Before Dover could show a smug smile, Yeyue's words made him look stiff, and the whole person was stunned!

He actually knew!He actually knew! !Then why didn't he stop me? !Dover couldn't help shouting wildly in his heart!

"Why! Since we found out, why didn't we stop it!"

Unable to bear the confusion in his heart, Dover asked involuntarily, looking at his appearance at the moment, where is the style of King Dressrosa?Covered with blood and dust, he was no better than a beggar on the side of the road.

"Since the results are the same, why stop it?"

Ye Yue's indifferent eyes looked directly at Dover, but her calm words revealed absolute confidence!yes!No matter how Dover struggled, he could never escape Yeyue's palm, so what's the point of letting Dover gasp for a while?

This is not arrogance!But hearing it in Dover's ears made him look hideous in an instant, and with a crisp sound, he was so angry that he squeezed his glasses, revealing those fierce eyes!

"It seems that I really don't care about me at all! If so, let you see my true strength! Fruit ability, awaken!!"

Dover stared at Yeyue fiercely, and before he could finish speaking, he opened his hands, and the surrounding environment changed in an instant! !

Devil fruit, when first eaten, only has the most basic ability, and with continuous development, the owner can control the fruit's ability more and more deeply, and can also develop a variety of powerful and incredible abilities !

The awakening stage is the stage with the strongest control over the fruit!Entering this stage, the fruit ability will undergo unexpected changes!Animals have near-infinite vitality and resilience, while Superhumans allow abilities to affect the surrounding environment!

At this moment, Doflamingo's performance is like this!Using the fruit ability of the awakening stage, it turned the surrounding houses into dense silk threads!At a glance, almost all of them are white!

"Haiyuan Baibo!!"

Dover sneered and waved his hands. The ground within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area turned into white silk threads, surging like waves!

Swish! !

As soon as she felt the movement under her feet, Yeyue left the ground without hesitation. The whole person jumped into the sky, and when she saw the amazing changes on the ground, she couldn't help but be extremely surprised!

Although she is very confident in her own strength, Yeyue will not really underestimate Dover!At this moment, Dover revealed a hole card again, and even Yeyue was shocked!It was also the first time he saw that someone could develop the fruit ability to such an extent!

Whoa! !

Without waiting for Yeyue to think about it, the ground that turned into white waves was suddenly turbulent, like a tsunami, a huge wave dozens of meters high rolled up, and shot straight towards the Yeyue in mid-air!

"Overlord Thunder Fist!!"

Ye Yue's expression was condensed, her right hand lightly clenched into a fist, and the lightning gathered, but the strange thing was that the originally blue lightning turned purple! !

Overlord color!It's a king color!Armament colors can only be covered on physical objects, but overlord colors are different. Even elemental attacks can also play a role in boosting!Under the cover of the overlord color, the blue thunder and lightning suddenly turned into a purple thunder, which seemed to be very powerful!


With a loud bang, Yeyue was really small in front of the huge white waves, but the small fists carried terrifying power!As soon as the two touched, they instantly burst into an amazing light!The purple lightning burst, and the giant white wave line in front of it was directly pierced!

"It's not over yet!"

With a haze on his face, Dover snorted coldly, waved his hands again, and a white sea tumbled again. This time, it was not just a huge wave, but a dozen waves!

Thousands of silk threads condensed into huge white tentacles, swaying and reaching the sky, grabbing towards the night moon that was constantly dodging in the air!Once successfully caught, the surrounding tentacle threads will continue to entangle Yeyue until he dies!

So, absolutely!Can't be touched by these tentacles!

call out! !

Yeyue stomped on the air with her feet quickly, using the moon steps to flexibly toss and turn, every time she could escape the grabbing tentacles in a thrilling way!

This can be attributed to his heart network!It is precisely because of the strength of Xinwang that Yeyue can know the movements of these tentacles in advance, so as to make the most suitable dodging route!

In terms of seeing, hearing and coloring alone, even Dover can't compare to Yeyue's heart network!

Although seeing and hearing color cannot enhance attack power or defense, it is an extremely powerful auxiliary ability!In the process of battle, you can often predict the opponent's attack route, so as to make the best response!Whoever has the stronger knowledge will have the advantage!

Yeyue, who was constantly dodging in midair, was able to dodge the dense white tentacles with ease, just by relying on the heart net, as if walking in a leisurely garden!

It's just that, dodging like this all the time, doesn't seem like Yeyue's style!What he prefers is to attack! !

Seizing a gap, Yeyue dodged the white tentacles that rushed from the left and right sides one after another, stomped her feet again, and there was an explosion in the air, like a thunder, and Yeyue's figure disappeared instantly!

Swish! !

A dark shadow flashed in front of Dover's eyes, and Yeyue came to him in an instant, and a fist flashing with purple light kept expanding!

"Humph!! Shield white line!"

Dover snorted coldly, his face changed slightly, his palms quickly pulled up, white waves surging under his feet, and a white line quickly rose up, dangerously blocking Yeyue's fist!

boom! !

Yeyue's fist sank deep into the white line, the purple light burst, and the white lines scattered, but Dover's figure had already left the place, apparently unwilling to engage Yeyue in close combat.

Dover is not stupid!Although his own physical skills are not weak, but the two have played against each other for so long, how could Dover know that his physical skills are far inferior to Yeyue?The so-called fostering strengths and circumventing weaknesses means avoiding weaknesses and using strengths to deal with them!

And what Dover is good at, isn't it the fruit ability in his awakening stage? !

(The first one~~~ Please customize and ask for a reward~~~)…

Chapter 280 The cards are all out (please customize)


Several pieces of gravel smashed into the ruins from not far away, making a slight sound.

The battle between the Star Pirates and the Don Quixote family intensifies!The citizens of the entire island couldn't help holding their breath, listening nervously to Gates' broadcast, their faces were either depressed or resentful, but there was no joy.

Of course, many toys are dancing!Because only they know how dirty this seemingly glamorous and prosperous country is!How could they not be happy when someone finally had the hope of defeating Don Quixote and saving them?

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