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Chapter 208 Revealing one's life experience

"Kill, save Ace! Victory is at hand!"

The Navy Headquarters ushered in the most tragic war in history!The Whitebeard Pirates, including its forty-three pirates, and the strength of tens of thousands of pirates attacked Marin Fando together!

But the navy is obviously stronger!Even if there are still nearly half of the forces stationed in various parts of the sea, there are tens of thousands of naval elites based on the navy soldiers stationed in the navy headquarters alone!

No matter how powerful a pirate group is, in terms of number, it cannot be compared with the navy!In terms of numbers alone, the Whitebeard Pirates are far inferior!

But in terms of individual strength, it is obvious that the Whitebeard Pirates are stronger!Whether it is the thirteen captains under Whitebeard or the captains of the forty-three pirate regiments, all of them are strong men who can be alone!In addition, the strength of the pirates under his command is uneven, but they are enough to outshine the sea soldiers!

After Little Oz forcibly opened the road to the inner bay at the cost of his life, the pirates, led by Whitebeard, launched a ferocious attack with an unstoppable attitude!The sound of fighting has never stopped, but it is clear that the damage to the marines is even more serious!

But just as Whitebeard led his pirates forward bravely, the Warring States on the high platform took a step forward, still holding a phone bug in his hand. Seeing this, Whitebeard suddenly slowed down. , He who is familiar with the Warring States period knows that the Warring States Period is about to make a move!

Sure enough, under the watchful eyes of Whitebeard's pirates, Sengoku slowly came to Ace's side. The neat marshal's cloak formed a sharp contrast with Ace's sloppy outfit.

"Cough~~ everyone! I think everyone already knows the cause of today's incident, right? The reason why he chose to publicly execute Ace is not because he is the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, but because another is more important. s reason!"

With a light cough, the simple words of the Warring States were spread all over the world through the videophone bug, which aroused everyone's curiosity. Even the pirates and sailors who were still in the fierce battle not only slowed down their offensive, but also paid attention to them. The power shifted to Sengoku, wanting to hear what he was going to say.

"This guy! Could it be that he..."

Whitebeard's reaction was a little strange. As soon as the words of the Warring States fell, he couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at the Warring States in disbelief, and a bad premonition surged in his heart!

"I believe everyone has a deep memory of what happened twenty years ago! Gore D Roger was publicly executed in Rogue Town!"

Warring States glanced at the bottom casually, seeing that everyone's attention was attracted to him, he couldn't help nodding with satisfaction and then continued.

creak! !

Beside Warring States, Ace's body trembled suddenly, his hands locked by Hailoushi's handcuffs subconsciously clenched into fists, making a creaking sound, his gums were biting to death, and his face was abnormally ugly.

"It was Goel D Roger who started the so-called era of the great pirates, which led to the rampant and unscrupulous sea pirates, which had an extremely bad impact on the lives of civilians! Roger is undoubtedly the most sinful person!"

As he spoke, the tone of the Warring States also became a little excited, very much like the faces of those politicians, blindly belittling the enemy and boasting about himself.

But in fact, the Warring States did not say anything wrong. It was indeed because of Roger's words that people swarmed into the sea, and the number of pirates expanded rapidly, making it extremely difficult for the world government to control the sea. Life is getting more and more difficult. Islands occupied by pirates like Cocoyashi Village can be seen everywhere in the sea!

The words of the Warring States period sounded on the big screens of the islands of the world. Countless people listened to the voice of the Warring States Period seriously. Most of them felt the same way, because they were all persecuted by the pirates.The rest are disdainful. Of course, pirates will not care about the criticism of the navy, and sensible people know that although pirates are hateful, where is the world government?

"And Ace! His full name is Portgas D Ace! But his real name is actually Gore D Ace!"

As if it had been brewing for a long time, Sengoku said the words revealing Ace's identity with a solemn face, and suddenly it was like a nuclear bomb fell into the sea, causing an uproar!

You must know that now the whole sea is paying attention to here!The words of the Warring States Period have basically spread to every corner of the sea at the same time. Except for those isolated places, almost everyone can hear the words of the Warring States Period clearly!

