Perhaps Fanxing before this, facing the siege of so many pirate groups at one time, will be in danger and the outcome is unpredictable, but at this moment, after absorbing Kaido's life energy, the entire Fanxing has transformed because of this. The garbage in front of them can no longer threaten Yeyue and the others! …

Chapter 313

"Boss, go! Fuck them! The throne of the four emperors must belong to you, boss!"

"Captain, the opportunity is at hand! Kill them and you will be the new Four Emperors!"

More than a dozen pirate groups gathered around, the noise was incessant, and everyone was red-eyed for the position of the four emperors.

But even so, seeing the situation intensifying, I am afraid that there will be a few more quarrels, and a fight is inevitable!The people present were all the famous big pirates in the New World, and no one would obey the other. It is not so easy to easily win the throne of the Four Emperors from them!


Seeing that these lawless guys were about to fight, a cold shout exploded like thunder, instantly making the noisy scene quiet, everyone looked towards the source of the sound, and Yeyue came into sight. Those indifferent eyes made people feel chills.

Kaido's life energy has been absorbed almost, and Kaido's body has become shriveled and has long since disappeared.

All the pirates are eager to compete for the throne of the Four Emperors, and they are also guarding against the others who secretly make black hands. Even if they noticed Yeyue's strange scales at the beginning, no one stood up to stop it, because no one wanted to be the first bird.

But now that they saw Kaido's shriveled corpse, and then looked at Yeyue's radiant face, how could they still not understand what Yeyue was doing just now?

regret!If I had known it earlier, I would have stopped Yeyue first!It's good now that this kid has regained his strength!Trouble!

Jack and others were full of remorse in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do. Who made them lose their heads in the first place?

Of course, even if they wanted to stop it in the first place, they would definitely not be able to stop Yeyue.

"Hey, kid! Don't be so arrogant! Don't look at your current situation! Even if you are lucky enough to kill Kaido, you can't escape our grasp!"

Jack's deputy captain, Drake, broke the sudden silence, glared at Yeyue and shouted angrily, as if he had already settled for Yeyue.

No one thought Yeyue could escape their siege!In their opinion, even the Four Emperors Kaido would surely die under their siege!

After all, the eyes of mortals are too superficial, and they can't see the height of the top powerhouses at all, and they are simply not within their reach!

Yeyue didn't even bother to talk about these garbage, she turned her eyes and landed on Saeko, who was the first to complete the energy absorption.

Saeko has the strongest strength, the best aptitude, absorbs the most energy, and of course has the fastest speed!At this moment, Saeko feels that his body is filled with infinite power, as if he can shatter mountains and rivers with a wave of his hand. This is the illusion brought about by the sudden increase in power.

"Saiko, let's practice your hands~"

Yeyue said lightly, she was planning to let Saeko face the dozen or so pirates in front of her alone!Are you kidding?This is no ordinary trash pirates!This is a powerful pirate group that is well-known even in the new world, and there are as many as seventeen here at one time!


Unexpectedly, Xianzi didn't hesitate at all, just nodded, and then turned his eyes, and his cold eyes swept over the pirates who were eyeing around, a light smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the wind was blowing, and his purple hair was flying!

Saeko Dushima, a genius of kendo, has practiced kendo since childhood, so he has developed a very violent character. He is gentle and peaceful on weekdays. Once he enters the fighting state, he seems to be a different person, like a person who enjoys killing. madman!

Swish! !

There is no unnecessary nonsense, and it seems that Xianzi can't wait. The tall figure jumped up, his slender legs swept away, and the long white knife around his waist pulled out with a squeak, and the blade was actually glowing with a faint blue. Light!

"Beauty? I'm a person who loves fragrance and jade, so let me take good care of you!"

The moment Count Jin made his move, he quickly reacted and greeted him without hesitation!Earl Jin is handsome, and naturally there are many beauties around him, but he has never seen such a wild beauty like Saeko.

Yes, now entering a state of battle, Saeko exudes a crazy fighting intent, like a hunting leopard, extremely wild and charming!Especially for Earl Jin, it has a fatal attraction, so that he can't wait to take the initiative to greet him.

Clang! 

With a crisp sound, the two knives collided in mid-air, and a spark burst out and then annihilated. The coldness of the son was still the same, but Count Jin's face changed greatly!


An invisible crack emerged from the long knife in Earl Jin's hand, then spread rapidly, and finally, the entire long knife turned into pieces and fell into the water, disappearing without a trace.


Earl Jin was horrified!He has been rampant in the new world for many years, and the long knife in his hand is of course not a bad product. Although he is not qualified to be a big fast knife, it is also one of the fifty craftsmen of a good fast knife!Broken like that?


A drop of blood sank into the sea, and then fainted, adorned with a strange flower.That was the blood that came out after Earl Jin's tiger's mouth was shattered.

The knife that was cut at random actually smashed the good and fast knife in the hands of Count Jin, the great pirate, and even injured his hand with strength alone.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the demon sword in the hands of Yu Zi is too strong, Mura Yu, who is a [-]-skilled swordsman, and Yu Zi's unparalleled strength, this has caused such a terrifying effect!

As a woman, Saeko's strength is a shortcoming, but with the help of Yeyue's physique, her strength is still a shortcoming, but it is much stronger than the average male, and it is even more worrying. Saeko's speed and agility are already overwhelming most men!

After the blow, Zangzi's strength continued, and he turned over flexibly out of thin air, swept his slender right leg across, and stepped heavily on Count Jin's chest. Immediately, Count Jin was like a kite with a broken string. He flew back at a faster speed, and fell into his own boat in a daze.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really ugly! Earl Jin! To be beaten like this by a woman, it seems that the position of the fourth emperor is not suitable for you at all!"

There are people who fall into trouble everywhere, not to mention that everyone is here to compete for the position of the fourth emperor. Although everyone knows that it is not that Count Jin is not strong, but that the strength of Saeko is too amazing, he took the opportunity to sarcastically suppress competitors. , these pirates are never tired of it.

For example, Jack is the guy who is best at playing tricks. In terms of strength, he is not as good as the Squid King and Count Jin, but his lip service is quite complicated, and it is often easy for people to fall into his traps and lose. Can't understand.


After kicking Count Jin, Saeko's figure was chasing after him, and he landed on the bow of the handsome pirate group. He stared coldly at Count Jin on the deck. …

Chapter 314 The Ascension of Terror

Swish! !

The tall figure crossed a graceful arc in mid-air, the slender right leg under the black leather boots swept forward with a hula, and the fierce wind swept towards Earl Jin's head!

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