Needless to say, Nami, who has just obtained the weather fruit, is like a duck to water on an island where the seasons change rapidly, and she is undoubtedly the one who laughs the happiest every day!

Mami is also developing her own fruit ability. Through the last battle with Lieutenant General Wells, Mami also realized that the gunman's battle is different from the general battle!An excellent gunslinger must not only be precise in his marksmanship, but also be good at using the surrounding environment to give himself an advantage!

It wasn't long before Kalifa's fruit ability was obtained, and he was also working hard to develop new abilities. Robin's new arrival, the development of fruit ability is not the most important thing, and it is more urgent to improve physical fitness!

So Nami's practice is full of joy, and Robin is painful and happy!Enjoying the stimulation of electrotherapy every day, Robin's physical fitness improved rapidly, but at the same time, he couldn't help but have a little fear of Yeyue, pure fear of the Thunder Fruit.

Neither Alice nor Shizuka ate any fruit, so the two women concentrated on cultivating their physical skills and enhancing their domineering, as did Jike!

It is worth mentioning that because of Yeyue's bug-like devouring ability, a large number of beasts slaughtered on the island have been transformed into life energy, which is used to improve the physique of the women. It is no exaggeration to say that every day, the women's The strength has a new change!

Time flies so fast when you focus on something!When Ye Yue and others were immersed in their cultivation, the sea was full of noise!

Half a month has passed!People on the sea are still talking about the upcoming big event with gusto!Ace's execution!

With the disappearance of the Star Pirates, the popularity of the Chambord Islands incident has gradually dropped, and more people's eyes are on the upcoming execution!That's the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Who is Whitebeard?Four emperors!One of the four emperors of the new world, also known as the strongest man in the sea!His crew was about to be executed, and for whatever purpose, the talk was hard to stop!

But for ordinary people, no matter how big the event itself is, they are only spectators at most, but for the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy, they should not be careless!

From half a month ago, Marshal Warring States began to make arrangements, and set up the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando into a steel barrier, just to deal with the upcoming Whitebeard Pirates!

The sailors who were originally scattered all over the world have also been dispatched by the order of the Warring States Period and gathered at the Navy Headquarters!Today's naval headquarters is unprecedentedly powerful!But the Warring States were still not at ease, and at the same time issued a summons order to summon Qiwuhai to the naval headquarters to fight the enemy together, which shows how cautious the Warring States were!

Warring States really has no way out!In the battle of Chambord Archipelago, the navy side was defeated, and the Five Old Stars were already extremely dissatisfied with this. If something happened this time, even if the Five Old Stars didn't say anything, he would have no face to continue to be a marshal, right? …

Chapter 206 Little Oz the Giant (please customize)

"Kill it"

The thunderous slaughter resounded in Marin Vando's harbor, and under the broadcast of the videophone bug, people all over the world were witnessing this epic war!

The Whitebeard Pirates representing the righteous naval headquarters and the Four Emperors of the Pirates!The frontal conflict between the two major forces is nothing extravagant, just a battle of life and death!

Hot blood splattered in the air, gradually dyeing the white ice surface under your feet red, and two torrents, one gray and one white, collided directly. This is a war that affects the world!

It was just the beginning of the trial. The first to fight were ordinary pirates and sailors, but the fighting between the two sides was also extremely tragic. There was no one alive, and all that fell to the ground were only corpses!Red corpse!

Standing on the bow of the boat, Whitebeard looked at the pirates who were falling on the battlefield in front of him, and there was no movement on his face!From the moment he made the decision, he had expected such a scene!If you want to take Ace back from the navy, the price you will pay will only be more lives!

But no matter what, he has to do it!He would never allow his family to be executed by the Navy in front of the world!This shouldn't be Ace's burden!He also knew that the execution of Ace was just a bait to lure him, but he came anyway!

Without him, because Whitebeard never backs down!He is the spiritual pillar of the Whitebeard Pirates, even if the opponent is the Navy Headquarters, he will never be cowardly!What's more, he already knew in his heart that the outbreak of this war was just in line with the development of the times!

With the advent of the era of the great pirates, his white beard is just an antique of the old era, and should have been eliminated by the era!On the contrary, he lived more than [-] years, and he earned enough!

"Let Oz play!"

After a long silence, Whitebeard's calm voice sounded again!Following Whitebeard's order, the frozen ice surface in the back began to shake violently!


With a loud bang, the ice surface in the distance suddenly burst into a huge hole, as if it was torn apart by life!


A behemoth crawled out of the opening, and the huge soles stepped on the ice, and the entire harbor trembled!

"Oz! You..."

There was such a big movement on the ice, and of course Ace on the execution platform noticed it. Just seeing the arm that stretched out first, Ace couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Little Oz, a descendant of the giants, the devil Oz hundreds of years ago, is over a hundred meters tall, and his physical advantage alone is enough to open an insurmountable gap with ordinary people!But it is also because of the huge body that the cultivation of the giants has become more difficult.

Bang! !Bang! !Bang! !

Like an earthquake, every time Little Oz took a step, the ground shook violently, causing the fighting seamen to stand unsteadily, and the casualties increased sharply!

On the contrary, those pirates were very excited when they saw the appearance of Little Oz, and they were very excited to kill!

"Ace! I'm here!"

A sound like a dull thunder resounded through the sky, and Little Oz's voice could be heard clearly even from a distance of thousands of meters!

Although it looks cumbersome because of its huge body, Little Oz can cross a distance of dozens of meters with every step. In less than a minute, Little Oz crossed the ice and came to the harbor!Here, the pirates are fighting fiercely with the navy!


Little Oz stepped on it with one foot, and before it landed on the ground, a strong wind and waves were set off, which directly lifted the marine soldiers at the landing point. Inside, both pirates and sailors were blown away, and no one could get close!

"Good job! Little Oz, that's it! Go ahead!!"

Seeing that Little Oz was like a giant human-shaped tank, rushing towards the execution platform, the pirates in the back shouted excitedly, as if they had seen victory!

Indeed, the appearance of Little Oz caught the marines by surprise. With a body of hundreds of meters, the appearance alone is enough to make people feel powerless, not to mention that his every move can affect the great power. Ordinary marines can't get close at all. body!

Is there no one who can stop Oz?The answer is of course no!

On the high platform, Sengoku glanced at Oz with a slight frown, waved his hand expressionlessly, and ordered, "Resolve it!"

Bang bang bang! !

As soon as the words of the Warring States fell, many gun muzzles were exposed on the walls around the high platform. With the sound of explosions, the shells roared and landed on Oz!

Ordinary marines can't do anything about Oz, but in the same way, because of his huge body, Oz can't avoid the attack of the shells, and can only resist with his own body!

Although Oz is a giant family, his body is dozens of times stronger than ordinary people, but it does not mean that he can ignore the bombardment of cannonballs!He could ignore one or two, but hundreds of shells fell on him at the same time, and the powerful power of the explosion was also not something he could bear!

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