Gore D Ace!As long as you are not an idiot, you can understand the meaning of the Warring States period!After all, Gol D Roger was mentioned in the first two sentences of the Warring States Period, and now Gol D Ace is mentioned. Anyone can understand the relationship!

If ordinary civilians were shocked to hear this news, it would be like thunder for pirates, their hearts were turbulent, and they could not calm down for a long time!

Who is Roger?One Piece!And Ace, the bloodline of the Pirate King, is actually appearing in front of them at this moment!I have always thought that ONEPIECE is just a legend, after all, no one has been able to find it for so many years!

But now, One Piece's son has appeared!Many pirates seem to have seen hope!Even the son of One Piece is real, so the treasure should also exist, right?The reason why it was not found is just because no one has been able to find it, right?

"That's right! Ace, in fact, is Roger's bloodline! He is also the son of sin! Because of this, after capturing Ace, the navy planned to publicly execute Ace, hoping to cut off the pirate's sinful bloodline. The fight against the existence of pirates!" Without waiting for people to think about it, Sengoku made a final decision, turning Ace into a son of sin, and convicting Ace with critical words, thereby improving the image of the navy.

The idea of ​​the Warring States period is good. After all, some time ago, the navy suffered repeated defeats in the matter of the Star Pirates, which made the navy's prestige plummet. Executing Ace is the best time to restore the situation!

But what the Warring States did not think about was that for ordinary people, killing the bloodline of One Piece might really improve the image of the navy, but for pirates, it was different!

Ace's life experience is revealed, which is equivalent to directly telling all the pirates that ONEPIECE is real, hurry up and find it!

As for Sengoku's thought that the execution of Ace would dampen the enthusiasm of the pirates, this is undoubtedly the Sengoku who thought too much!It is true that Ace is the bloodline of One Piece, but whether Ace is dead or alive, not many pirates will care!They just need to know that One Piece's treasure is real!As for Ace's death?hehe~

It is conceivable that no matter what the outcome of today's victory is, the impact of this incident on the sea is extremely complicated!There is no doubt that countless silent pirates will become active again!The sea is about to start chaos again!


Chapter 209 The Dark Cloud Over Your Head (Please Customize)

"How is this possible! Ace, Ace turned out to be Roger's son?!"

The headquarters of the navy, the harbor of Marin Fando, and the Warring States period revealed the life experience of Fire Fist Ace in front of everyone in the world, which immediately caused an uproar!

One can imagine how people from all over the world reacted when they heard the news. Even in the harbor of Marin Fando, whether it was a pirate or a sailor, they were all stunned!

And all the pirates, while looking shocked, all looked at the stalwart figure in front of him, the white beard!

Everyone in the sea knows that Roger's biggest opponent in his life is Whitebeard!Everyone was very curious, when Whitebeard knew that his captain was actually Roger's son, how would he react!

But everyone was disappointed!Whitebeard looked at Ace on the high platform calmly, without the slightest wave on his face, as if he already knew about it.And it's true!As early as when Ace joined his men, Ace took the initiative to tell him about it.

Whitebeard just didn't expect that the Warring States period would know the news!You must know that apart from Ace himself and a limited number of members of the Whitebeard Pirates, only Lieutenant General Garp knows about this!And Karp has been hiding this news for many years, it can't be leaked at this time, right?

Titch!The figure of Blackbeard flashed in Whitebeard's mind in an instant, and a trace of anger suddenly burst into his eyes!Without a doubt, it was Titch who caught Ace and handed him over to the Navy!The person who leaked Ace's identity must be Titch!

What purpose does this guy deliberately provoke a war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates?Although Whitebeard has a wealth of experience, he can't figure out the reason.Even if the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy fight to the death and lose both, Blackbeard Titch won't do any good, right?

Is it simply wanting to disturb the situation in the sea?

"Dad, is everything Warring States said true? Ace is really...?"

Before Whitebeard could think about it, some pirates dared to ask.

"Boys! That bastard in the Warring States period is right, Ace is indeed Roger's son. But, so what?! Roger is dead! Ace is now Lao Tzu's son, and Lao Tzu will never allow his family to be tortured. These bastards from the Navy are humiliated! If you want, continue to follow me to kill, if you don't want to, leave with you!"

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