yes!Among the pirates, they do everything they can to steal and abduct, so how can they kindly remind them and then fight in earnest?What's more, Dover is a cunning person by nature!

With the stroke of Dover's hands, several white lights suddenly lit up in the air, and the invisible threads were like sharp knives, cutting straight to Yeyue's body!In the battle of the top, Dover used the silk thread in his hand to cut off the entire calf of the devil little Oz!

The thread fruit can freely manipulate the thread!This is tasteless, or a fruit that is useless!But Doflamingo just used his own strength to prove a sentence, there is no garbage devil fruit, only garbage users!

Such an ordinary devil fruit, under the development of Doflamingo, has become extremely terrifying, and everyone is afraid!Not only is it extremely cutting, but it can also control the actions of others like a puppet master!

I have to say, Doflamingo is indeed a genius!Not only is he of noble birth, he has excellent talent, but he also possesses the domineering arrogance of one million people!

It's a pity, it's a pity, but it's no match for fate!

Dover's attack was a nearly transparent silk thread, which was difficult to discern with the naked eye, but Yeyue's eyes flashed. Lin He, who had been standing on top of his head to defend the girls against the iron ball, suddenly flashed in front of him, followed by two creaks. An unpleasant sound resounded!

Lin He trembled slightly!All the girls could see clearly, the scarlet scales, and the transparent silk threads that were blocking them all turned red!

silk!The goddesses were amazed!They could never have imagined that the famous Qiwuhai Tianyasha, whose fruit ability seems to be so... ordinary!Compared with Hawkeye's world's first swordsmanship, sand crocodile's rustling fruit, empress's sweet fruit, bear's meat ball fruit, etc., Doflamingo's thread fruit, just in terms of name and appearance, nowhere near them!

Not to mention compared to those burnt fruits, quaking fruits, rock berries and more!Even Mami felt that her gun fruit was more attractive than Dover's thread fruit!

Based on this alone, the girls couldn't help but look at Brother Doflamingo!With such a fruit, he actually possesses such terrifying strength!Really great!

But no matter what, Brother Doflamingo had already taken the lead, and Yeyue had also responded. Of course, the girls would not stand behind in a daze. They all looked straight and spread out suddenly, expanding the battle field to the whole area. on the street!

(Update~~ There have been few updates in recent days, sorry~~~ I have something to do tomorrow, and there should be no time to update, and the update should be able to resume the night after tomorrow!)…

Chapter 272 The most terrifying enemy (please customize)

New World, Dressrosa.

The originally clear sky, I do not know when the situation changed suddenly, the dark clouds blocked the sun, the sky was gloomy, like a precursor to a storm!

The once lively Lovers Street is now in a mess. The houses on both sides of the street are severely damaged, and pedestrians have long since disappeared!

Soon, almost the entire Dressrosa knew a news!The Star Pirates are fighting with the Don Quixote family in Lovers Street!

Suddenly, the whole country was shocked!Many people are doubting the authenticity of the news, and many people are discussing the outcome of the two sides!Obviously, most of the people support the Don Quixote family!After all, on the surface, since the Don Quixote family ruled Dressrosa, the whole country has prospered a lot!No more poverty than before!

Of course, the toys who understand the shady secrets are praying in secret, praying that this newcomer pirate group can create a miracle and successfully defeat Don Quixote and the devil Doflamingo!

The people's comments on this battle will not affect the final outcome!At this moment, Doflamingo, who is full of anger, has already taken the lead against Yeyue!And as soon as he made his move, it seemed as if he had sent a signal to start a war, and the family cadres behind him also acted one after another!

As Saeko's defeated general, Diamanti barely saved his life because of Dover's timely appearance. Now that the battle has started again, he has no confidence and avoided Saeko's position!

Fortunately, Saeko didn't have the slightest interest in the defeated generals. He glanced at the cadres and saw the great sword in Pika's hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

As a swordsman, Saeko's top priority in battle is, of course, the opponent who uses the sword!At the same time, as the deputy captain of Fanxing, her opponent can't be too weak!Therefore, Saeko's opponents have always been master swordsmen!

