Jike chose to demonstrate and fight back at the first time, and he didn't care about the obvious size gap between the two sides!

(Update Update~~~)…

Chapter 202 Cultivation Again (Please Customize)


The deafening two beast roars sounded one after another, like two tigers fighting each other and meeting on a narrow road!

Saeko and the other women looked at the huge proboscis that appeared in front of them in amazement, and couldn't help but feel a little shocked!Although they have already seen many giant sea kings, this is the first time they have seen giant animals on land!

No, maybe this can no longer be called an animal, but a beast!Ordinary wild elephants are only two or three meters high, but this giant elephant is ten meters high, and its body length is fifteen meters. A three-meter-long big nose hangs in front of him, and his eyes are red and fierce. breath!

In particular, the two extremely conspicuous white teeth on its mouth are stained with black and red, and they unabashedly warn its enemies that it is very dangerous!

However, such a beast that looks extremely dangerous just from the outside only surprised Saeko and the others. Yeyue was even more poised and didn't take this big guy in his eyes at all. Only Jike's reaction rather intense.

Jike used to be just a well-behaved pet dog, but after coming to the world of pirates, he became more spiritual because of the baptism of the system. Both his comprehension and physical fitness have been greatly enhanced, coupled with the fruit of madness , Jike is no longer just a pet dog, but also a dangerous beast!

The psychic Jike was extremely disdainful of the warning issued by the proboscis elephant, so he directly jumped out to show his strength, and the fierce breath pressed the proboscis elephant to shrink back!

Jike's height is just over a meter, and it looks like a large dog at best. However, with his aura of a beast, he scared the proboscis elephant more than ten meters tall. How funny is this scene!

"Wang Wang!!"

Jike barked twice again at the fearful proboscis. The huge proboscis was so frightened that its legs were almost weak. The instinct of the beast made it turn around in a hurry and fled in a panic. .

For a low-level opponent like Proboscis Elephant, Jike is not even interested in doing it, let alone Yeyue and the others.

Then again, since coming to the world of pirates, Jike's size has slowly increased!Originally, Jike was a small dog, but now it has grown into a large dog. After eating the Devil Fruit, the growth rate is even faster!

Alice was even a little skeptical. Before long, I am afraid that Jike's body will be two meters tall!By that time, Gek will be able to use her as a mount!It is because of this thought that Alice observes the changes of Jike with great interest every day, and looks forward to the day when she can ride Jike as a horse.

I really don't know, if Jike knew Alice's thoughts, how would he be dumbfounded?With Gek's current intelligence, he should already have an emotion close to that of a human being.

After sending the proboscis away, Yeyue and the others walked all the way, shuttling through the dense forest, familiarizing themselves with the terrain and looking for a suitable place to settle down.

Rusikana Island is not large, about forty kilometers, almost all covered with dense forests and flowers and plants. The terrain is relatively flat, with only a few small hills, the largest of which is the hill. , but only fifty meters above sea level.

And with the growth of Yeyue's strength, the coverage of his heart network has also become larger and larger. After landing on the island, Yeyue has been opening his heart network. One is to check whether there are any hidden dangers on the island. , and secondly, to find a suitable place to settle down.

Since you will be living here for a long time to come, of course choose a comfortable place!In the wild | outside, relatively safe and comfortable locations are generally places with relatively high terrain!

But the highest mountain|hill was too conspicuous, so it was obviously not a wise choice, so Yeyue finally brought the daughter and other daughters to a location close to the center of the island, which is also a small mountain|hill, [-] meters above sea level, both If you can look up, you can see the sky clearly, and there are enough trees around to block it, so it will not be so easy to be found.

Once the location is determined, the next thing is much easier, just build a simple wooden house!It’s very convenient to use local materials. If Yeyue’s use of Linhe to chop down trees is overkill, then Saeko’s use of a big quick knife, Muramura, to repair the wood into a suitable shape can be called a bull’s knife for killing chickens!

Although Nami is only a navigator and is better at drawing nautical charts, many things are the same. For the excellent navigator Nami, it is very easy to simply draw a structural diagram of a wooden house!

Robin's flowers and fruits can form many arms, which is the most suitable construction worker. Saeko trims suitable wood, and under the control of Robin, gradually builds the frame of the wooden house, and a beautiful wooden house is gradually taking shape!

Although Alice, Shizuka, and Mami did not participate, they were not idle either. Under the leadership of Kalifa, they formed an exploration team, wandering in the surrounding woods, collecting some fruits and recording the water source. Location.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the wooden house was quickly built. Because the main participants were all women, the shape of the wooden house was extraordinarily delicate, not as ugly as the ordinary simple wooden house, and there was still a tree in the house. The fragrance is delicious, and all kinds of furniture are also readily available.

At this time, all the members of the Star Pirates were sitting around the table. The table was full of fresh fruits collected by Alice and the others. After Shizuka's identification, they were all healthy and non-toxic fruits, and the meat was brought back by Jike. Its own prey, a five-meter-high wild boar!

The wild boar is processed by Yeyue, and then grilled by Kalifa. As a secretary, Kalifa's cooking skills are also quite good. Although it is far less than a professional chef, it is still enough to make delicious food. A guest chef is finally liberated.

The sky gradually darkened, the moon climbed up the branches at some point, the surrounding stars flickered, the faint candles lit up in the forest, and laughter rippled in the wooden house, which did not subside for a long time!

The strange thing is that it is obviously an island full of beasts, but no beasts dare to approach this wooden house. Obviously, there is no special reason, just because Yeyue drove away all the beasts that tried to approach!With the positive and wide coverage of the heart network, Yeyue's thunder can land at any position around the wooden house at will.

The happy time always passed quickly, and the night was silent. In the early morning of the next day, Yeyue mercilessly woke up Alice who was lying in bed, and took the whole boat of women to start the practice!

In the battle of Chambord Archipelago, although the Star Pirates won a great victory, all the girls of the stars also realized their inadequacies, and it just took time to digest the gains of that battle!This is why Yeyue took them to this uninhabited island to practice!

Yeyue believes that when they step out of this island, they will transform again!

(Update update~~~ There is something that has not been updated in the first two days~~ Sorry sorry~~)…

Chapter 203 The brewing storm (please customize)


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