I tried my best to use the thousand feather strikes, and finally smashed Yeyue's Linhe, but I didn't expect Yeyue's Linhe to recover so easily!

In the face of such a monster, Rao Shi Dover was unruly and difficult to train, and he couldn't help but feel a little despair!Really can't win!

"Have you given up? It's so boring!"

Yeyue obviously heard Dover's heartfelt voice. Seeing his dejected appearance, Yeyue couldn't help but be disappointed. Was it the same for Qiwuhai?

Thinking of the original Crocodile, and the world's largest swordsman Hawkeye, Yeyue always felt that the battle with Dover was too easy!

In fact, it's not that Dover is too weak at all, on the contrary, Doflamingo is far stronger than the original Crockdale!The reason why I feel relaxed is entirely because the growth rate of Yeyue is so amazing!

From defeating Crockdale at the beginning, it required all-out efforts to crush Doflamingo all the way at this moment. Such a large span is precisely because of Yeyue's rapid growth during this period of time!It was only because the growth rate was so fast that Yeyue didn't adapt herself, so she had the illusion of why Dover was so weak.

"That's the end of it!"

For Dover, who lost his fighting spirit, Yeyue had no intention of continuing to fight, and quietly gathered up her strength, preparing to end this doomed battle.

Swish! !

Between the swings, Linhe used his strength to bring Yeyue into the sky, looking down at Dover in the ruins below like a god, and the whole island could see Yeyue's figure in the sky. Thin, but no one dares to look down on him!

"It's over? How can it end like this? No! Never! Sixteen holy bullets kill the gods!!"

As if talking to himself, Dover, who seemed to have given up resistance at first, suddenly turned hideous, looked up at Yeyue in mid-air and roared unwillingly!

As rebellious as Dover, how could he give up resistance?A person with a character like him, even if it is a situation of mortal death, will definitely drag the enemy into the water and perish together!This is not heroic, but the heart that must be repaid!

Even if you lose, you will never let your opponent feel better!This is Dover!And so is the night moon!Kings with fierce personalities like them will never be willing to admit defeat and have no resistance!

With Dover's roar, the surrounding ground changed unexpectedly again!In the white sea of ​​​​line, sixteen white spikes suddenly stretched out, rushing to stab high in the sky, the target is Yeyue!

crisis! !

The spikes are extremely fast!Like a sharp arrow, it made a whirring sound, which was the screeching sound of rubbing the air!

Ye Yue's scarlet eyes shrank suddenly, and a strong sense of crisis surged in her heart!The instinct from the ghouls hurriedly reminded Yeyue that this attack is very dangerous!Extremely dangerous!

Sixteen holy bullets, God slaying, just as the name suggests, a total of sixteen spikes, covered with high-density armed colors and overlord colors!

Unlike the huge quantity of Chiba Strike, this trick focuses on quality!Although there are only sixteen rounds, each thorn is extremely aggressive!And it's so fast that it's hard to dodge!Especially at this moment, Yeyue is in mid-air, and it is inconvenient to move, and it is even more difficult to dodge!

The so-called killing by gods is a trick that can kill even gods!One can imagine how terrifying Dover's move is!This is Dover's trick to press the bottom of the box!If not in a desperate situation, how could he use this trick?

This is a blow that covers all his armed colors and overlord colors!After one blow, he will no longer have the strength to fight!Obviously this is a gamble!A big gamble for Doflamingo!Victory is born!Lose or die!

But he has no other choice. Apart from this desperate fight, he has no chance of defeating Yeyue at all!It can only bet hope on this move!

It's too late, it's too soon!Between the electric light and flint, sixteen spikes hit the sky like lightning, getting closer and closer to the night moon!


Yeyue only had time to snort softly, and the twelve scales behind her opened like cobwebs. The originally scarlet scales were covered with a layer of purple-black in an instant!

In the same way, Yeyue also covered the color of Armor and Overlord on Linhe!

no!not enough! !Yeyue could feel the horror of Dover's blow!Even if it covers two colors of domineering, it is equally difficult to resist!

thunder!Thunder Fruit!The power of lightning!

A flash of light flashed in Yeyue's mind, and she used the fruit ability without hesitation to release the lightning in her body, spreading her whole body along her waist, even the twelve scales were no exception!

shhhhhh! !

Without any hesitation, Yeyue's thoughts moved, and twelve scales stabbed out in unison, and in an instant, they collided with the incoming sixteen bullets! !

Ding Ding Ding! !A dense collision sounded!Sharp and piercing!The originally extremely fast white spikes suddenly stopped, but they were blocked one by one by Lin He!

But here comes the problem!Dover has sixteen white spiked feet!And Yeyue has only twelve scales!Under the one-to-one correspondence, there are still four thorns stabbing straight at Yeyue's head and heart!

This is Dover's plan!After all, Yeyue has only twelve scales!With the number of suppressing its scales, the remaining four spikes are enough to pierce the night moon and kill it directly!

But, can Dover really get his wish?

puff puff! !

A few more beeps!Dover, whose eyes were always staring at Yeyue, suddenly changed his face!It turned out that the four extra spikes were actually blocked by Ye Yue with her limbs!

Stepping on two of the spikes with both feet, holding the remaining two spikes with both hands, sixteen bullets were all blocked!

But despite being blocked, the white spikes kept shaking, trying their best to break the block!But how can it be so easy?Lin Hepburn is extremely hard, and with the increase of the two-color domineering, the hardness increases sharply!And the blessing of thunder and lightning has strengthened Linhe's penetrating power and aggressiveness!

The best defense is the offense! !Yeyue will no longer foolishly use Linhe to form a shield to block attacks, it will only die faster!

The best way to deal with sixteen bullets is to defeat them head-on! !

Click! !

A crisp sound is the first to sound!Immediately afterwards, there was a dense sound!The white spikes covered with armed and overlord colors are full of cracks one after another!

Phew~~ The spikes are broken!Dover also slumped on the ground, his face pale, and he no longer had the strength.

(Today's update~~~ Please customize)…

Chapter 282 Ending and Feelings (please customize)

Crack! !

In the high sky, sixteen spikes covered with two-color domineering domineering, and Yeyue's scales and limbs stalemate!But it didn't take long for cracks to appear on the spikes, and they spread to all the spikes in an instant!

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