So, fight!

"Let's fight! The last fight! We have no way out!"

The old man stood up abruptly and roared.

As if they had awakened the blood in their hearts, Hong Luan and the others also stood up one after another, each with scarlet eyes, full of high-spirited fighting intent, that is the will to fight to the death!

"Are you going to fight? Don't worry, I'm very good at fighting!"

Yeyue's simple voice interrupted the high-spirited people, patted her chest and said confidently.

During this month, they have basically learned from each other, Yeyue is obviously the strongest, and the unbelievable speed alone has left many people helpless, and the old man is one of the others. The leader, Hongluan's strength is also slightly outstanding, Shi Hu, Dazui and Faceless Men are similar in strength, while Guibing is slightly weaker.

But after this month of hard training, Guibing has been trained hard by Yeyue every day, and his strength has grown a lot. I believe that if he fights against Guihuo again, he will not lose so fast again.

Of course, it's impossible to win the ghost fire, after all, the ghost ice is not the protagonist, can you still hang? .

"Haha, good good, then Yeyue will have to work hard and kill a few more powerful guys!"

Hongluan laughed, rubbing Yeyue's head wanton and laughing.


Yeyue squinted her eyes comfortably and responded with a bright smile on her face, which was a joy from the bottom of her heart.

In the past, the evil ghost children have always been cold and expressionless, how can they understand the emotions of happiness and laughter?Thanks to Hongluan for introducing him into a gregarious life, he just started to become a normal teenager!

It didn't take long for the old man to quickly summon all the fighting forces of the Freedom Wing, a total of [-] A-rank ghouls, standing at the city gate in unison, waiting for the signal to start the war.

"Not much to say, our home is behind us, and we must not surrender to the rule of that guy, the mad lion, so fight to your heart's content, and never retreat!"

The old man stood on the high wall, there was no exciting slogan, only this sentence was full of decisive declaration, but it was this simple sentence that stirred up the fighting spirit in the hearts of all the ghouls, no one would back down, no People will be afraid!

"Let's fight!!"

The old man let out a loud roar, jumped off the high wall in the lead, and rushed towards the Wild Lion Squad. The battle between the Wild Lion Group and the Freedom Wing started so simply and directly!

"Kill it"

"Go! Kill them!!"

The high-spirited Freedom Alliance shouted and followed behind the old man. The dense ghouls turned into a torrent and rushed to the Wild Lion Squad. The high momentum was shocking!

"Humph! Old guy, he really knows how to play! But a group of rabble, still trying to resist? Well, if you don't want to surrender, then die!"

The mad lion looked angrily at the old man with the ghouls who were supposed to be his subordinates to resist him, and couldn't help but cursed angrily.

"I'm going to hold the mad lion, and the rest will be left to you!"

With a wave of the old man's hand, he confessed, and then he took fifty ghouls and headed straight for the wild lion.

This was the battle plan they had drawn up. The old man would lead the [-]A-level ghouls to fight against the mad lion. He didn't want to kill the mad lion, but only wanted to be able to hold him back and buy time for the rest.

As for Hongluan, they faced their opponents as planned, the S-rank ghouls of the Wild Lion Squad, and the remaining A-rank ghouls were against the members of the Wild Lion Squad and the remaining two S-rank ghouls.

The situation is still very unfavorable for the Liberty Alliance, so it depends on who can break the situation, kill the S-level combat power on the opposite side first, and free themselves to help others, so that they can have hope of victory!

And the only hope of quickly defeating the opponent is the little boy they have high hopes for, Kirishima Yezuki! !

(Here, Xiaofei wishes all book lovers a happy New Year. I wish all book lovers a lot of good fortune and good luck! By the way, I would like to make a collection, and I hope you can help me to make a collection, thank you all!)…

Chapter [-] Break through the turtle shell (for collection)

Whoosh whoosh! !

Bang! !


The third district is more chaotic than before. This place has become a battlefield. The battlefield between the Wild Lion Group and the Freedom Wing has all been involved in this battle, and no one is spared!

The sound of fighting was everywhere here, and every moment a ghoul died, or was seriously injured and unable to fight again, some from the Wild Lion Squad, and some from the Freedom Wing.

According to the strength comparison, it should have been that the Liberty Wing will suffer more casualties, because the Wild Lion Squad has more advanced combat power and greater lethality, while the Liberty Wing obviously uses a sea of ​​​​tactics, which is to kill filled!

But in fact, it doesn't seem to be the case. The fighting spirit of the Freedom Wing has suppressed the Wild Lion Squad from the beginning of the battle. In the case of A-level vs. A-level, the Freedom Wing has the upper hand, although it is still unavoidable to be mad. The lion and the other two S-rank ghouls slaughtered recklessly, but at least they stopped them!

Hongluan and the others were fighting fiercely with their opponents, and it was difficult to compete in a short period of time. Only Guibing was still suppressed by his brother, Guihuo, but Guibing, whose strength had already improved, would obviously not be so easily defeated. defeated!

The biggest bright spot on the battlefield is probably the young man of Kirishima Yeyuki!

With a tender appearance, it is extremely lethal. At the beginning, he rushed into the Wild Lion Squad and killed five people in an instant. Then he turned around and killed three people again. If the Mountain Lion hadn't rushed over in time, I am afraid that the Wild Lion Squad would have suffered losses. It will be worse!

The name of the evil ghost is so terrifying, the members of the Wild Lion Squad are terrified, and they have chosen to stay away from this terrifying killing god, leaving only the mountain lion to confront Yeyue.

"You are the devil child? You have killed so many of my subordinates, and you will save your life today!"

The strong voice of the mountain lion hummed, causing Yeyue's eardrums to vibrate. Looking at the strong body of the mountain lion, Yeyue seemed to understand that this was another powerful ghoul!

"Hehe, you can't beat me!"

Yeyue grinned, and before the mountain lion could hear what he said, the figure disappeared instantly.

The mountain lion saw Yeyue disappear, and the alarm bell of danger sounded in his heart. He hurriedly bowed and stood, his eyes were engrossed in scanning the surroundings, and he was on guard for attacks that might come at any time.


A gust of wind came from behind, the mountain lion turned sharply, and the huge fist slammed forward with all his strength, but who knew it hit the air, and there was no Yeyue behind him!

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