As one of Don Quixote's three cadres, Pika is naturally not weak!Saeko certainly wouldn't hesitate to find such an opponent!

Pika's Gradius, on the other hand, met Mami!One is playing with explosions, the other is playing with firearms, and I don't know who is more powerful!

The two partners, BABY5 and Buffalo, also met a pair of partners from the Star Pirates!Alice and Jake!Jike is Alice's pet. Although after eating the Devil Fruit, Jike's strength is far superior to Alice, but he still obeys Alice!

Although they are also partners, it is obvious that with the existence of Gek, the pair of Don Quixote is obviously not an opponent!

And Torrepol's plum blossom army is against Nami, Robin and Shizuka!Nami's weather fruit, I don't know if it can deal with Torrepol's sticky fruit.

Diamanti chose left and right for a long time, and finally the rest of the cadres found their opponents, and only Kalifa attacked him!

Diamanti did not pay much attention to the process of Kalifa defeating Senor, but to defeat Senor, a difficult guy, Diamanti also knew that this cold-faced woman was not easy to mess with !But now there is only this opponent left. Even if he knows that the opponent is not easy to deal with, he can only bite the bullet!

As soon as the two sides contacted, they tacitly moved to the center of the street, away from the battlefield where Yeyue and Dover were.

They all know that with the strength of the two, once they let go of their hands and fight, the aftermath will be enough to kill ordinary people!They don't want to lose themselves under the influence of that aftermath!

Tear! !

A harsh whistling sound suddenly sounded in the air, as if the air was torn apart!

I saw Doflamingo bend his fingers into claws and slammed towards Yeyue, and the transparent silk thread on his fingertips slashed towards Yeyue!

Although the silk thread is invisible and colorless, Yeyue, who has a heart network, can clearly see Dover's attack!With a flick of his leg, the whole person flew out instantly, not only easily escaped Dover's temptation, but also made a counterattack!


The place where Yeyue was standing was scratched by silk threads, and after a light sound, only five deep scratches were left!Solid floor tiles, scratches are smooth as mirrors!One can imagine how sharp Dover's silk threads are!

However, no matter how sharp the weapon is, it is useless if it cannot hit the enemy!After avoiding Dover's attack with ease, Yeyue pounced on Dover like a cheetah. He was in mid-air, but he was as nimble as a monkey. Several attacks!

Don't think that Yeyue hides so easily, that Doflamingo's strength is very weak!You must know that Dover has three colors of domineering, and his strength is not much less than that of the generals!With all-out efforts, even the generals will find it difficult!

In particular, his line and line fruit, the offensive is fierce, and the speed is extremely fast!More importantly, it is silent and difficult to discern with the naked eye!If you don't see, there is no way to escape!

It's a pity that his opponent is Yeyue!Not only does he possess such a strong sense of knowledge as Xinwang, but his own strength is also beyond that of a general!Defeating Kizaru and Akainu in succession is the proof of his strength!Even in the face of Doflamingo's fierce opponent, he is not afraid!

It's too late, it's too soon!From Dover's first shot to the present, it's only a short while!Yeyue, who was still in mid-air, still kept her lunging forward, but the scales behind her waist moved silently!

shhhhh! !Two scarlet lights suddenly flashed in the air, like the eyes of fierce beasts who chose people and devoured them, making people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts!

Brother Doflaming didn't even see Yeyue's movement, and he felt his heart tighten. He waved his hands together without hesitation in an instant, and ten silk threads were drawn in front of him, like a spider web to defend against the upcoming attack!

There were two metallic sounds, and sparks shot out in the air, like fireflies in the night sky!Dover frowned, breathing a little stagnant!

"Furfur~~ This is your weird ability!"

As if talking to himself, Doflamingo whispered, but his eyes stared at the two scarlet things in front of him!It's a bit like a fox's tail, but it can change shape at will!The end is hook-shaped, and the arc-shaped outline is radiant and extremely sharp!

Linhe is the predatory organ of the ghouls!Changeable shape!Move with your heart!The shape at the moment is Yeyue's most practical shape!Of course, for the enemy, it is the most dangerous shape!

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